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青澀年華 別讓夢碎




It is a blessing to meet right people at the right time. The person who met the wrong person at the right time was a kind of sadness. When you met the right person at the wrong time, it was a sigh. It was helpless to meet the wrong person at the wrong time. I forgot how I used to meet you at the edge of the Maple Bridge. I only remember that Jiang Feng wanted to sleep in the fire, and felt the night"s endless grief over the lost eyes. The moment you spoke to me about breaking up with me, I finally understood that the immortal promise was only a broken wall.


Staying in the rain with tears, I needed to find a different kind of strength. Suddenly, my thinking began to solidify. I left a lot of tears in the wind, but I just condensed two teardrops to carry her different kind of pain. I finally understood: The reason why tears fall earlier than rain is not because of density, but because of emotions, emotions are really heavy.


In the blink of an eye, the postage station anchored in the love river no longer exists. The memories are divided into sections by the sun. The bright sadness still remains in sight. It seems that my eyes must be shaken. However, a look back is so simple. Ask how many couples on the university campus can stand the test of time.



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