首頁 > 最新 > 戶爾柏林|Charlotte Eschenlohr 夏洛特?愛神洛兒-ThenewNew|正在展出

戶爾柏林|Charlotte Eschenlohr 夏洛特?愛神洛兒-ThenewNew|正在展出


the new solo exhibition by artistCharlotte Eschenlohr -ThenewNewopened in XC.HuA Gallery Berlin on 2018.03.09.

展期 | Duration:

2018/3/9 - 2018/4/15

地點 | Address:

Potsdamer Str. 81B, 10785, Berlin

展覽現場Exhibition Site

在世界婦女節後一天舉行的開幕儀式上,Eschenlohr 有機會談論她與女權主義的關係,回憶起此前在香港舉辦的一次展覽,她驚訝地發現,在中國,婦女節顯得更受歡迎。同時也分享了她對此次在戶爾柏林展覽的欣賞,並在開幕演講中歡迎各位遠道而來的客人。演講中她闡述了對花卉圖案的特別喜愛,這一系列的靈感來自兩位女性藝術偶像 Pina Bausch 和美國畫家 Georgia O"Keeffe, 花卉圖案作為女性性能量和力量的象徵也影響了Eschenlohr自身對於當代的理解與詮釋。

Taking place one day after World Women"s day, the opening offered Eschenlohr the opportunity to talk about her own relationship to feminism, remembering an earlier exhibition in Hong Kong and her surprise that in China this special day is much more widely celebrated.Eschenlohr shared her enjoyment of the exhibition and welcomed her guests in a speech in which she expounded on her particular preference for floral motifs. Her series is inspired by two female icons in art, Pina Bausch and the american painter Georgia O′Keeffe. The flower motif has also influenced her own contemporary interpretations, with the flower being used as a symbol for feminine sexual energy and power, and as a form of erotically charged painting.

我們生活在不斷加速的時代。新系列 ThenewNew 的標題受社交網路語言的啟發,強調了視覺信息的超載,並創造出具象和抽象繪畫的混合。新作品以強烈的色彩與高對比度的表現,從畫面深處浮現出鮮花和模糊形式的海洋,以及反覆出現的女性化輪廓。這一女性氣質和美麗的永恆主題也出現在 Amour 和 Psyche 的古老傳說中,這一傳說同樣深深影響著 Eschenlohr。

We live in a time of constant acceleration. The new series ThenewNew, whose title is inspired by Instagram-speak, underlines the overloading of visual information and creates a mixture of figurative and abstract painting. The new works are expressive in their intense colours and high-contrast compositions. From the depths of the paintings emerge oceans of flowers and vague forms, mostly feminine silhouettes. The eternal theme of femininity and beauty is also found in the ancient story of Amour and Psyche, which influences Eschenlohr』s subjects.

從數字抽象背景的基礎開始, 通過應用各種照片和表達筆法,使用模板和噴漆,她的繪畫似乎與街頭藝術交織在一起。在創作中大量使用日常用品,廣告,建築和設計中的圖案,以及她自己舞台表演中的照片同她工作過程中產生的材料。 正如大眾媒體通常描繪的那樣,高跟鞋所隱喻的理想女性形象是她作品反覆出現的主題。

Eschenlohr starts from the basis of digital, abstract backgrounds. Through the application of various photographs and expressive brushstrokes, and through the use of stencils and spray-paints, her paintings seem interwoven with urban street art. She uses found objects, and motifs from advertising, architecture and design, as well as photographs from her own staged performances, and material produced during her working processes. High heels and ideals of the modern woman, as often portrayed by the mass media, are recurring motifs.

此次在戶爾柏林的展覽一共展示了四個不同系列,包括:繪畫,照片拼畫,剪輯系列,以及最新製作的由72個細膩柔軟的半透明印花模版反應房間中運動的 ThenewNew 裝置。

Four groups of works are shown, including paintings, photocollages, cut-out series, and the newly produced installation ThenewNew, which comprised of delicate, softly billowing semi-transparent prints, reacts subtly to movements in the room with its 72 individual parts.


戶 爾 空 間

XC.HuAGalleriesBerlin | Beijing

2017年戶爾空間於柏林成立,總部位於柏林日報印刷廠舊址,藝術區 Mercator H?fe 中的一棟戰前特色歷史建築;同年,戶爾北京空間也在北京國際草場地藝術區開始運營,項目空間也相繼成立. 畫廊在代理全球範圍內知名藝術家的同時,也注重推進具有獨特潛質的年輕藝術家在國際領域平台中的發展;感興趣於不同媒介交互的創作方式,包含裝置新媒體,繪畫,雕塑等;策划具有實驗性和探索意義的空間展覽項目;側重藝術與空間的語境下對話。

Founded in Berlin in 2017, XC. HuA Berlin is headquartered at the pre-war historic building in the Mercator H?fe which has been well-known for around 4 decades as the seat of publishing house and printing office of the Berlin daily newspaper "Der Tagesspiegel」. In the same year, XC. HuA Beijing also started its operation in the Beijing International CaoChangDi Art District, and the project studio was also established. While representing famous artists all over the world, galleries focus on promoting the development of young artists which with the unique potential in an international platform; Interested in creative ways of interacting with different media, including installation, new media, paintings, sculptures, etc. Trying to plan experimental and exploratory space exhibition projects, to explore a dialogue in the context of art and space.

E: info@xc-hua.com

Tel: +86 170 6045 5427

Ad: 323-A6 Caochangdi, Airport side road Chaoyang, 100015, Beijing


Ad: Potsdamer Str.81B, 10785, Berlin

Web: www.galerie-xchua.com



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