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原文標題:勇士擊敗雷霆,比起威少,杜蘭特得到隊友更多幫助/ KD gets more help than Russ as Warrior drops Thundder


本文作者:羅伊斯 楊


OKLAHOMA CITY -- It wasn"t an emphatic slam-the-door kind of crunch time for the Golden State Warriors, but it was an effective one. And really, a lot of it was kind of just letting the Oklahoma City Thunder do what they"ve done so often this season -- beat themselves.


Kevin Durant led the way with 34 points and 10 rebounds, with Klay Thompsonadding 20 points, as the Warriors beat the Thunder 111-107 on Tuesday, outlasting a furious attempt by Russell Westbrook (44 points, 16 rebounds and 6 assists) to drag his team over the finish line.

本周二勇士隊以117:107擊敗雷霆隊,凱文杜蘭特得到全隊最高的34分外加10個籃板,克萊 湯普森得到20分,威少整場保持著兇猛的攻擊力,(44分,16籃板,6次助攻)將球隊扛在自己肩上,硬生生將比賽拖到最後一刻。

Westbrook played his part, trying to energize the Thunder, scoring 17 in the third quarter as he led OKC back from a 10-point halftime deficit. It was clear the Thunder needed an adrenaline jolt, and that"s something Westbrook specializes in. He thrives in messy and slightly chaotic environments, and when the signal goes up, he relishes answering it.The box score says it came down to a duel between Westbrook and Durant, every NBA fan"s fever dream, but the deciding plays of the game featured what Durant"s teammates did -- and what Westbrook"s didn"t.


But with Carmelo Anthony and Paul George struggling, shooting a combined 9-of-35, including 3-of-18 from 3, the Thunder eventually ran out of chances. It wasn"t that the offense stalled or the shots were bad -- they just didn"t go in.

卡梅隆 安東尼和保羅 喬治表現很掙扎,兩人合計35投9中,其中三分18中3,最終雷霆喪失了贏得比賽的機會。並不是對手防守多麼好,也不是他們投籃不好——很簡單——就是沒投進。

"I take it on myself," George said. "We"ve got to do a better job of helping Russ.


"[Westbrook] was great, he was great. He took it to another level, a level those guys didn"t have an answer for. It"s frustrating when we see that and notice that and we can"t help him by making shots and putting the ball in the basket."


That"s something that has perplexed the Thunder all season, these games where good shooters miss a lot of good shots. George has fallen victim to it often, starting the game hot, then getting mostly the same looks and missing them. He talks a lot about rhythm, but for whatever reason, he seems to slip in and out of it over the course of a game. Anthony got the kind of looks the Thunder want -- spot-ups from the perimeter -- but missed all of them.

這個問題 困擾了雷霆整個賽季,很多場比賽中他們優秀的射手投丟了很多機會很好的球。喬治經常陷入這種狀態,即開場時手感火熱,接下來手感喪失。關於節奏問題,他說了很多,但不論出於什麼原因,他似乎在比賽過程中時而有節奏,時而沒節奏。安東尼也扮演了雷霆希望他扮演的角色——在外圍投籃-——但全投丟了。

"I"ve got to figure it out," George said of his recent shooting struggles. "There"s something mechanical in my shot. I"ve had struggles throughout the season and my career of shooting, but it"s all just been about not making shots. I don"t know what it is. It feels funny. Shooting the ball feels funny. So I"m going to work with the trainers and try and figure that out. But I don"t feel myself shooting the ball right now."


And that was the dramatic difference. The star-driven Thunder didn"t see their stars perform, while the Warriors got solid games out of Durant and Thompson, with the secondary players stepping up. Quinn Cook was steady, hitting his free throws, a big corner 3 and a tear-drop late. Jordan Bell finished a dunk set up by quality offense. David West was his usual steady self.

這也是雷霆和勇士大不相同的地方。靠球星能力帶動的雷霆隊並沒有打出來預期的效果,而勇士隊能夠贏得強強對決除了依靠著杜蘭特,湯普森穩健的發揮之外,勇士隊的第二陣容也功不可沒,奎恩 庫克命中了所有罰球,以及一個底角三分。喬丹 貝爾在完成高質量的防守之後貢獻一記扣籃。大衛 韋斯特則延續著他穩健的表現。

"It was a great win, short-handed and on the road against a good team fighting for playoff position," Warriors coach Steve Kerr said. "It"s a hell of a win, especially without all our guards. I loved how these guys played and competed."

