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Thank you for hurting us. Maybe at the beginning we couldn』t do it, but one day we would understand that although he (she) was cruel to us, it also gave us the opportunity to grow and mature.

The failure of an emotional relationship is not only a blow to our love for one person, but it also undermines our self-confidence to a large extent. It makes us feel like we have failed in our lives and destroyed the self-confidence and dignity of a person. This may be Is this the main reason for our resentment and sadness in the face of the end of the marriage?

Sometimes, some people will regard divorce as an instrument to measure the degree to which the other party cares about themselves. From time to time, it will come out and test it. It will be a sense of security to see each other fearfully and hard to save. In fact, this is a very dangerous situation. In many games, the other person will feel that your expression is the true idea in your heart.

There are no simple victims in the world. If we are always angry for ourselves, then we may never see our mistakes and deviations in this marriage. When we calm down, we will see that perhaps right and wrong are not so important. What is important is that a disaster reflects the misunderstandings and shortcomings of our own lives.



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