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「Let the past be the wind , and don"t look back, and don"t settle.就讓往事隨風,你也別回頭,以後也別再將就。

You have to love yourself even No one treasure you. 」 你得寵著自己,不然沒人由著你。

I still like to be alone without betrayal,concern,move and disappointment. 我還是喜歡自己一個人,沒辜負,沒牽掛,沒感動,也沒失望。

The world is disgusting, and it"s not bad that I"m not a good person. 這個世界真噁心,還好我也不是什麼好人。

Don"t worry,I must make you willing to fall into my hands this life. 你不要急,這輩子一定讓你心甘情願栽在我手裡。

I like you, from the left shoulder, close to the heart. 我喜歡你,來自左肩,靠近心臟。

When I learned to control my temper, it shows that I learned what is not necessary. 當我學會了控制脾氣時,就證明我懂得了什麼叫沒必要。

Back to the place, can not go back to the past. 回得了的地方,回不了的時光。

「I hate the fact that I sleep more and later, and I can understand more and more songs.討厭自己睡得越來越晚,能聽懂的歌越來越多。」

「In fact, I am very easy to satisfy, but what you give is to disappoint. 其實我很容易滿足,但你給的都是辜負



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