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Marco de Vincenzo 米蘭精品店

新銳設計師Marco de Vincenzo一位年輕的西西里設計師,在羅馬和米蘭之間生活和工作。,在羅馬歐洲時裝學院畢業後便加入Fendi集團負責設計箱包、鞋帽和飾品,同時他又推出了自己的Marco de Vincenzo高端女裝品牌,目前仍然在Fendi任職。

The designer, Marco de Vincenzo, a young Sicilian designer, lives and works between Rome and Milan. After graduating from the European Fashion Institute in Rome, he joined the Fendi Group to design bags, shoes, hats and accessories. At the same time, he launched his own Marco de Vincenzo high-end women"s wear brand and is still working at Fendi.


Classic and contemporary elements coexist in this temporary setting and influence each other, telling at the same time the world of Marco de Vincenzo.

在著名的Larusmiani精品店的房間內,由於沒有觸及和修改任何東西的限制,設計師選擇使用簡單的自支撐背景進行識別和統一空間,使用光面漆板氧化紅色 和金屬框架塗成啞光黑色。

Inside the rooms of the famous Larusmiani boutique, with the close limitation of not touching and modifying anything existing, the designers have chosen to identify and unite the space with the use of scenographic simple self-supporting backdrop, made with glossy lacquered panels red oxide color and metal frames painted matt black.

大尺寸和現代重要性彰顯了Marco de Vincenzo設計的服裝和配飾的折衷主義,強調使用來自最新系列面料的巨大花卉主題地毯。

Large dimensions and modern essentiality highligth the eclecticism of the clothes and accessories designed by Marco de Vincenzo, emphasized above all in the juxtaposed use of the huge floral-themed rug, derived from a fabric from the latest collection.


It enriches the project as an integral part and contributes to the dialogue between the installation and the creations of the Sicilian designer, a careful and delicate selection of furnishings and objects.






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