「這是一場偉大的勝利,尤其是在球隊人手短缺,並且還是客場對戰一支為季後賽名額拼搏的球隊,」勇士隊主教練斯蒂夫 科爾說道。「這場勝利太棒了,特別是在我們有防守球員缺陣的情況下。我喜歡這些傢伙的表現」

Without Stephen Curry, Andre Iguodala, Shaun Livingston and a few others, the Warriors were going to have to focus in three main areas: Durant being great, Thompson being hot for a few stretches, and playing excellent defense. They definitely checked those boxes, especially in the second quarter as the Thunder shot just 6-for-26 while Durant poured in 24 first-half points. Durant cooled in the second half as the Thunder trapped him at every opportunity, but there was just enough around him, combined with George and Anthony shooting so poorly, to get it done.

在斯蒂芬 庫里,安德魯 伊戈達拉,肖恩 利文斯頓等球員缺陣的情形下,勇士隊需要在三個方面做文章:第一,杜蘭特保持火爆狀態,第二,湯普森在熱完身後手感火熱,大三,球隊防守十分出色。在第二節,雷霆26投只有6中,而杜蘭特上半場砍下24分。下半場在雷霆每個回合的重重嚴防下,杜蘭特命中率下降,但此時杜蘭特的隊友表現十分給力,加上喬治和安東尼糟糕的投籃,也就足以讓勇士贏得比賽了。

For the Warriors, it"s a validating win to go on the road and play well against a desperate team sans Curry. But for the Thunder, it"s an excruciating loss, and one that kind of summarizes their season. They lost in the margins, missing nine free throws,missing great looks and not coming up with the critical stop or loose ball.


There were a number of little moments that kept OKC from taking control. There was Westbrook diving out of bounds to save the ball, which he threw right to Durant and led to a Thompson 3. Or after a big stop. Or with a minute left when the Thunder had cut their deficit to four after two George free throws and got the needed stop but couldn"t completely secure the rebound. The ball got loose, was batted around, and Corey Brewer poked it out of bounds.

比賽中雷霆有過很多次機會能扭轉局勢。一次維斯布魯克在防守時將籃板球撥了出去,卻被杜蘭特截掉,然後助攻湯普森三分命中。還有在比賽還有一分鐘時,在喬治命中兩次罰球之後,雷霆隊將分差追到了僅差四分,接著來到了寶貴的暫停時間,但暫停過後他們沒有保護下後場籃板。庫克手一滑球掉了,滾在了地上,最後科里 布魯爾將球碰出了界外。

That"s what has left the Thunder so frustrated with their predicament. As in Tuesday"s game, they really only need to look in the mirror. The issues are on them, and are all correctable ones. But they"ve left themselves in a precarious spot, all but kissing goodbye to a chance at home court in the opening round, with the reality of missing the postseason altogether still looming on the other side.


"We"re not worried about that -- we"re just going to take one game at a time," Westbrook said. "We"ll be here in the postseason ready to go."


There was some talk about the Warriors fearing the Thunder as an opening-round opponent because of Curry"s absence, but if this was a preview, there are two ways to look at it: The Warriors could worry because the Thunder easily could correct the issues that sunk them on Tuesday, or they could take heart and look at OKC"s body of work and feel fine about it.

因為斯蒂芬 庫里的缺陣,出現了一些關於勇士季後賽懼怕雷霆的討論,但如果這場比賽是一場季後賽的預演,可以從兩方面來看:一方面,勇士隊應該感到擔憂,因為雷霆能夠輕而易舉地克服周二比賽中困擾他們的問題;另一方面,他們大可放心,看到最近雷霆的表現,也就沒什麼可擔心的。

"We figured it out. We good," Westbrook said. "As long as we"re good in this locker room, regardless of what anybody says outside this locker room don"t matter. As long as we"re good as a team, as a unit, as brothers, we have a great relationship on and off the floor, so that"s all that matters. Anything outside this building, outside our arena don"t really matter, don"t change anything that we"re doing."


The Thunder have told themselves all season that eventually they"ll snap out of it, that the off nights and bad breaks will balance out. But this was game 79 of 82. Time has just about run out.




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