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15歲組隊,20歲拿獎到手軟,卻不想重複自己。你的Noise Pop之星已上線

【2018影響城市之聲】YUCK專場 @格瓦拉糖果Live三層


場地Venue:格瓦拉糖果Live Tango 3rd Floor

陣容Lineup:Yuck(UK) / The Slow Readers Club(UK)

票價Ticket:預售Presale: 150RMB 現場Door: 200 RMB

亮點Highlight:Yuck! It"s Yuck. 15歲開始組樂隊,20歲時發行的首張專輯便一舉收穫NME、Pitchfork、英國衛報等各大媒體的高度讚譽,與Dinosaur Jr., Pixies等一眾曾經崇拜的老牌樂隊同台演出,踏上包括美國SXSW、西班牙Primavera Sound等世界各大音樂節的舞台……嚴格意義來說,他們不是來showcase的,他們是來show-off的。(Technically speaking, they are not here to showcase, they are here to show-off)另一個樂隊是摩登天空英國(Modernsky UK)分公司的「保送」樂隊The Slow Readers Club,喜歡乾淨純澈器樂音色和騷氣人聲的樂迷不該錯過。

Established the band at the age of fifteen, Yuck released the first album in their twentieth, which won the high praise of many medias like NME, Pitchfork, The Guardian and so on. Also, they performed with a great number of admirable bands like Dinosaur Jr., Pixies and appeared on the stage of many famous musical festivals in the world, including SXSW in America, Primavera Sound in Spain. Technically speaking, they are not here to showcase, they are here to show-off. Another band is The Slow Readers Club, recommended by Modernsky UK and the people who like the pure timbre of instrument and the sexy voice don』t want to miss this one.

Vision by:MVM design label _



雖然Yuck是一個成立不到十年的倫敦車庫流行樂隊, 但他們的人生背景已經擁有了拍攝Behind The Music音樂紀錄片的難得經歷。Yuck成立於2009年, 當時多數樂隊成員仍然高中在讀, 這個年輕的團體在發布了他們的早期單曲 (2010 《Georgia》 ) 之後迅速的得到關注,並在 2011年參觀了他們喜歡的Tame Impala後發布了首張同名專輯 (the gloriously fuzzed-out Yuck) ,獲得一片商業讚譽。在取得早期成功之後,創始成員Daniel Blumberg 於2013年離隊,新的吉他手 Edward Hayes加入。隨後樂隊去到紐約北部並迅速投身於第二張專輯 (2013《 Glow & Behold》)製作。專輯製作過程中,他們克服了陣容變化的焦慮和一個問題頻出的錄音室。隨著搖滾故事的播出,他們不是一種罕見或非常戲劇性的存在一但對於主唱Max Bloom來說,這條道路似乎近乎可笑的艱巨,「這太俗氣了,整件事,」他說「個人在樂隊里的存在真的微乎其微。音樂搖滾紀錄里的很多情景都是我生活的回聲,這真的是一個巨大的陳詞濫調。」

不管是不是陳詞濫調 這條路似乎為Yuck帶來了他們第三張精彩的專輯,《Stranger Things》,一張充滿著狂熱能量和流行基調的專輯,他錄製於倫敦,花費了數個月的時間,用樂隊自己的節奏。這張《Stranger Things》反應了樂隊對於各種事物無憂無慮的狀態。這張專輯的聲音聽起來就像是樂隊火力全開,最終與他們的外在和解,也掌控了自己的視野,克服了一個新樂隊得到的怪異期待:對成為一個新樂隊的雀躍之情,日漸衰弱的新鮮感,伴隨著增長的痛苦。在完全按自己的意願完成了新專輯之後,這個已經在全世界賣出了5w張專輯的樂隊非常渴望再次上路,去演奏那些令他們在創作時感到快樂的歌曲。

