首頁 > 最新 > 英語專八相當於英語國家13歲小朋友的英文水平?



a. 高考英語130,雅思能考多少分?

b. 英語專業的學生雅思能考多少分?

c. 雅思總分7分,托福能考多少分?

d. 英語專八,雅思能考多少分?


這些問題嚴格來說都是Dumb Question, 也就是愚蠢的問題,因為問題中所的涉及的變數太多,以致於無法作出相應的有價值的回答。但是今天我確實想和大家討論一個與語言能力相關的問題,並對其進行定量分析。問題是這樣的:



一. 語言能力包含哪幾個方面?


Linguistic competence mainly consist of five aspects, which are namely listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. The ability to translate will be excluded in our discussion heregranted that it is the ability to transfer between the source language and the target language, which means two different types of linguistic competence are involved.

二. 語言能力的決定因素有哪些


Overall, one"s linguistic competence is determined by his vocabulary and the degree to which he masters English grammar. The larger the vocabular and the higher the degree of his mastery of English grammar, the stronger one"s linguistic ability will be.

三. 專業八級是什麼水平?

首先,英語專業八級對考生語言能力的測試是不全面的, 也是不均衡的,側重聽力、閱讀,而忽視口語和寫作。其實,口語測試是近兩三年才納入專八測試體系的,此前,專八根本不用考口語。因此, 即使高分通過專八的英專生,其口語水平也可能較低。

First of all, TEM 8 is just a partial and imbalanced measurement of the linguistic ability of the candidates, with more importance attached to listening and reading while much less importance to speaking and writing. Matter of fact, speaking test had been ignored for many years in the TEM8 and has only been incorporated in the very recent 2 or 3 years. Therefore, even if a candidate passed the test with a brilliant score, his speaking may still suck!


Secondly, theoritically speaking, the TEM8 certificate will be given to anyone who scores higher than 60, and obviously there could be a collosal discrepancy between the linguistic ability of the two studentswho passed the examination with a very low and very high score respectively.

四. 專八考試大綱有什麼要求?


In accordance with the Syllabus of Test for English Majors 8, the candidates should have a vocabulary of at least 13,000 words and have a good command of at least 8,000 words.

五. 英語國家母語人士的辭彙量如何?


According to the diagram above, there is a consecutive increase of vocabulary as people grow older in the English speaking countries, and the upward trend gradually slows down when peoplemove into adulthood. Besides, a native speaker"s vocabulary reaches 10,000 when he"s around 7 or 8, and mounts up to 13,000 when he"s around 13, and soars more than 20,000 at around 16 years old, which suggests that normally a 13-year-old native kid already has a command of vocabulary as large as a Chinese student who has passed the TEM8.




Normally, the linguistic competence ofa Chinese who has passed the TEM8 is more or less equal to that of a 13-year-old native kid! Such a sad story! But such anundeniable truth!




College English Pub



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