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向汐整理 英語金句合集









1.Don"t judge my path,if you haven"t walked my journey.若你沒有經歷過我的旅程,就不要來批判我走的道。

2. I am always waiting for you ,for your turning around .我一直在等你,就等你一個轉身。

3. I don"t want to leave the way teach you how to cherish.我不想用離開的方式教會你如何去珍惜。

4. Even if the road is not flat also should make oneself of the sun. 就算路不坦蕩,也要做自己的太陽。

5. Learn to use high heels to fight ,You are the real queen.學會用高跟鞋打架,你才是真正的女王。

6. Can you tell the world please leave , I want to leave temporarily .可不可以跟世界請個假,我想暫時離開一下。

7. If one day you lost me , I"ll never let you find me .如果有一天你把我弄丟了,那我就永遠讓你找不到我。

8. From now on ,I will expect nothing ,and just take what I get .從現在起,我將不再期待,只珍惜我所擁有。

9. I miss you but without a trace . 我好想你,卻不露痕迹。

10. Not crave forever ,because too far .不奢求永遠,因為太遠。

11. After all , the heart is a even oneself all can not control things . 畢竟心眼,心是個連自己都無法控制的東西。

12. The most affectionate love I imagined is that I live as you used to be after you gone away .我所認為最深沉的愛,莫過於分開以後,我將自己活成了你的樣子。

13. I love every word in your name .我對你名字里的每一個字都喜歡的要命。

14. The face is full of disappointment can only be said to be all right. 面對滿滿的失望也只能倔強笑著說沒。

15. One day ,we"ll all become a memory of someone else"s make it a beautiful one .總有一天,我們會成為別人的回憶,儘力讓它美好吧。

16. I even thought about the future! But you go half-way .我連未來都想好了,可是半路你卻走了。

17. Let me make you whole life youth. 願我許你一生青澀年華。

18. She is not mature sensible mischief but also doesn"t love laugh .她成熟了懂事了不胡鬧了可是也不愛笑。

19. Sudden fear in this life is not what I like and like me.突然擔心這輩子都遇不到我喜歡的也喜歡我的人。

20. Smile . It irritates those who wish to destroy you .保持微笑,這會令那些痛恨你的人感到惱怒。

21. I can"t test people I pateng too clearly hurt too thoroughly.

( I dare not to test the heart, I"m afraid of pain sure hurt too thoroughly.)我不敢試探人心,我怕疼的太清楚傷得太徹底。

