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One day, you will calm down and look at your story like an outsider and shake your head with a smile. 終有一天,你會靜心下來,像個局外人一樣看自己的故事,笑著搖搖頭。

Be real with me, or just leave me alone. 真誠待我,否則就請離我遠點兒。

You are the last person I want to see, but the one I miss every day. 你是我最不想見到的人,卻是我天天想念的人。

Resolve to perform what you ought ; perform without fail what you resolve. 應該做的決心去做,決心做的就必須去做。

I don"t want to be your world, just do your shoulders. 不當你的世界,只做你肩膀。

I can love a lot of people in your life, but only one of them is my favorite. 一生可以喜歡很多人,但最愛的只有一個。

Back to the place, can not go back to the past. 回得了的地方,回不了的時光。

Ten love nine sorrow.Ten memories nine injuries. 聽聞愛情,十有九悲,聽聞過往,十憶九傷。

The reason why the memory is beautiful is that no one can go back. 回憶之所以美麗,是因為誰也回不去。

I say the lovesickness to your not to be exposed,but it is surprised to find that missing you have already to the marrow. 我說相思不外露,驚覺念你已入骨。



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