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Lillard: "I would like to win a championship as bad as anybody..."


"but because of who I am, I』d get a lot more satisfaction if I got it the hard way,」 Lillard says. 「If I can』t figure it out here and I never win one, I can live with the effort I put into it. I can live with it maybe not happening for me. I』m going to roll with this team regardless of what people may feel about our chances. I』m going to live and die with this.」

Source: https://www.si.com/nba/2018/04/05/damian-lillard-dame-time-portland-trail-blazers-oakland


消息源: https://www.si.com/nba/2018/04/05/damian-lillard-dame-time-portland-trail-blazers-oakland

[–]Spursknot2x_Oz 3778 指標 15小時前 

Davis should team up with Dame


[–]Raptorsdrthurgood 885 指標 12小時前 

They already have Ed Davis


[–][POR] Brandon RoyNevermoreSEA 219 指標 9小時前 

Ed Davis is the rebound god.


[–][NOP] Carldrell Johnson8512332158 180 指標 12小時前 

Dame was going to us in mocks but Portland had their shit together and drafted him at 6


[–]Trail Blazerstoadtruck 94 指標 9小時前 

Makes me feel better for taking Webster over CP3


[–]Trail Blazers1980ushockey 125 指標 8小時前 

Never speak of this again.


[–]Pelicansvolzovio 1157 指標 15小時前 

Lillard, Holiday, Doesnt Matter, Davis, Cousins



[–]CavaliersBuzzedWoody 814 指標 13小時前 

Doesn』t Matter

I thought he was projected to go in the lottery? Would be a crazy draft if he fell all the way to Portland


[–][POR] Damian Lillardmontyberns 393 指標 12小時前 

Seriously. After we somehow manage to pick up Holiday, Boogie, and Davis? That"d be one hell of an offseason.


[–][POR] Channing FryeCorr521 182 指標 12小時前 

You really think all 3 would be willing to move to Portland? That would be cool


[–]Trail Blazersthorhyphenaxe 148 指標 12小時前* 

No no




Anthony Davis



[–]Trail BlazersRipCity_TID 48 指標 10小時前 

Seriously this. Why would you want to break up the second or third best backcourt in the league? That doesn"t really make much sense to me.


[–]GeneralsOfficialGloryHunter 82 指標 9小時前 

Why would you want to break up the best front court in the league?


[–][POR] Brandon RoyNevermoreSEA 1450 指標 15小時前* 

I really hope he spends his entire career in Portland. I have so much love and respect for him. Can"t imagine him on another team.


[–]RocketsZoldyckR 787 指標 15小時前 

Dame"s own satisfaction > Durants Greed


[–]CavaliersLeBornKing 462 指標 14小時前 

Durants Greed > Chris Pauls Lust


[–]Snowmann88 354 指標 13小時前 

Chris Paul』s lust > John Walls Envy


[–]Rocketsbuddhistan 255 指標 13小時前 

John Walls Envy > Russell Westbrook』s Triple Doubles


[–]CavaliersYash_We_Can 703 指標 13小時前 

Russell Westbrook"s Triple Doubles > James Harden"s 29/11/8


[–]76ersthisdudefux 214 指標 13小時前 

I can"t wait to see how many ppl are triggered by this lol


[–]CavaliersKayFeldersAlt 142 指標 13小時前 

In Ainge we trust > Trust the Process.


[–][OKC] Raymond FeltonDTttfu 505 指標 13小時前* 

God I love Dame. Except for when he torches us. Then I just kinda love him

Edit: can a Portland fan please explain to me why y』all hate Felton so much? I』m out of the loop


[–]Trail BlazersStreetMailbox 205 指標 9小時前 

He challenged fans to fight him at his apartment and even gave his address to reporters (who reported the BUILDING he lived in - the Indigo - but not the actual apartment number, which was probably smart).

He also came into camp wayyyy out of shape.

So yeah, fuck Felton.


[–][OKC] Raymond FeltonDTttfu 63 指標 9小時前 

Lmao holy shit


[–]Trail BlazersPacificVIking 58 指標 9小時前* 

He also was a locker room cancer when he was here. Portland has an extremely low tolerance for "low character" players. We want our guys engaged, in the community and to always give 100% on the court. Felton reminded us of the jail blazer era, the tail end of which basically made the city say "fuck this team... for now"


Brandon Roy and Lamarcus, but mostly Roy brought us back in. Even our GM knows we"d basically stop showing up to games if it looked like we were returning to those days.


[–][DAL] Josh Howardpiotrsen 777 指標 13小時前 

Look no further than Dirk


[–]username--_-- 348 指標 13小時前 

Dirks team was top in the west throughout his prime, and also made the finals.


[–][DAL] Josh Howardpiotrsen 661 指標 13小時前 

Just like the Thunder but KD still left. Both were elite squads but could never get over the hump - the point being that Dirk stuck it out and because of that his one ring imo is far more meaningful than if he had chased multiple elsewhere


[–][SAS] Manu Ginobilipintvricchio 146 指標 12小時前 

One ring to rule them all




[–]TimberwolvesPrikli 370 指標 12小時前 

Totally agreed. Dirk"s championship means more than 3 GSW + KD championships to me.


