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And tall (six foot two). And well-dressed (custom-tailored navy suit with an open-collared white shirt and no tie).



「I keep my head down in London,」 he says. 「It』s so boring. I just have long breakfasts and meet up with my sisters」 — the older one is a journalist, the younger one an actress — 「and go and play with my niece and go and catch up with my mom and dad. Just try to be normal for a bit, do normal stuff, read books, think about how I might want to redo the kitchen.」



「Impressions and dancing, these are two things that if you ask my sisters and my oldest friends, they』ll be like, 『This is literally what he has done since he was 5,』」 he says. 「I remember being 3 or 4 and we would clear the sofas back to the wall and my mom would play the piano and [my older sister] and I would dance. It』s just the sweetest thing, and it』s such a happy memory.」

Also, he says, 「I used to do my own radio show — for an audience of one, I hasten to add. But I would do impressions of the newsreader and the weatherman and the DJ. I just always did all these different voices.」

「模仿啊跳舞,這兩件事如果你問我的姐姐,或者妹妹,或者我的發小們,他們會說,這不是他5歲的時候就一直在家做的事嘛!」 他說。「我記得3,4歲的時候,我們會把沙發拉到牆邊,然後我媽媽彈鋼琴,我和姐姐跳舞,超開心,現在想想是如此幸福的回憶。」另外,他還說,「我原來還做我自己的私人電台-當然聽眾只有一個,我也想儘快增加聽眾數量。我會模仿新聞播音員,天氣預報員或者音樂主持人。我就總是模仿不同的聲音。」


「They』re all lies,」 he says. He mentioned that work has sometimes 「tested」 his personal relationships. 「Being away a lot is a real thing, but I』m getting better at that, too. I』m getting better at bridging the gap.」 When I asked him for a status update on his dating life this April — he was last rumored to be dating Elizabeth Olsen, his co-star in the Hank Williams biopic I Saw the Light — he said, 「I think some things have to remain sacred,」 then added, 「You could write that I』m single. There』s no ring on this finger.」

「完美男友那些都是假的。」他說。他提到工作有時能夠考驗他的戀愛關係。「(當演員)很多時候不在(女朋友身邊)是家常便飯,不過我也在學習做得更好,學習去填補兩者之間的空白。」 當我問到今年四月份他約會的對象有沒有更新時--因為他上一個緋聞對象是伊麗莎白奧爾森,這位女演員是和他在漢克威廉傳記片《我看見了光》裡面演對手戲的。他說,「我覺得有些事情是不能隨便對外公開的。」然後他說,「你可以寫我是單身啊,我也沒有戴戒指。」


Eggs Benedict is not on the lunch menu, but if you are Tom Hiddleston and ask politely and flash your Tom Hiddleston smile, that will not be an obstacle.



「I wish this wasn』t being recorded,」 he says, hiding his head in his hands, laughing

「我希望這個別被記下來」 他說,然後把頭埋在手下大笑。


When the waiter asks if he』d be more comfortable with a clean set of silverware, he replies, 「Honestly, don』t dirty any more plates. Keep these plates dirty and I』ll be fine.



One of the major appeals of his Night Manager character, Jonathan Pine, he says, was Pine』s willingness to give up his identity to avenge the murder of a woman he』d loved. 「I found his sense of moral fire romantic,」 Hiddleston explains. 「Romantic in the sense that he』s a man who』s willing to stand up for something, to fight or die for a principle, a cause.」 Hiddleston says he was 「moved」 by Pine』s choice to 「live within the jaws of the beast,」 infiltrating the inner circle of an international arms dealer, played by Hugh Laurie, whom le Carré describes as the worst man in the world. 「If those jaws snap shut at any time, he』s a dead man,」 says Hiddleston, 「and nobody would be the wiser.」

他說,出演《夜班經理》中喬納森 派恩這個角色一個很大的吸引力是,派恩最後毅然決然地暴露了自己的身份去為他愛的女人報仇。「我覺得他堅定一個原則的氣質帥到爆炸。」抖大大繼續解釋道,「因為他願意去堅守一些事,為自己的原則,為自己的事業去奮鬥甚至失去生命。」抖大大說他被派恩「活在虎口」的生活選擇深深地感動了--派恩的工作是潛入一個國際軍火大佬(由休 羅瑞扮演)的組織內部,這位大佬可是被本書的作者勒卡雷形容「世界上最狠毒的人」。「如果虎口一閉,他(派恩)就沒命了。」抖大大說,「沒有人比他更加有智謀。」


When we somehow get on the topic, Hiddleston tells me that he believes in 「the sanctity of childhood and the privilege of boredom parents can bestow on children.」 Meaning, he believes it』s parents』 job to create a safe environment for their kids, 「so they will get bored, so they start making up things to do. They get a self-generated creative impulse to do something, to play a game, to paint a picture, to climb a tree, play hide-and-seek, read a book, or just stare out the window. That time you never get back. You never get the staring-out-of-the-window time back that you get granted as a child, if you』re lucky. Not every child gets that. I』m so grateful to have had a childhood that dragged out over time.」

He actually feels sorry for today』s kids — and people in general. 「What is socialization now? Is it just staring at your phone? I was in LAX yesterday and we were waiting to board. I looked up and every single person I could see in the airport was glued to their phone. I realized I was glued to my phone, too.」

當我們聊到這個小孩這個話題時,抖大大告訴我,他相信「童年時期的無上珍貴,以及父母給與孩子無憂無慮的特權。」他的意思是,父母們的責任就是給孩子創造一個安全的環境。「他們(小孩們)無聊了,就會自己找事情去做啊。小孩子們做事時那種自發的衝動是很有創意的,玩遊戲啊,畫畫,或者爬樹啊,玩捉迷藏,讀書,或者就是盯著窗外發獃。這些事情是你永遠都不可能重來一遍。如果你幸運地長大了,你就再也沒有小時候那樣盯著窗外發獃的珍貴時刻了。並不是所有的小孩都有這樣的童年,我非常感恩我能夠有一個漫長的童年。」 他其實挺為現在的孩子感到遺憾的--當然還有所有的人,「現在的社交是什麼呢?是盯著你的手機嗎?」我昨天在洛杉磯機場,然後我們等著登機。我一抬頭,機場裡面所有我能看到的人都粘著手機呢。然後我意識到我也粘著我的手機。「


「I don』t use [Twitter] as much as I used to, but only because I find it distracting from working,」 he says. 「My great strength, and my great weakness, is that I can』t do anything by halves. So when I do something I do it to the exclusion of everything else. Which is great for the work and less great for my life, if you know what I mean. I』m all in, and I can say that with absolute confidence knowing that every director will back that up. But I say it』s a weakness because I can』t switch it off.」

」我不怎麼像之前用推特了,只是因為我覺得這挺讓工作分心的。「 他說,」我的特長,當然也是我最大的弱點,就是我不能同時做兩件事。所以當我做一些事情的時候,其他的事情就會被徹底忽略。這對工作來說是好的,不過這對生活就沒那麼有益了。我是說,我總是傾盡全力做我的工作,我可以非常自信地這麼說。我也清楚地知道每一個導演都會支持這種做法。但是就像我說的,這也是一個弱點,因為我完全擺脫不了它。「



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