首頁 > 育兒 > 喜歡「小哥哥」討厭「大姐姐「...這樣的寶寶該拿他怎麼辦?



兒子兩歲了,感覺有些喜男厭女。家裡的叔叔,舅舅,甚至是男性陌生人也好,一說「抱抱」他就給抱了, 但是女的除了讓他媽媽和奶奶抱,像外婆、姑姑、表姐之類的,怎麼哄他都不肯給她們抱,而且像很怕似的還哭鬧,這可怎麼辦呀?

Michael K. Meyerhoff:At this age your child is starting to develop a strong sense of self, and that includes a gender identity. Consequently, he will prefer the company of those with whom he identifies, that is, males. As he becomes comfortable in his identity over the next few months, he will once again be comfortable with males and females. In the meantime, do not push him to engage in interactions with which he is not comfortable, as that will only make things worse.




Michael K. Meyerhoff: Your child has entered a phase called 「negativism.」 She has discovered that she has personal power and can use it to influence the behavior of other people. She is psychologically compelled to test the limits of her power and usually will do so by ignoring or defying the requests and instructions of her parents. This is normal, so do not take it personally and do not get angry. Whenever possible, give her choices instead of issuing commands (for instance, instead of 「put on your shirt」 say 「do you want to put on your shirt or your pants first?」) so she can exercise power without having to oppose you. And if not possible and you need her to do something or to stop doing something, calmly and gently enforce your authority so she will learn although she is respected, she is not the boss.




Michael K. Meyerhoff:Your child has entered a new stage of cognitive development and is temporarily preoccupied with the interesting thought processes now available to him. As a result, his social interests may be minimal for a while. Be patient. Do not criticize him when he ignores people, praise him when he does respond to them, and you probably will see improvement in his behavior soon.




Michael K. Meyerhoff: You cannot rely on verbal admonitions with a 3-year-old. Whenever he throws something or misbehaves in any way, back up your statements with physical action. If he throws a toy that he likes, take it away and do not give it to him the next time he asks for it. Make him wait at least another day before he gets it back. And if he is just throwing things or otherwise misbehaving, give him a 「time out.」 Have him sit in a chair with nothing to do for three or four minutes, and if he won』t sit still, enforce the 「time out」 by holding him in a firm hug. Do not speak to him, ignore his protests, and keep holding him until the squirming stops. If you are consistent and persistent in this regard, you will soon see an improvement in his behavior.


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邁克爾.麥耶霍夫(Michael K. Meyerhoff)

哈佛大學人類發展學博士,著名的Harvard PreschoolProject (哈佛早期教育項目)主要成員,悅寶園首席顧問。麥耶霍夫博士發表過多部學術著作,其專業觀點被《時代周刊》、《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》等著名期刊廣泛引用。麥耶霍夫博士在早教領域已擁有近五十年的研究經驗,其研究成果為全球早期教育的研究奠定了基石。

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