首頁 > 娛樂 > 4月11日京城世界音樂最強陣容,還有誰?




場地Venue:疆進酒Omni Space

陣容Lineup:姍蔻Sainkho Namtschylak(RU) /PAPA U-Gee(JP)/馬幫MaBang/三跺腳SanDuoJiao

票價Ticket:預售Presale: 150RMB 現場Door: 200 RMB

亮點Highlight:本場演出是摩登天空旗下世界音樂公司「北河叄」的音樂會,暨影響城市之聲的開幕酒會。「世界融合音樂」是當晚的主題,除了用一首《lost rivers》讓凡人嚇破膽,在西方世界享有盛譽的圖瓦試驗女伶姍蔻Sainkho之外,還有日本最受尊敬的日系雷鬼大師PAPA U-Gee將共同參演。另外,用柳州官話演唱,匪氣十足的雲貴樂隊「馬幫」以及雲南本土著名的世界音樂團體三跺腳也將代表中國進行展演。

This show isModernsky"s new world music brand Pollux"s world music party,and also theOpening Party of Sound of The Xity. The theme of the show is world fusion music. Besides the famous experimental Tuva singer Sainkho who scares the common people with her screams in Lost Rivers , the respectable Japanese Reggae master PAPA U-Gee will join the show together. Otherwise, the band came from Yunnan and Guizhou Province 「Mabang」 who will use liuzhou dialect to sing and possess the style of brigand and the famous world musical group 「SanDuoJiao」 of Yunan Province will perform as the representative of China.


姍蔻 Sainkho Namtschylak(RU)


Sainkho Namtschylak is able to mix the different elements of her culture: the Siberian folklore with the sciamanic tradition, the mysterious "throat singing" with the wisdom of the Buddhist religion.Her performances result from her artistic research, joining together her cultural and religious heritage. She allows the audiance to travel along the ages, from the past up to the frontiers of reality.


PAPA U-Gee日本最受尊敬的雷鬼大神之一。

他是日本雷鬼樂的始祖人物,作為Roots、Reggae、Dancehall和Dub音樂家活躍超過25年,帶領日本雷鬼樂領先於亞洲。PAPA U-Gee也是國際舞台的常客。在世界各地的雷鬼音樂節演出,包括美國的「向雷鬼傳奇致敬音樂節」(Tribute to the Reggae Legends Festival,原名「Bob Marley Day」),Jubilee Jam、BIG MOUNTAIN FES、泰國的PAI REGGAE FES、台東音樂節、菲律賓BOB MARLEY DAY、中國廣州亞洲星空音樂節等等。他還4度參加橫濱雷鬼音樂節,這個音樂節由Mighty Crown創立於2007年,每年超過4萬樂迷參加。

PAPA U-Gee is one of the most respected reggae artists from Japan.

He has more been performing Roots, Reggae, Dancehall and Dub for over 25 years, and is a prominent artist on the reggae scene in Japan, as well as having been a key figure in building the Japanese reggae scene and making it the most developed reggae scene to this day in Asia. PAPA U-Gee is no stranger to the international stage. Performing at reggae festivals all over the world, such as the 「Tribute to the Reggae Legends Festival」, formerly known as Bob Marley Day (U.S.A.), Jubilee Jam, BIG MOUNTAIN FES, PAI REGGAE FES (Thailand), ,Taitung Music Festival (Taiwan),BOB MARLEY DAY(Philippines).STARSING ASIA MUSIC FES(CHINA) as well as making more than 4 appearances at Mighty Crown?s Yokohama Reggae Sai (Japan) where more than 40,000 Japanese reggae fans descend annually to this event in Yokohama. Since 2007.



馬幫樂隊成員們精通各種奇特而美妙的中西民間樂器,竹笛、陶笛、葫蘆絲、巴烏、蘆笙、嗩吶、二胡、三弦等,將現代音樂與傳統音樂進行高度融合,賦予了傳統根源文化新生命。而主唱阿鋼的唱腔極富衝擊力,粗獷的鼓點,嘹亮的嗩吶,高亢硬朗的男聲,成為馬幫樂隊獨特的聽覺標識。2017年,經影響城市之聲推薦,赴葡萄牙參加FMM Sines音樂節,也是首支獲得此邀請的中國南方繫世界音樂樂隊。

Mabang, a word music band from Guangxi. They blends folk and traditional music from southern China with Rock, Reggae and SKA in a unique style. Looking deep into the vast mountains of Guangxi Province in China』s southwest, the band shows beautiful sounds and styles rarely heard outside of the region.

The members of the Mabang play a wide variety of Chinese and Western musical instruments, and excel at foregrounding rare folk instruments, ethnic singing styles, and vocal harmonies in their shows. Lead vocalist Honggang Ye』s voice is striking and powerful as he sings in the local Guiliu dialect, blending with the uninhibited rhythms of the percussion, the sonorous suona, and intricate and powerful vocal harmonies. These elements combine to form the unique sonic imprint of the band, transporting audiences instantly into the vast mountains and mysterious jungles of China』s southwest.


三跺腳樂團取名源自雲南省南部的一種膾炙人口的歌舞形式,並把這種雲南少數民族文化中的傳統音樂形式帶入了新的世紀。在來源於加勒比海的雷鬼節奏與如FELA KUTI之類的非洲音樂家的表演風格的雙重影響下, 三跺腳樂隊將現代音樂節奏與傳統雲南音樂中的鼓點相結合形成自己的音樂風格。同時,三跺腳樂團採用了DUB的音樂方式將傳統的雲南樂器演奏和唱腔把人們帶往雲南那綿延不絕的大山中。

The name of the band Sanduojiao is from a popular form of performing singing and dancing in the south of Yunnan Province, and they bring this traditional music of Yunnan"s minority culture into the new century. Under the dual influence of the reggae rhythm from the Caribbean Sea and the performance style of African musicians such as FELA KUTI, Sanduojiao forms its own music style by combining modern music rhythms with drumbeat in traditional Yunnan music. At the same time, Sanduojiao adopts the musical form of DUB in traditional musical instruments and singing in Yunnan, which can take people to the endless mountains of Yunnan.




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