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【中國國際時裝周】-【冰島之晨 Morning Iceland】東方時尚中心?楊晶晶


本季發布靈感來源於冰島變幻莫測的空靈之美,亦柔亦剛,虛幻而又真實。本系列採用中性色為主,簡約大氣,材料根據冰島黑沙灘的視覺效果定製,整體感強Jean&Nylah認為獨立的女性堅定地掌握自己的生活,注重自己的外表,對真正的品質敏感,Jean&Nylah追求永恆的現代性和獨特的設計感,幫助她們簡單而大膽的選擇,反映她們對時尚和生活方式的深思,充滿藝術和天賦。遠離喧囂,沉靜而淡泊,是浩瀚蒼穹之下一股磅礴堅韌的傲氣,猶如中國文化中「眾人皆向鬧市裡,我獨心儀山水中」。將北歐純粹而深邃的獨特風光與中國文化結合,也是 Jean&Nylah品牌的精髓所在。楊晶晶(Jean)現任金華槿霓服裝有限公司首席創意總監,公司法人,Jean&Nylah創始人,獨立女裝設計師。在國內一線女裝品牌擔任設計師7年期間一直業績卓越,是集團高端品牌核心主設人員之一 ,形象款的研發被集團永久收藏。

Morning Iceland』s inspiration came from the unpredictable and unchangeable beauty of Iceland. It is soft and also rigid, unreal and also real. This series adopts neutral colors mainly so that each clothing is simple and generous. The material was customized according to the visual effect of the black beach in Iceland, resulting in strong integral feeling. Jean&Nylah thinks that independent women firmly control their own life, pay attention to their appearance, and are sensitive to real quality. Jean&Nylah pursues after eternal sense of modernity and unique design, helping them make simple and bold choice, reflecting their contemplation in fashion and lifestyle. Full of art and talent, Morning Iceland is far from noise, calm and indifferent. Its strong and tenacious pride under the vast firmament is just as described in the Chinese culture "Everyone likes downtown, but I only dream of mountains and water". It is also the brand essence of Jean&Nylah to combine the pure and profound unique scenery of northern Europe with the Chinese culture. As the founder of Jean&Nylah and an independent women"s wear designer, Jean Yang now is Chief Creative Director and Legal Representative of Jinhua Jinni Garment Co., Ltd. She has been outstanding in performance during the seven years when she was the designer of domestic frontline women"s wear brands. She is also one of the core designers of the high-end brand of the group company, and the image style she developed has been permanently collected by the group company.




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