22. If you walk into my heart you will only see yourself.你如果走進我心裡,你只會看到你自己,沒有別人。

23. Your name with my life.你的名字伴我生老病死。

24. No one even lives lost nor will I lose .會不會有人,就算把命丟掉也不會把我丟掉。

25. You always scolded by their parents but never cry out in defeat.你總容易被父母罵哭,卻從未在外面服輸。

26. I love you even if you know that you don"t have a result .我喜歡你就算知道沒結果也很喜歡。

27. I don"t talk to you , but I found that you don"t want to talk .不是我不找你,而是我發現你不太想搭理我。

28. You"re always smiling just from me .你總在笑,只是從不對我。

29.Say that is not emotional , but I move the heart .說好不動情,我卻動了心。

30. Now I am in addition to express who are ranging . 現在的我,除了快遞,誰也不等。

31. I am finally going to leave you very slow but very firm .我終於打算離開你了,很慢,但很堅定。

32. Time won"t go back I won"t turn back.時光不會倒著走,我也不會再回頭。

33. You stole my heart .你偷走了我的心。

34. No one like you. 無人像你。

35.one who frequently looks back can not go far.一個頻頻回頭的人是走不了遠路的。

36. It"s not easy to meet you among the huge crowd of people .在億萬人中與你相遇,是多麼不容易。

37. You don"t frown you the most precious.你別皺眉,你最珍貴。

38. I wish you to become your own sun , no need to rely on who"s light .願你成為自己的太陽,無需憑藉誰的光。

39. To numb the pain to laugh off my .痛到麻木,才能笑得暢快淋漓。

40. He is the most blue sea of my youth .他是我年少時最蔚藍的海。

41. I care just laughed like never mind .其實我很介意,只是喜歡笑著說沒關係。

42. I will keep waiting till we meet.我會一直等等到與你相遇。

43. You remember it best you forget .你記得也好,最好你忘掉。

44. The young man is so long you forget . 後生太長,你好難忘

45. You smile is so beautiful like you"ve never been hurt . 你笑的好漂亮,好像從沒受過傷。

46. You said you don"t let go of my hand .你說過不放開我的手

47. Even if we are not together .不要跟我失去聯繫,就算我們不在一起。

48. Waves are not wave has this lifetime .浪不浪也就這一生。

49. Strange breeze is gentle as old as old friends.怪微風太溫柔像老朋友像舊時候。

50. Then we simply did not look back I didnt hold you.後來我們都很乾脆,你沒有回頭,我沒有挽留。

51. Don"t you don"t look back don"t wait for him to stay away myself.別念舊別回頭,別等他一句挽留自己走。

52. Tough days don"t last , Tough people do .艱難的日子總會過去,只要你堅持下來。

53. All work and no play ,makes jack a dull boy.只學習不玩,聰明的孩子也會變傻。

54. The person I love is not the best but he is the unique one . 我愛的人他不是最好,但他卻是唯一。

55. Really want to let you know , if you don"t abandon me , I will accompany you forever .很想讓你知道是,你若不離,我便不棄.

56. However there"s no passion as before , loving you has become a rule for me .雖然沒有了最初的新鮮感,但是愛你已經成為了我的習慣。

57. When I met you , I felt I"m the luckiest person in the world , no matter what will happen in the world .遇見你,無論以後會怎樣,都感覺自己是最幸運的。

58. My heart is so small that you"re the only one who can live there .我的心很小,除了你誰都容不下。

59. It"s great to have you in the world and I only wish that the time world be peaceful in our rest of lives .這個世界有你在就好,餘生只望歲月靜好。

60. The person who always smiles at you , when he sees you immediately ,is an idiot or the one who loves you deeply .一看到你就笑的人,不是傻子就是愛你的人。

61. You"re the first one I think when I wake up in the morning ,you"re the person I keep thinking when I go to bad at night .早晨第一個想到的是你,晚上最後一個想到的也是你。

