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三位優秀藝術家出征Art!Vancouver 2018


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No One But You

 Constant Companion

Doug Paisley 


第四屆溫哥華藝術博覽會 / Art! Vancouver 2018


藝 術! 溫 哥 華 2 0 1 8

Art! Vancouver 2018

Art!Vancouver 2018溫哥華國際藝術博覽會是溫哥華和整個加拿大西部地區影響力最大的藝術展覽,每年四、五月間在溫哥華國際會展中心舉辦。博覽會吸引了加拿大及世界各地的藝術家、畫廊、藝術品拍賣公司參展,參觀者包括藝術品經紀人、收藏家、藝術愛好者,和大批乘坐郵輪來溫哥華的觀光客。


Returning for the 4th year, Art! Vancouver, presented by non-profit organization Vancouver Visual Art Foundation, hosts a first-class international art fair that features the finest artwork from art galleries and artists across Canada and around the globe. Dedicated to raising awareness of the international art scene in Western Canada, Art! Vancouver takes place in an exceptional waterfront venue, featuring reputable galleries and artists from across Canada and around the world.

It』s the perfect west coast setting for those looking to showcase their artwork on an international stage that will attract a diverse market of collectors and professionals. Galleries, dealers, collectors, art aficionados, and art lovers from all over the world will be in attendance.

For four days, April 19 – 22, 2018, Art! Vancouver connects the international arts community under one roof. The artists Daniel Chuang, Godwin Liu and William Liao will be participating in this event.

第四屆溫哥華藝術博覽會 / Art! Vancouver 2018

藝術家 | ARTIST

庄大康 /TK Daniel Chuang

加籍台灣高雄市人,現為加拿大聯邦藝術家協會(FCA)高級名銜會員,美國AIGA藝術家協會會員,加西台灣藝術家協會會員。曾任加拿大聯邦藝術家協會(FCA)理事及評審團成員,後又仼教於North Poplar Fine Art School,並擔任Pegasus Awards(讀者文摘全球廣告飛馬獎)的評委。

定期往返於北京、台灣、加拿大三地, 其作品廣受歐、美、加、台灣、香港及中國大陸等地的藏家及知名企業好評並進行收藏。

Graduating from the art school in Southern Taiwan, 1980,Chuang had been working as a commercial artist for many years before he moved to Canada in 1995.

Chuang is a signature member of Federation of Canadian Artists. In 2003-2005 he served as a director on the board of a national artist"s organization. He has received numerous awards in Canadian juried exhibitions. Over the past decades, Chuang"s artwork has been exhibited through a number of galleries in Western Canada and Mainland China, and his painting sare widely represented in private and corporate collections in Canada, the U.S.A., Europe, China, and Taiwan.

部分展覽作品 / WORKS

藝術家 | ARTIST

劉國義/Godwin Liu (Guoyi Liu)




Guoyi Liu, Born in Huainan of Anhui province, now lives in Beijing. He is a professional oil painting artist who creates works in the pursuit of truth and happiness through the dreamland.

In his eyes, art is like an innocent child. The heart has boundless beauty, happiness and freedom.

Art can not be separated from all the life of nature, in his art, life is the eternal subject; in his heart, all life will depend on each other because of the emotion. So, in his work, emotion is indispensable; in his life, happiness is very important. So, in his work, happiness is pervasive. Life, emotion and happiness are his art.

部分展覽作品 / WORKS

藝術家 | ARTIST

廖衛國 /William Liao


2017.12 加拿大藝術家協會高級會員年度大展銀獎

2017.12 Art Battle Vancouver 20分鐘速繪比賽冠軍

2017.11 Battle of the Brush 80分鐘現場繪畫比賽冠軍

2017.9 加拿大藝術家協會丙烯畫展一等獎

2017.1 加拿大藝術家協會紙上作品展一等獎

2016.5 加拿大藝術家協會寫生作品展一等獎

2016.5 Opus戶外寫生挑戰賽一等獎

Artistic inspiration began at an early age for me. Growing up in Beijing, China after the Cultural Revolution, I was surrounded by classical Chinese culture as well as new European art. These are the influences which continue to define and inspire my work today. I explorative drawings and paintings combine traditional mediums with modern techniques, providing my audience with another dimension of experience.

部分展覽作品 / WORKS







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