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2018.4.15 二月三十?周日





This film tells a story about a couple from Chandni Chowk aspire to give their daughter the best education and thus be a part of and accepted by the elite of Delhi.


Every now and then the Hindi film industry comes out with a movie like this and you heave a sigh of relief that sensible movies are still being made. In other words, it is not just names that are being used to sell movies. Hindi Medium takes us through the troubles of a couple to get their child into the top 5 elementary schools of New Delhi. While some of the scenes and situations are over-the-top they are intentionally done that way so as to be satirical. However, they are all relatable since each one of us has went through these troubles ourselves or know someone who did.


In a scene straight out of the comedy-drama film 『Hindi Medium』, a businessman in Delhi posed as a slum-dweller in an attempt to get his son admitted into a private school.


My mother is a government school teacher. Once in a while, I drop her to her school. The other day I asked her, why do you think the number of kids going to government schools is constantly on a decline? Is the quality of education in government schools so bad? She said, it"s not about dropping of education level, but about the parents" wish to send their kids to government schools, or any Hindi Medium school for that matter. They believe that government schools are not capable enough to prepare their kids for the real world.


Overcrowded schedules and overprotective parents are making Chinese children miss out on playtime.


More and more young parents are buying into suzhi jiaoyu, or 「personal quality education,」 a term that refers to encouraging children to cultivate diverse interests outside the traditional, exam-oriented educational curriculum. These interests can include anything from Chinese calligraphy, to skateboarding, to robot programming, and usually involve attending so-called interest classes, usually offered by private education companies.


It dawned on me that I』d never given my son any pocket money, because he』d never had the chance to use it. He is accompanied down every street and into every shop by me or another family member. In spite of all my emphasis on personal quality education and interest classes, he — like most of his peers — wrapped up in layers upon layers of parental overprotection.


More Chinese parents need to realize that our hand-holding mentality is overwhelming our children. We have to loosen our grip, give our kids time of their own, and let them take the initiative. As parents, we worry endlessly about preparing our kids for the real world. At times, we see life as a battlefield on which everyone must arm themselves for a fight. But the best times in life are those stolen moments we spend with other people — an idle afternoon with a beloved companion, a cup of tea with an old friend, or a simple game of tag with our classmates after school.



Chandni Chowk:月光集市,德里的著名集市

aspire:v 渴望

elite:n 精英

heave a sigh of relief:鬆一口氣

sensible:adj 明智的

elementary school:n 小學

scene:n 場景

over-the-top:adj 過分的;過頭的

intentional:adj 刻意的

satirical:adj 諷刺的

relatable:adj 關聯的

pose:v 假扮;冒充

slum-dweller:n 居住在貧民窟的人

admit:v 錄入

for that matter:就此而論;在這方面

capable:adj 有能力的

miss out on:沒能使用或享受(某一機會)

playtime:n 課間休息時間

cultivate:v 培養

diverse:adj 多元的

curriculum:v 課程

calligraphy:n 書法

skateboarding:n 滑板(運動)

dawn on:使(某人)漸漸明白

peers:n 同齡人

wrap up:包裹住

parental:adj 家長的

mentality:n 心態

overwhelm:v 壓垮;使應接不暇

loosen:v 使放鬆

grip:n 控制

initiative:n 主動權

idle:adj 懶洋洋的

game of tag:你追我躲(一種奔跑遊戲)









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