Though Yuck has been a band for less than a decade, the London-based garage-pop outfit has already managed to cram what feels like a lifetime of Behind The Music-worthy experiences into their backstory. Formed in 2009, when most of the band members were still in high school, the group quickly garnered attention for their early singles (2010』s 「Georgia」 being a standout) and in 2011—after having already toured with the likes of Tame Impala—they released a self-titled debut album (the gloriously fuzzed-out Yuck) to critical and commercial acclaim. This early success was followed by the departure of founding member Daniel Blumberg in 2013 and the induction of new guitarist Edward Hayes. The band promptly got to work on a sophomore album (2013』s Glow & Behold) in upstate NYC whilst overcoming the anxiety of a lineup change and the realities of a bug-infested recording studio. As rock and roll stories go, theirs is not an uncommon one—or even an outrageously dramatic one—but for frontman Max Bloom, the path has felt almost comically arduous. 「It』s so cheesy, the whole thing,」 he says. 「Being in a band really is like Spinal Tap. There』s so many situations in music rockumentaries that actually echo my life, it really is a giant cliché.」

Cliché or not, the path that Yuck has taken has seemingly all been leading up to the band』s excellent third album, Stranger Things, a record brimming with manic energy and pop hooks for days. Recorded in London over the course of several months at the band』s own pace, Stranger Things reflects the refreshingly un-fraught state of affairs within the group. Stranger Things is the sound of a band firing on all cylinders, finally comfortable in their own skin and in control of their own vision. Having overcome the weird expectations that come with being a buzzed about new band and all the attenuating complications and growing pains that come with it. Having made exactly the record they want to make, the band—who have now sold well over 50,000 albums worldwide—are looking forward to getting back on the road and playing the songs that made them so happy to create.

The Slow Readers Club(UK)

來自曼徹斯特的The Slow Readers Club(慢速閱讀俱樂部)可能是你未聽說過的最大樂隊了。但這一切即將改變。

The Slow Readers Club(慢速閱讀俱樂部)由Aaron Starkie(人聲),Kurtis Starkie(吉他和人聲),James Ryan(低音)及David Whitworth(鼓)組成。他們擅長於暗黑、沉思的獨立電子樂,是與Interpol樂隊, The Killers樂隊及The National樂隊相提並論的四大樂隊之一。即使是在大舞台及節日場館裡的,他們的表演也與在親密環境中一樣自在,行雲流水。

成立於2010年的他們,經過了漫長的道路才收穫了認可。首張專輯中的《One More Minute》, 《Feet On Fire》, 《Sirens》 及《Block Out The Sun》都是現場最受歡迎曲目,但儘管好評如潮,他們仍然堅定的站在了人們的視線之內。許多樂隊都把這一天稱為「a day」,但他們對音樂的信念,以及越來越多有影響力的博主及電台主持人的宣傳,讓他們更好的走了下來。

「地下現象」這個詞並沒有充分反映出他們迄今為止所取得的成就。自籌資金、自我管理,除了口口相傳及一張叫《Cavalcade》的專輯,去年他們提前兩個月在曼徹斯特賣掉了專輯《Ritz》,並在《The Albert Hall》這張專輯上重複了這個做法。不僅如此,他們還去到了倫敦,把《Oslo》和《The Borderline》賣給了大批的歌迷和無所不在的「閱讀者們」,在全國各地越來越多的人面前表演他們的音樂。

Manchester』s The Slow Readers Club are probably the biggest band you』ve never heard of. But that』s all about to change.

The Slow Readers Club are Aaron Starkie (vocals), Kurtis Starkie (guitar and vocals), James Ryan (bass) and David Whitworth (drums). They are a Manchester based four piece who specialise in dark and brooding indie electro that has drawn comparisons with Interpol, The Killers and The National and which feels equally at home in big arenas and festival fields as it does in intimate surroundings.

Formed in 2010, they』ve taken the long road to recognition. Their self-titled debut album featured live favourites like One More Minute, Feet On Fire, Sirens and Block Out The Sun, but despite rave reviews, they remained firmly under the radar. Many bands would have called it a day, but their self-belief, coupled with a growing band of influential bloggers and radio presenters, kept them going.

The phrase 「underground phenomenon」 doesn』t do justice to what this four-piece have achieved to date. Self-funded and self-managed with no more than word of mouth and an album called Cavalcade at their disposal, they sold out The Ritz in Manchester two months in advance last year and have just repeated the trick with The Albert Hall. Not only that they went to London and sold out Oslo and The Borderline with their army of fans and their ubiquitous 「READERS」 chant as well as playing to growing crowds around the rest of the country.




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