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今天廣州的天氣特別好,有一些微微涼,很清爽,一掃昨天的烏雲密布。好啦,今天我們接著來欣賞Mitch Albom的The Five People You Meet in Heaven. 上一篇里聊到了父母和孩子的關係,這一篇里我們來聊一聊愛(love).

關於love這個單詞以及這四個字母,反正我是不想直視了哈哈哈。還記得之前有女性朋友結婚,伴娘團出的一個整人遊戲就是讓新郎在四個蘋果咬出來了這四個字母。到現在我還記得蘋果上被咬出來的字母有多可怕哈哈哈哈,不過這是一個好玩的遊戲anyway.也許是被大家說的多了,反而這個詞變得沒有多少新意。但是Mitch Albom在他的小說里給我們一些新的視角去看待LOVE.鋪墊前面一點點,我們開始講今天的句子吧。

作品來源: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

4. People say they "find" love, as if it were an object hiden by a rock. But love takes many forms and it is never the same for any man and woman. What people find then is acertainlove.

Cherie"s paraphrase:People say that they find love. When they say this, it seems that love is a thing hidden by a rock. However, love has many forms. Thus for every one of us, love is different. what people find is just one kind of love.

certain: some

這個句子寫的真的很清爽了哈哈,跟今天廣州的天氣一樣。沒有華麗的辭藻,卻講清楚了一個道理:愛本不同。這個句子意思是說當人們說 他們找到」愛「的時候,好像」愛「就是藏在大石頭後面的一個物件。但是愛其實很有很多形式,對每一個人來說都是不一樣的。所以人們找到的其實是某一種愛。大家都懂,也可以自己想想自己的經歷是不是這個理。

5. Love, like rain, cannourishfrom above,drenchingcouples with asoakingjoy. but sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its root, keeping itself alive.

Cherie"s paraphrase:Sometimes love can give great happiness and joy to couples but sometimes love may fade away because of life, at which point people should think that they need to love the love itself and love actually.

nourish: to give substances people or things need to live, grow, stay healthy, to have an idea, thought and keep it grow stronger ( like in " nourish dreams")

drench: to make people wet; heavy rain

soaking: totally wet


6. Lost love is still love. it takes a different form. you cannot see their smile or bring them food ortousletheir hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken, another hwightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Life has to end, love


Cherie"s paraphrase:when you lose someone, love still exists in a different way. You cannot see their smile or bring them food or play with their hair or dance with them. However, your memory keeps all your senses. You will still remember things between you. That is another form of love.

tousle:make things untidy

這句話用來安慰人真的最好啦!!大家可以嘗試背下來,反正我是準備背下來的哈哈哈。 失去的愛其實並沒有失去,它只是以不同的形式呈現。你也許再也看不到對方的笑容,再也看不到對方吃飯的樣子,也不能去玩亂她/他的頭髮,更不能一起跳舞。所有這些感官感覺似乎都無限度地削弱,但還是有一種在增強。那就是回憶。回憶成為你的一部分。你不斷地滋養它,擁有它而且與回憶共舞。生命也許真的有終點,但是愛沒有。真的是有些矯情啦,哈哈,不過,道理真的都很對。

今天的內容就到這裡啦!關於愛,也許每個人都有不一樣的感受,18歲有18歲的憧憬,40歲有40歲的滿足。因為愛本來就是takes different forms啊!!



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