62. Love is hard , but the reason I still persist is you .愛情很難,因為是你,所以再難我都堅持到最後。

63. I want to hold your hand from the moment when I fall in love with you to the end of life .我想牽你的手從心動到古稀。



1. Maybe I meet you is enough .認識你也許我就足夠了。

2. Sometimes you need to walk alone just to show that you can.故事的結束是為了新的開始。我不會難過,別太小看我。

3. For you , a thousand times over . 為你千千萬萬遍。

4. The most lonely time , will build the most strong yourself。最孤獨的時光,會塑造最堅強的自己。

5. Just missing you at my side ,as people are lonely scenery .只是少了你在我身邊,景色依樣人卻孤單。

6. I want to sing you a lifetime of love songs.我想給你唱一輩子的情歌。

7. Distance can make miss , but miss my lovesickness pain. 距離可以成就思念,可思念成就了我的心痛。

8. I miss you or think of sad . 我還是會想你想到難過。

9. Youth is not a time of life ,it is a state of mind . 那是我們都回不去的從前,幸好還可以堅持當時的信念。

10. Lost coil no longer come back . come back no longer perfect . 失去的不再回來,回來的不再完美。

11. Don"t let the world change your smile. 別讓這個世界改變了你的笑容。

12. To love and to love ,one more word , but a once . 愛和愛過,多了一個字,卻隔了一個曾經。

13. Memories of two people so much ,but Ionly ,remain a spectator. 兩個人的回憶那麼多,可是看客卻只剩我一個。

14. The a we have corners ,Think that is always beside you. 那一段我們曾心貼心,以為在你身邊那也算永遠。

15. Don"t touch my heart. 別碰我心。

16. Listen to sad song ,see happy play .聽悲傷的歌,看幸福的戲。

17. Crazy for loving you. 為愛痴狂.

18. Memories are the best out come.回憶才是最好的結局。

19. Much transformed . 物是人非。

20. Very lucky met a so good you in age .很幸運在這樣的年紀,遇到一個這麼好的你。

21. Want to have more strong , will dare to yearned. 誰能告訴我,要有多堅強,才敢念念不忘。

22. Spring ten , as you know. 春風十里,不如認識你。

23. Have your time ,have to illuminate my loneliness. 有你的時光,把我的孤獨都照亮。

24. I only hope you think my corners of the mouth is a smille.我只希望你想我的時候嘴角是笑的。

25. Time is not your eyes. 時光不及你的眉眼。

26. Like and love are never the same. 喜歡和深愛從來都不一樣。

26. May you in fragile when somebody give you a hug. 願你在脆弱時有人給你擁抱。

27. May you can give to others when strong warm . 願你在堅強時能給別人溫暖。

28. After breaking up , do not contact. 分手後就不要再聯絡。

29. I will always remember the scallions and secretly love your mood .我永遠會記得那段青蔥時光,和偷偷喜歡著你的心情。

31. That way the dark will eventually own walk. 最漆黑的那段路最終要自己走完。

Those years gone by youth. 那些年逝去的青春。

32. In the best time to meet you. 在最美好的年紀遇見你。

33. Always believe in yourself even when others don"t have you ever loved me like I love you . 你是否曾愛過我,像我愛你一樣。

34. A person"s taste like drinking a glass of icy water and then use a very long time into tears. 思戀一個人的滋味,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然後用很長很長的時間流成熱淚。

35. left a life of loneliness and solitude.留下了一生的寂寞與孤獨。

36. To hold your hand. 執子之手。

37. Noisy day , will eventually piled into sleep phase. 吵吵鬧鬧一天,最終還是會相擁入睡。

38. Happiness is the thought of you , will be god to arakawa who also want to tube .幸福是一想到就心安,地要老天要荒的誰還想管。

39. You are always there .(我的記憶)始終有你存在

40. If you have personal can let you forget. 如果有個人能讓你忘掉過去 , 那這個人就是你的未來。

41. We want to be together for a life time .我們一輩子就這樣。

42.Girl ,forgive me alone tacit silent love you. 姑娘,原諒我孤默寡言卻愛你好深。

43. Suddenly I miss you , where will you be.突然好想你,你會在哪裡。

44. Disorderly my rhythm this is the reason for my reflection. 你或許來過像一場煙火,燃燒過我的瞳孔,然後狠狠墜落。

45. I glad was holding in her hang I love.

(How your city lonely without you.)多慶幸我是我,被你捧在手心裡疼愛的我。

46. I am willing to spend time with you , even in vain. 我想和你虛度時光。

47. I have to let go , wish you happiness.好久不見,願後會無期。

48. We"re always after a long walk forward , back to laugh at once .回過頭來笑曾經的自己。

49. I don"t say it , but I know everything.


50. Somewhere only pretend you forever in my heart . 心裡的某個地方永遠只裝著你。

51. I am a person to eat , trarel ,wandering around. 我一個人吃飯,旅行,到處走走停停。

52. I am ordinary yet unique. 我很平凡 ,但我獨一無二。

53. simple like the most in the long run.簡單的喜歡最長遠。

Ordinary with the most comfortable .平凡的陪伴最安心。

Understand you are the most warm .懂你的人最溫暖。

54. If you are not a blind man , don"t know me with a message. 如果你不是瞎子,請不要用流言了解我。

55. The distance we unbridgeable a word of goodbye is dead . 我們的距離無法逾越,一句再見便是永別。

56. Love again how deep and how , without you to listen to me .情再深又如何 , 沒有你來聽我說。

57. Love is a kind of meet can"t wait not ready .愛是一種遇見,不能等待,也不能準備。

58. Even though I say nothing , I still want to stay with you .我只想待在你身邊,即使不說話。

59. The thing I"ve known by heart is not only your name ,but also your sweet looking. 爛熟於心不只是你的名字,還有你可愛的樣子。

60. I tell you the dirty jokes because of love ,if I Don"t like you , I won"t even be bothered to talk to you . 喜歡你才會對你說,不喜歡我都懶得搭理你。

