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以拳擊之名 Alina,女性平權


Sliding up for your spring motivation


我叫 Alina,今年27歲,美籍日裔。我是一名運動教練,藝術家,平時也兼職健美模特。我希望兼顧職業的同時,可以激勵人們追尋積極健康樂觀的生活方式。從我決心讓身體與意志共同強大那時起,拳擊已陪我走過了風雨四載。

My name is Alina Negley and I am a 27-year-old Japanese American. I am a sports coach, artist, and fitness model. Through both of these careers, my hope is to motivate people to be more active and healthy. I have been boxing just for 4 years now after deciding I wanted to be both physically and mentally stronger.


Physically, it helps me stay in shape, which is crucial for my work. Mentally, it boosts my confidence and also makes me feel like I can better protect myself if anything were to go awry. I want to be able to give that feeling of confidence and self-assuredness to women who may be experiencing it for the first time or women who lost it and need to gain it back.


There is no reason not to try boxing. You don』t need to fight if you are trying to just burn calories the best way possible this is it! In one class you use your entire body from top to toe. I have never regretted going to a boxing class and I promise you won』t either.



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