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Rondo willingly picks up Durant to guard and strips him to seal the game


[–][PHI] Jumaine Jonesronaldo119[S] 526 指標 13小時前

I hadn"t seen this posted yet and it was incredible to me. Rondo doesn"t get switched onto him but he picks him out despite the almost foot height mismatch and locks him down.

Shoutout to the gawd Dawkins who I clipped this from



[–]SeargD 127 指標 9小時前

The oerfect timing with which he sets his feet. Durant starts his move and just hits a brick wall he wasn"t expecting. Perfectly played.


[–]Raptorsjps78 152 指標 11小時前

Fully engaged defensive Rondo is unreal


[–][BOS] Jaylen Brownhpdodo84 918 指標 12小時前

I"ll always have a special place in my heart for Rondo, when he"s on he does things that no other player in the league can hope to match


[–]NBAbleu2 4359 指標 12小時前

Beware Playoff Rondo is coming


[–]Bulls Tankwagon12temp 1265 指標 11小時前

Play off rondo is my favorite


[–][BOS] Rajon RondoLong-lost-Isley 487 指標 9小時前

It』s frustrating to watch him in the regular season when I know how much better he really is. Can』t wait for him to turn it up


[–]Toronto HuskiesGeeMunz11 277 指標 9小時前

Don"t think he can deliver consistently after the injury tbh... Not like he"s sitting there biding his time.


[–]Bulls Tankwagon12temp 176 指標 9小時前

well thats the great thing about his game is that he can still create opportunity for his players with out needing to be athletic.


[–]Toronto HuskiesGeeMunz11 169 指標 9小時前

I think you underestimate how much being athletic matters at the PG spot. Being a good defender at that spot requires a certain level of athleticism which I believe Rondo has lost after the injury. Not to mention that he is still not a great shooter.


I"d love to see Rondo of the Celtics Big 4, but I think those days are gone. We will just have flashes.


[–]CavaliersLargeTeethHere 39 指標 9小時前

I wish he was healthy when he played the Celtics. He would"ve changed the tide to sweep them, no doubt in my mind.


[–]Bulls Tankwagon12temp 61 指標 9小時前

That was the epitome of a point guard who knows how to orchestrate an offense on the court. He has by far the best BB IQ of anyone in the league. He will make an excellent coach when he retires.


[–]MavericksTexansAndMavericks 437 指標 10小時前

Mavericks Rondo is my least favorite :(


[–]noufo 199 指標 9小時前

I got his Mavericks jersey for Christmas one year. Still haven』t had the balls to wear it to a Mavericks game yet. I guess I need to find a friend with a Odom jersey and roll with him to even things out.


[–]Celticsthekingamw 888 指標 12小時前

I remember this one game ( I wanna say it was preseason) against Philly.

Evan Turner was bringing the ball up, Rondo picked his pocket two times in a row giving full court pressure. Then on the third time Evan got the ball to bring it up court, he immediately passed the ball to the other guard. Everyone on the broadcast laughed.


[–][MIA] Hassan WhitesideChowrock 612 指標 11小時前

I remember that one time Rondo yelled at Boogie to move to this spot during the inbound. Boogie didn"t want to move, but he did and because of that they stop the other team from scoring. Rondo is going to make a great head coach


[–]Celticsthe_black_panther_ 682 指標 10小時前

That"s the play you"re referencing


[–]CavaliersLargeTeethHere 269 指標 9小時前

This is ridiculous. I love this. During the coaches round table, they said that rondo was a savant. This is so cool.


[–]CavaliersDickasyphalis 335 指標 10小時前

Say what you will about his attitude, but his BBIQ is BronBron like.


[–]GoingTooCalifornia 89 指標 8小時前

That play is awesome. The astonishing thing to me is how Boogie doesn"t get it. Like, why would you need to defend the paint?

And even worse, why do none of the Hawks run to the opposite corner that"s wide open?



[–]minedat 156 指標 8小時前

That』s the corner rondo is guarding, he knows he has the speed for the long pass so he』s playing a little free safety in the middle while also guarding that corner


[–]LakersTuneHD 137 指標 10小時前

Idk if Rondo has the personality to be a head coach. If he goes that route I think he"d be good as an assistant coach for a team"s defense. He has an affinity for math and an extremely high bbiq with a strong interest and studying the game. Head coaching requires strong leadership skills and emotional intelligence. Honestly not sure if Rondo has it in him.


[–]HornetsIamOlderthanMe 223 指標 12小時前

One of the smartest players to ever play this game.

At times, he is so smart that he sometimes doesnt try.

I will always remember his defense against LeBron in the playoffs.



[–][SAS] Manu Ginobilijasoncyke 1047 指標 11小時前

Playoff Rondo confirmed, reminded me of this: 


[–]JBTalman 158 指標 9小時前

Looks like a raptor trying to snatch a treat from Chris Pratt.


[–][CLE] LeBron JamesBlesss 499 指標 10小時前

「you gonna suck it or nah」


[–][SAS] Manu Ginobilijasoncyke 155 指標 10小時前

[–]ismokeforfun2 211 指標 9小時前*

He looks at the ball like a velociraptor looks at their prey


[–][BOS] Kyrie IrvingKyrieIsInjuryProne 2628 指標 12小時前

KD choking down the stretch never gets old


[–]Pistonscato_iii 1026 指標 12小時前

Careful, KD is probably reading these


[–][MIN] Kevin GarnettSharpedd 724 指標 12小時前

You are probably KD ??


[–]NBARajbangsa 302 指標 11小時前

Snek if true


[–]Raptorslong2sniper 302 指標 11小時前

KD: "Hey blog boy shut up"



[譯註1]杜蘭特近期作客Bill Simmons的播客節目時表示。自己很不喜歡這些什麼高階分析,只在乎基礎數據。同時他也對「blog boys」(寫文章的體育記者)嗤之以鼻,表示這些所謂的記者和球迷應該去看看比賽,不要再關心他本人了。在Reddit上引起廣泛熱議。

[–]SpursThehelloman0 175 指標 10小時前

Hey man he can"t win with those cats. That roster isn"t good, it"s just him and steph


[–]MagicByrie_Swirving 46 指標 9小時前

He doesn』t like the franchise or playing for Steve Kerr. The roster isn』t that good, it』s just him and steph.


[–]ThunderSplendidGrub35 117 指標 10小時前

This reminds me so much of when Chris Paul was guarding him during the playoffs and KD couldn』t get past him, so goddamn frustrating


[–]WarriorsSharksFanAbroad 286 指標 13小時前

Really well done, probably played out exactly how he drew it up in his head. Unnecessarily risky pass to AD with Iggy on his trail though.


[–]Bulls TankwagonThonMaker_KDplusKG 207 指標 12小時前

Probably didn"t want to go to the free throw line lol


[–]76ersLtDanDanNoodles 91 指標 11小時前

Playoff Rondo heating up, hungry AD getting close to tasting playoffs. RIP Boogie, get healthy and smack Joel"s booty next season.




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