61. Being important enough deserves the latest goodnight and the earliest good morning . 足夠重要才配擁有最後的晚安和最早的早安。

62. There "re two kinds of time one is being with you and the other is being separated from you . 時間有兩種,與你在一起的時間和與你分開的時間。

63. You become the most important person in my life from a stranger .你從一個陌生人,變成了一個我最捨不得離開的人。

64. For me , the only way to kill time is to be together with you .對我來說打發時間的方式只有一個:跟你在一起。

65. I have two wishes : you are on my side and I am on your side.我只有兩個心愿,你在身邊,在你身邊。

66. I aways forget to tell you that how lucky I am to encounter you. 一直忘了告訴你 , 我有多幸運,遇見的是你。

67. In the vast universe ,two self— stars chanced to meet. 在浩瀚的宇宙中 ,兩顆各自轉動的星球不期而遇。

and were attracted , The existence of love is is Cyclical like the tide . 相互吸引,愛情的存在,就像周而復始的潮汐.

In a sky full of stars ,only you are that glittering , shimmering star.滿天的繁星,唯獨你,才是那顆閃耀著璀璨光芒的星辰。

68. I want to see you , even for a moment . 我想見你,哪怕片刻。

69. All the deep love is secret . 所有的深愛都是秘密。

let"s make a contract ,tired also don"t break up . 我們做個約定吧,累了也不分手。

70. I love you ,I don"t even have a chance.我愛你,連機會都沒有。

71.loneliness is heard a familiar name not careful thought of some story . 孤單是聽見某個熟悉名字不小心想起某些故事。

72. I pretended to be indifferent , but I found that you really do not care. 我假裝無所謂,卻發現你是真的不在乎。

73. You"ll never understand what I"m pretending to be. 你永遠不會明白,我那些假裝的無所謂.

74. A faint smile ,but no ,A woman, you can slowly go away . 微微一笑,奈何傾城,陌上花開,可緩緩歸矣。

75. You also is the scenery of others. 你亦是別人的風景。

76. I like alone until you walked into my heart.我喜歡獨自一人,直到你走進我的心裡。

77. perhaps there is a lot of regret(May leave a lot of regret, but I think this is the youth)


78. I would rather have a few years later to meet you , As long as the final stay right beside you is me . 我寧願晚幾年遇見你,只要最後留在你身邊的是我。

79. love you whole life will never be separated. 愛你一生 ,永不分離。

Make a feel like old friends at the first meeting,Eyebrow eye to make a book.


80 .Have your city lonely without you.你的城市沒有你的孤獨。

81. It was love at first sight.這是一見鍾情。

love is louder.愛是大聲點(響亮)

82. Fuck off and you will be okay.滾蛋,你會沒事的。

83. "I have not this but you are one hundred and one"

「我本已百毒不侵 偏偏你是一百零一」




1.You did not know that my basic wish was just to admire the paradise together with you . I think ,we shall meet each other again in our next live .你不知道,我最輕最淺的念想,不過是和你一起仰望天堂。我想,下輩子我們一定會遇到。

2.At that time, I shall wait for you! 那時候,我一定等你!

At that time ,if you don"t come , I will stay young . 那時候,你不來我不老 .

