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Once, we also had people who accompanied us all day and night, but we always thought that we would meet better people and forget about cherishing the people around us. Today, many years have passed and people who have been accompanied each other have become strangers and dreamed up at midnight. We only think of all his good things. Unfortunately, the time will not turn back, and we cannot come back again.

Many years ago, we had a jade, and we always felt that it was too eye-catching, so we always thought of a better jade. One day, we sold or gave away this piece of jade and changed it to a piece of jade that we thought was better. A few years later it was discovered that, in fact, the piece of jade was more suitable to itself, but we could not find it anymore. It"s up.

Life is like a long journey. We are all traveling tourists. As long as there are horses in the heart, every day is the horizon of the world.



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