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中國茶Q&A on Chinese Tea之 烏龍茶有哪些代表名茶?


Hi ,here is another one of the Q&As on Chinese Tea——


Q:What are the famous representatives of oolong tea?




Oolong, also known as 「Qing cha" ,issemi- fermented tea. The manufacture of oolong tea involves repeating stages of sunning, withering, rolling, shaping, and baking to achieve the desired amount of browning leaves with thevarious and tempting fragrance. The degree of oxidation can range from 8% to 85%, depending on the variety and production style.

Oolong tea is also called Qing tea. Qing means dark green. Oo means black,long means dragon. It is widely accepted by Chinese scholars that the tea emerged in Ming dynasty (16th Century A.D.).

The famous representatives of oolong tea areWuyi Yancha (Dahongpao), Anxi Tieguanyin, FenghuangDancong.




THEN which category does my favourite tea belonged in?

Which would be the best tea for me ?

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Popular explanations on why Oolong Tea isknown as the Black Dragon tea.

版本1 啊啊啊啊有龍啊


Oolong Tea History Version 1: Draaaaaaaagon!

A legend says when an owner of a tea garden went to see his tea which are dried under the sun, he found a black dragon lying there, he was scared away, and it took him days to be able to come back, during these days, the tea leaves oxidized under the sun, are no longer green but rather black. However, the flavor is extraordinary. From then on, the tea is called oolong tea.

版本2 黑臉大漢說


Oolong Tea History Version 2:a hunter called Dragon

Another popular variation of "Anxi" theory is about a hunter called Dragon. He was dark-skinned and was nicknamed Black Dragon. When he was hunting one day, he left tea to ferment in his bag for too long and his running after a beast bruised the leaves and caused them to oxidize. The tea was found to be very fragrant. People decided to name it after him as remembrance for his accidental discovery.

版本3 稀里糊塗說



Oolong Tea History Version 3:"Muddleheaded"

We know that the 「own goal" in sports matches is a mistake to enter our own goal.

Another legend about the origin of Oolong tea is that in ancient times, tea farmers put tea in the the bamboo basket after picking it up. The road going down the mountain was rough and the tea was partly fermented with fragrance because of the collision among tea leaves. The attentive tea farmers used this finding to process the tea and invented the rolling process. 「Oolong" means "Muddleheaded" because of two following reasons: Firstly, the principle of fermentation was not very clear. Secondly, the term is to describe the state of tea leaves being swayed.

版本4 北苑貢茶說


Oolong Tea History Version 4:the "tribute tea" theory

According to the "tribute tea" theory, oolong tea was invented at around 10th century in Northern Song dynasty.

The Song emperors were renowned for their many artistic pursuits, including tea drinking, often at the expense of governance.

They set up the imperial tea garden of Beiyuan in Northern Fujian Province. The tea garden has an important social status in Chinese tea history - it existed for as long as 458 years.

The Beiyuan tribute tea consists of two families of tea: the Dragon and Phoenix. The tea garden was famous in producing the Dragon-Phoenix Tea Cake (Longfong Tuancha).

Tea cake went out of fashion in Ming dynasty as the emperors turned towards loose tea so Beiyuan switched direction in production. Their loose tea was glossy and dark with strong fragrance - it was called Black Dragon tea.


《中國茶葉大辭典》 陳宗懋主編 中國輕工業出版社

《中國茶經》 陳宗懋 主編 上海文化出版社


鳴謝 為我校對英文部分的Shelley !



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