At that time , you shall not lose me again !那時候,你一定不要把我丟掉。


3.It"s now or never .如果不試試,你就永遠錯過了。【把握現在】

4.You have to say what your heart tells you.你必須把你的真心話告訴他。

5.How would you know if you don"t try?如果你不嘗試,你怎麼知道呢?【如果不試試,你就永遠錯過了。 】

6.When you are really in love , nothing else really matters . 當你真正愛上一個人的時候,你就會發現,其實別的東西都不重要了。

7.A person walking may be slow , two people go will go far away .一個人走著也許會很慢,兩個人走才會走很遠。

8.She looks poor ,It seems that I had met her.看起來一無所有,是有點似曾相識。

9.When we graduated we were together. 畢業時我們在一起。

10. let"s we"re still together in the future .希望未來我們還能再相遇。

11.people just feel happy when they get something from nothing .

and feel pain when they lose something to nothing .人總是從無到有就感到快樂,從有到無而感到痛苦。

12.There"s nothing in life ,that we can own forever .人生中的一切,我們都無法長久的擁有。The only thing left is the experience.只會是一種經歷。

13.shall there be a way to satisfy both , for me to stay true to Buddha and to you ? whether you see it or not ,it"s just ther.世間安得雙全法,不負如來不負卿,你見或不見,它就在那裡。

14.Love can make you proud like the sun , and it can make me humble like the earth .愛能讓你驕傲如烈日,也能讓我卑微入塵土。

15.If love is forced . I would rather be single in all my life time .如果感情是強求來的,我寧願單身一輩子。

——Next life ,I want to be your heart . 下輩子我要做你的心臟。

——Why you want to be my heart ? 為什麼你要做我的心臟?

——Because you would die if I stopping beating! 因為我不跳,你就會死!

16.Sometimes ,We run away in order to ,stay in the same place . 有時候 ,拚命奔跑,只是為了留在原地。

17.Like people Dogs when lost Do their best to find their way home ,and be with those they love .狗跟人一樣,就算迷路了,也是會想盡辦法找到路回家,回到自己喜歡的人身邊。

18.When the last leaf falls The scenery changes .當最後一片黃葉落下的時候,你會看到另一片風景。

19.I"m not leaving , I"m not leaving,I"m not going anywhere.我不走,我不走了,我哪也不去了。

20.I promised I wouldn"t let you shed a single tear . I know I made you sad ,Let me tell you a story . 我曾經答應過你,不會再讓你掉一滴眼淚。我知道因為我你很難過,想跟你說一個故事。

21.How does light greet light ? They say Let"s meet in the dark .光和光怎麼打招呼呢? 他們說在最黑的地方見吧。

How does the sea greet the sea?They just wave . 海和海怎麼打招呼呢?他們什麼都不說只是揮手。

How does the wind greet the wind ? I think ,They simply sigh .風和風怎麼打招呼呢? 我想,全是嘆息吧!

How do Junho park and CuXiaoyou greet each other?


22.Yes,I try so hard to forget you .是啊,我好努力的想要忘掉你。

23. Forget you live again, You can"t leave the spot .忘記你開始生活,記憶里的你走不出來。

24.That is left . after you disappeared . 你消失的位置 空出來的那個地方。

25.If you see me looking for traces of you .看到在找你的痕迹的我的話。

26. For a while ,Can"t you be mine?只一刻,你不能屬於我嗎?

just like the time . I held you in my arms?能像那時,我抱著你嗎?


27.My heart beat is like the clock Why does it always go off then it shouldn"t? 心跳好像鬧鐘,為什麼總在不該的時候放縱。

28.We met by chance .Why do I feel like this ?兩個人不過萍水相逢,何須何必何來衝動。

29.Am I confusing him ? 我是不是讓他覺得這一切都很朦朧? Why? I want to tell him who I am ?為什麼?我好想告訴他我是誰。

30.The question gets lost among the flowers. 問號走進了花叢。

Why?I want to know too much It"s making me blush .為什麼?想知的太多使我臉紅。

Why am I touched? 緣何因何為何觸動?

He makes me feel everything is a maze.他讓我覺得這一切如同迷宮。

How much time do we have? 我們會有多少時間?

31.A simple greeting brings in tomorrow.開場白打開了明天。

Tomorrow promises next year. 明天又答應了明年 。

We don"t need no introduction .我們將不需要多餘的前言。

It all feels so pure and right . 我覺得這一切都很純粹。

I want to tell him who I am.我想告訴他我是誰。





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