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Count On Me

 It"s Better If You Don"t Understand

Bruno Mars 




斷斷續續,終於看完了This is us的第二季。最後一集中,胖胖的Katie girl和大隻的Toby終於在親盆好友們的祝福聲中,攜手踏入了婚姻的殿堂。婚禮晚宴上,Kevin和Randall的祝酒詞,讓場面一度充滿了溫暖和感動。那些銘記於心的台詞,滿滿的都是愛的氣息,當然,遠遠不止於愛情。


When you lose someone suddenly, and unexpectedly, it hurts differently. I had a tooth that got infected once. Woke me from the dead of sleep, middle of the night. It was this dull, throbbing, excruciating pain, it was awful. But then, the pain changed. It became sharper. Like sudden, direct bursts of pain that came out of nowhere. Boom, boom, like a lightening strike. That』s what unexpected loss is like. It』s like a lightning bolt, you can』t even see it reaching inside of you and tearing out your guts.

總有一天,父母會離我們而去。那時,關於父母的過往,關於我們成長的足跡,可與之分享的,就只有手足。我們的身體里, 流著一樣的血液;我們也擁有著,最親密的關係。所以,讓我們繼續互相關愛,溫柔相待。

My brother and I, we had to look out for each other. No one was gonna do it for us. But you two, you』re lucky. Nothing』s forced you to have each other』s backs. So, you』re either gonna decide to fix the stuff that』s broken between you or you』re not. That』s up to you. And I hope you do, because your mom and I, we』re not gonna be around forever. And when we』re gone, the two of you and your sister, are the only people on this planet who are gonna be able to look back and remember all the stuff that』s happened to you. I know that may not seem like a big deal now, but trust me when I say it is.


Here』s the thing, Mel. I don』t want to buy one of those used cars out there. That Wagoneer, that』s my family car. I can see it so clearly. It』s sturdy, tough. Pearson, we need tough. Because I can tell you right now, there』s gonna be scrapes, and dings. Stains, so many stains. But that』s OK. Because every battle scar is gonna be another memory. But eventually, that car out there, that car is gonna tell my family』s story just by looking at it.


One day, a long time from now, you』re gonna meet someone who』s better than me. He』s gonna be stronger and handsomer and even better at board games than me. And when you find him, when you find that guy, that』s the guy you』re gonna marry. He』s one lucky guy, the guy that gets to marry you, Kate girl. And your mom and me, we』re gonna be there, you know. Just to check him out. Make sure he』s as good at board games as you think that he is. And assuming that he is, I』ll get to walk you down the aisle, and I may even cry a little.


My brother and I have been going a little bit crazy the past couple of days. We were crazy 『cause we wanted make sure that this day was perfect for you, Kate. And the reason we wanted to make sure this day was absolutely perfect for you is because that』s what Dad would』ve done. He would』ve made it perfect for you. And if he were here, he definitely would』ve looked at you and he would』ve said, 「Katie girl, in your life, you have never looked more beautiful than you do right now.」 And he would』ve been right by the way.


Earlier las year, Kate said something to me that was profound. She said,」 Kevin, if you don』t allow yourself to grieve Dad』s death, it』ll be like taking a giant breath in and just holding it there for the rest of your life.」 At the time, I didn』t want to hear any of that. But here we are. It』s one DUI and a rehab stint later, and I』m thinking maybe you were on to something when you said that to me.

I think we』ve all been holding our breath for a long time. So before we toast Toby and Kate, before we click our glasses, I think that the four of us should release that breath together. I think it』s important that we do that, that we just let go of these things we』ve been holding onto.


Those of you who knew me, know that I』m big on control. It』s taken me 37 years to accept the fact that there』s absolutely zero point in trying to control the future, 『cause nobody knows where we』ll be. Not even a year from now. But what we can control are the people we choose. Choosing our people is the closest we come to controlling our destiny. Because while everything else may change, if you choose right, you people will stay the same. Whether that』s tonight or a year from now, or ten years from now. Katie girl, Tobias, when I look at you, I know in my bones that in choosing each other, you have chosen perfectly.





















第 三 季 再 見



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