首頁 > 最新 > 《封神演義》選段


作者 | 許仲琳(一說道士陸西星)

翻譯 | 顧亦庄

校隊 | 鄭玉婷




Alhough encircled by the rebelling vassals, King Zhou felt no fear, and with a simple wave of his blade, he wielded Duke of the South off his horse, who fell straight into the dust. Lu Renjie plunged his spear into Lin Shan and raised him up. Nezha, irritated by them, pedalling on his windy fire wheels, lanced into the fight and cried: "watch yourselves, I am coming!" Beside him were Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi, Jinzha and Muzha, together shouting: "today, at the witness of all the vassals in the world, can"t we just be as devoted and brave as them two?" and rushed into the encirclement. Yang Jian cut Lei Kun apart with his blade; Nezha raised the Ring of the Universe, and killed Lu Renjie by hitting him off his saddle. Lei Zhenzi knocked Lei Peng to death with one hit of his stick. Having seen the victories of them, Jiang Wenhuan, the Duke of the East, put his blade into the sheath and waved his whip toward King Zhou. As King Zhou saw this, it was too late to dodge and he was hit on the back. Almost knocked off the saddle, he ran all the way back into the Meridian Gate.





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