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每日一歌|搖滾歌手睡粉絲,是從Led Zeppelin開始的


「There was this singer with a mane like a lion and a voice like a banshee, a guitar prodigy who left people"s jaws on the floor, a versatile bassist who was equally at home on the keyboards, and a drummer who played like his life depended on it. - 他們的主唱有著雄獅般的鬃毛、女妖般的歌聲,天才吉他手讓人們的下巴都掉到地上,多才多藝的貝斯手,鼓手就像用自己的生命來演奏」

——Barack Obama - 貝拉克 · 奧巴馬



在Groupie「污名化」的過程中,一支樂隊起了關鍵作用——「Led Zeppelin - 齊柏林飛艇」。

Led Zeppelin那架名為「The Starship」的私人飛機,總要帶上幾個Groupie,嗑藥亂搞,據說樂隊每個人都有性虐取向,甚至會強迫女孩脫光衣服跳進養著章魚的浴缸…




1971年,Led Zeppelin推出樂隊第四張專輯,一發售便飽受爭議:專輯封面上沒有標題、沒有任何文字、沒有樂隊名。直到今天,這張專輯仍沒有任何明確的名字。


然而這張專輯中的「Stairway To Heaven」一經播出,所有不解、質疑、嘲笑,煙消雲散。

它被認為是電台廣播歷史上播放次數最多的一首歌,甚至在它沒有正式發行的美國,也是70年代最常被點唱的歌。在「Rolling Stone Magazine - 滾石雜誌」評出的「史上最偉大500首歌曲」中,高居第3。

今天我們聽這首「Stairway To Heaven」,通過它,一窺Led Zeppelin的偉大。



其實「Stairway To Heaven」,就像遊走於重金屬、布魯斯、迷幻、爵士、鄉村之間的Led Zeppelin整支樂隊一樣——


Stairway To Heaven

There"s a lady who"s sure all that glitters is gold

And she"s buying a stairway to heaven

When she gets there she knows if the stores are all closed

With a word she can get what she came for

Ooh ooh and she"s buying a stairway to heaven

There"s a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure

"Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings

In a tree by the brook there"s a songbird who sings

Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven

Ooh it makes me wonder

Ooh it makes me wonder

There"s a feeling I get when I look to the west

And my spirit is crying for leaving

In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees

And the voices of those who standing looking

Ooh it makes me wonder

Ooh it really makes me wonder

And it"s whispered that soon

If we all call the tune

Then the piper will lead us to reason

And a new day will dawn for those who stand long

And the forests will echo with laughter

If there"s a bustle in your hedgerow don"t be alarmed now

It"s just a spring clean for the May Queen

Yes there are two paths you can go by

But in the long run

There"s still time to change the road you"re on

And it makes me wonder

Your head is humming and it won"t go

In case you don"t know

The pipers calling you to join him

Dear lady can you hear the wind blow

And did you know

Your stairway lies on the whispering wind

And as we wind on down the road

Our shadows taller than our soul

There walks a lady we all know

Who shines white light and wants to show

How evrything still turns to gold

And if you listen very hard

The tune will come to you at last

When all are one and one is all yeah

To be a rock and not to roll

And she"s buying a stairway to heaven














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