首頁 > 教育 > 記住:英語里表比較不一定都用than


並不是所有的形容詞表示比較時都用than,英語中有幾個以-or結尾源於拉丁語的形容詞,由於其原級已具有比較的含義,在表示比較時不用than,而用to。這類形容詞不多,他們是:anterior / prior to(先於),posterior to (在……之後),superior to(優於),inferior to(劣於),junior to(年幼於),senior to(年長於)。

【例如】 This task is prior to all others.

He thinks he is superior to his classmates because his father is a very important man.

The Red Army was inferior in equipment but superior in morale to the enemy.

My arrival in Beijing is posterior to that of our manager.

The official"s rank is senior to his father"s.

Mary is two years senior to me, and her sister is junior to me by three years



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