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One melodious, unsatisfied, destined to the dust, speechless; If it is still difficult to let go, then please make a note of incense and wait for an invitation to come. Warm and quiet again, keep a Spring and Autumn, and wait for a spiritual attachment. If you, the next intersection, you are still still, then, please put my youth, when you are not far away, lock into your light years. Do not modify special words, do not dominate the gorgeous words, only willing to meet in the corner of the bookmark, there is an Eleonora woman, once stubbornly in the age of love will be written into the encounter journey, enough.

Red dust, leaning against the railings, with flower sleep; falling flowers curtain, the wind is far away, the fragrance still. Thanks for the gratefulness, thanks for having you, this light summer morning, gently step on the warm sunshine, and meet you in the fragrance of the words, your smiles have long been in my heart. Willing to use the snap fingers for a change of life, if you know, please remember, please.



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