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所以,要想練好口語,首要任務,就是stop being lazy or making up any absurd excuses!白話文的意思就是,少特么發懶,給老子趕緊開口說!能找到夥伴一起的,就彼此一起練,沒有這個條件的就,拿手機錄音。錄音的目的就是為了能在說完之後自己再聽時檢查排錯,因為口語說完了也就說完了,沒人一起練習,就無從反饋,所以一定要錄好音。

那麼到底如何練習?兩步就可以了。第一,說完整的句子+細節拓展。第二,妙用word extension,也就是辭彙拓展,具體來說就是,一個辭彙擴成一句話,一句話擴成一段話。

首先,來看第一條,回答問題一定要完整的句子,然後可以適當拓展一兩句。比如,對方問你:「Can you state your full name?」大多數學生都只給自己名字,比如,Xiaoming。如果我們換成完整的句子,「My full name is Xiaoming.」此時我們還能習慣性加一句,「you can call me Tom./ Friends often call me snow.」,這樣的一個對話就馬上生動起來,像一個聊天,而不是上一個死板地回答問題。再舉個例子,A: Where are you from? B: I am from Xiamen, which is a coastal city located in the southeast of our country.大家看看這樣完整的句子是不是比單單一個Xiamen要更好更不像尬聊。

第二,word extension。一個單詞拓展成一段話,這也是我們學語言的最根本技巧。在學習每個辭彙的時候,一定要下意識去造句子,造句子有一個最捷徑也最有用的方法,就是造最日常、最貼近自己生活的句子,這樣才是日常口語喲。比如辭彙celebration。造一個句子,I had a big celebration recently. 然後要以這句話繼續去拓展,這裡我們就可以運用非常熟悉的5w1h方法,即who、when、where、why、what和how。每一個疑問詞都可以接著造句。

who的:I had a big celebrationwith my classmatesrecently. when的: I had a celebration with my classmateslast weekend.

where的:I had a celebration with my classmates last weekendat one of the biggest cafes in the town.

why的:I had a celebration with my classmates last weekend at one of the biggest cafes in the town,because we had won the debating competition.

what的:We played many gamesduring the celebration, such as truth or dare, Never have I ever… and so on.

how的:It wasa big yet happycelebration. All of us all enjoyed it, as the music was cheerful, the food was so tasty and the restaurant was specifically decorated for our winning, with colourful balloons and ribbons.

然後我們可以再將其整合成一段:As recently as last weekend, I had a big celebration with our classmates at one of the biggest cafes in the town, because we had won the debating competition. We played many games during the celebration, such as truth or dare, Never have I ever… and so on. It was a big yet happy celebration. All of us enjoyed it, as the music was cheerful, the food was so tasty and the restaurant was specifically decorated for our winning, with colourful balloons and ribbons.



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