[–]MavericksShaunosaurus 206 指標 12小時前* 

Well, to be fair, Golden State』s 2015 chip is similar to the Mavs as that team was mostly homegrown.

Edit: on second thought, the fact that they beat an injury riddled Cavs team kinda dampens it bit.


[–]nowhathappenedwas 148 指標 11小時前 

Golden State』s 2015 chip is similar to the Mavs as that team was mostly homegrown.

Dirk and Barea were pretty much the only important parts of that Mavs team that were homegrown. Kidd, Terry, Butler, Marion, Chandler, Peja, Haywood, and Stevenson were all vets acquired through trades or FA.



[–]Mavericksarg061000 89 指標 11小時前 

Yeah, not sure why people would have considered that Mavs team homegrown. We didn"t have a clear superstar outside of Dirk but we have always been a team that acquires pieces through FA and rarely build them in house.


[–]RaptorsJones3787 57 指標 11小時前 

He"s only talking about "GSW + KD" championships though


[–]MavericksShaunosaurus 96 指標 11小時前 

Ah, gotcha. Yeah fuck KD.


[–]CavaliersLeBornKing 228 指標 14小時前 

That"s what they all say.

Dame is only 27. Lets see what he says when he"s 30 and the Blazers are no closer to winning the title.

This blind loyalty to franchises is stupid and ridiculous. These same franchises will trade Lillard in a second if they can get a better player in return.




[–]Raptorsderozansmole 1658 指標 15小時前 

Durant said the same thing one time. In fact, he mocked LeBron for his decision to leave.


[–]PelicansMississippster 82 指標 11小時前 

Didnt he say in a tweet, "now everyone wanna play for the heat or Lakers. we should be going after these peoples" more or less?


[–][POR] Brandon RoyNevermoreSEA 944 指標 15小時前 

Durant and Dame also have very different personalities and attitudes towards the game.


[–]Raptorsderozansmole 766 指標 15小時前 

We all thought we knew what Durant was like. It turned out to be widely incorrect. The point is people"s words are only as valuable as their options and situation



[–]JazzWeberStateWildcat 137 指標 10小時前 

I"ve followed Lillard since his first year in college (see username). I"d be shocked as shit if he does anything that even remotely shows disloyalty. Larger schools came calling when Lillard showed up on their radar after he showed some success at Weber State. He stuck around since Weber State were the first ones willing to give him a chance.


Not to say he won"t ever leave Portland, since the NBA is very different from college, but if he does, it will be in the classiest way possible.


[–][POR] Brandon RoyNevermoreSEA 223 指標 15小時前 

Can you imagine Dame throwing his teammates under the bus like Durant did after he left? Durant seems to have a much bigger ego than Dame does. I know it"s easy to compare guys who say things like this, because there have been a lot of stars who have said something like this. That said, I don"t think Dame and KD are comparable situations.


I think the only situation where Dame would leave is if the Blazers weren"t making him a good enough offer, which is very unlikely.

I understand why many people are skeptical though.


[–]TheParquetPosse 383 指標 15小時前 

I thought KD was one of the most humble players in the league in the early years of OKC. I don"t think Dame would do that but you never know.


[–][MIA] Shane BattierBlackEygptian 207 指標 14小時前 

KD was Mr. Nice Guy once before.


[–]Thunderrabidbot 159 指標 12小時前 

KD with the backpack and the van...simpler times.


[–]Pelicansvolzovio 447 指標 15小時前 

This is the correct mindset imo.

Being the GOAT franchise player >>>>>>> Ring



[–]Lakersstubbysquidd 243 指標 15小時前 

Winning a ring as the franchise GOAT >>>>>>>>>> Bandwagoning to a super team or winning a ring as the 3rd option.


[–]Knicks Tankwagonaoifhasoifha 565 指標 13小時前 

The correct mindset is

focusing on your goals and what makes you happy >>>>>>> letting somebody else decide what defines your value

The man is fully committed to the choices he makes and he understand why he makes them (and that basketball isn"t all that important, all things considered). Much respect.



[–]NuggetsThe_Loop_Digga 145 指標 12小時前* 

Ding ding ding. There is no blanketed 「correct」 decision among chasing money, chasing a championship, or remaining loyal to a team, regardless.


As sports fans, we tend to view athletes as athletes (not as regular people) because we only know them as athletes. I』ve never met any of these people (save for Payne & Canaan, shouts to Murray State).


Because we view them in this regard, we view their decisions through a prism of 「what』s best for his legacy?」, which is ultimately sports radio fodder bullshit if you ask me.


If a player cares about his legacy, that』s great. If a player wants to use his talents to maximize his bank account, that』s great too. If a player wants to work with a winner, great.


Ultimately, the 「correct」 decision is what』s best for the player』s interest. I』m just a fan; I can』t tell Dame the 「correct」 way to live his life. Do I think Melo 「made a mistake」 by spending a chunk of his prime on the Knicks? Only if he』s unhappy about his choice.


Sorry for the rant, but it just bothers me that we, as sports fans, tell athletes what they should do, solely from our perspective or from some bullshit 「sports legacy」 perspective, but not from the perspective of the player himself.




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