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作為瑜伽人你應該知道的瑜伽禮儀The 9 rules of a peaceful yoga class

These often unspoken rules of yoga can help you stay zen on your mat and get the most out of your practice.


沒有交頭接耳,沒有嘻嘻哈哈,大家都在自己的位置或是安靜練習,或是靜坐調息.當時作為菜鳥的我,不知道該做什麼,尷尬的左顧右盼,課程開始後,齜牙咧嘴的上完了一節課. 身體很疼痛,但回家的路上卻莫名的有一种放松喜悅感.,一種不需要任何物質不需要任何他人陪伴,由衷的喜悅滿足感. 這樣一種感受在心裡默默生根發芽,孕育5年,現在我從講台下走到講台上.

還記憶猶新的是,在那堂課里,第一次體會到冥想的深入放鬆以及只和自己在一起的孤獨感,與其說是孤獨感,不如說是第一次體會到「外面發生的一切都和此時的你無關,你就是當下的你,不可複製,不可追溯,且稍縱即逝.」 作為老師時,這些也是我比較常用的引導詞.






1. Keep it down 止語

At a gym, chatting it up with a workout pal or a trainer is the norm, but a yoga room should stay quiet. When you walk into the room, even if class doesn』t start for another few minutes, you should move quietly and talk as little as possible. In studios with multiple yoga rooms, you may need to talk quietly before and after class as well, to ensure you don』t disturb other classes in progress.



2. Leave electronics at home 電子設備勿帶進教室

Chatting on a cell, texting, checking your messages – none of this is acceptable yogic behaviour. Ideally, leave your phone in a locker, if the studio has one. If you must bring it into the room, put it on silent and out of sight. After class, only pull your gadget out and check your messages after you』ve left the room.

用手機聊天,發簡訊,查看你的信息--所有這些都不是可以接受的瑜伽行為。理想情況下,將手機放在儲物櫃里,如果你一定要把它帶進教室,保持關機或者靜音,放在不會干擾自己打擾別人的位置. 下課離開教室後,再看手機.

3. Travel light 輕裝便行

Do not bring a pile of personal belongings into class. Use the lockers or leave non-valuables in the changeroom.


4. Shoes off 脫鞋

Yoga studios are not gyms. You need to take your shoes off in the lobby, never bringing them into the room, and certainly never wearing them while on your mat. it』s considered very rude to step on someone else』s mat, even in bare feet. It』s a cleanliness and respect issue.



5. Be on time 不要遲到

Yogacara staff actually lock the room once class begins. Not all studios take such a precaution, but walking in late disrupts the class, particularly when the instructors begins with a quiet meditation. Aim to get into the room five-to-10 minutes before class starts as it gives you a chance to set up your mat and props and wind down a little.

一旦開始上課房間應該被鎖上,並非所有的瑜伽館都會這樣做,遲到進教室會打擾別人練習,特別是大家在安靜進行調息練習時,不要進入教室. 提前5到10分鐘進入教室,這樣你有時間準備好墊子和輔具,同時還可以微微放鬆.

7. Don』t leave early 不要早退

Zipping out the door while others are in Savasana (corpse pose, which you do at the end) also interrupts the class. Sometimes you can』t avoid having to rush out for an early work meeting or tag-teaming with the spouse to deal with kids. Ideally, leave yourself enough time and don』t book things after class, but if you have no choice, tell the teacher in advance (it』s a bit insulting to them to leave with no explanation), do your own quick version of Savasana during the seated postures and make your escape silently while others are transitioning between poses. Fold up your matoutside the room to create as little kerfuffle as possible. if you suddenly feel ill in a class and can』t continue, pack up deftly and tell the teacher privately why you』re leaving.



8. Share the space 分享空間

Some studios mark out where mats should be placed. But in most, it』s up to the students to share the space. Be mindful of where place yours in relation to the room.At the last minute, you may be asked to scoot over – get used to it.

一些瑜伽館標明了墊子應該放在哪裡。但在大多數情況下,要由學生來分享空間。注意你在房間里的位置。老師可能會讓大家挪動墊子,騰出空間給別的學生. 在一起練習,多為他人著想.

9. Don』t broadcast 不要大驚小怪

When a pose throws you into charley horse or taxes your shoulders, it』s disruptive to the flow of the class to call out to the teacher to explain your issue. 「Don』t get everyone involved. Just flag the teacher,」 says Boons. If your ache or pain is a common one, the teacher can decide to announce a modification to the pose.




Eva 2018/4/12 17:21 深圳




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