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At night, we count the stars and talk about our hearts and minds. We are no longer struggling to run around, at this time, the scenery is not far away, but beside it. Only smell the flowers, do not talk about sadness and joy, remember to bring their own sunshine at any time.

Think of the rainbow, the beauty is extremely beautiful, share the spread of happiness. The real calm is not to avoid the chariot, but to care for a flower in my heart. Such as the gorgeous summer flowers, dead as quiet as the autumn leaves to see the flowers, waiting for flowers, cold and warm, knowing, clean as the beginning. Happiness is flowers and grass, and people you love. Together with the lover, quiet, watching the sunrise in the alley in the morning, looking at each other at night to see the sunset.

Open your eyes every morning to see you and the sun are in, this is what I want. When you open the window, you can smell the fragrance of leaves and roses in the wind. May your windowsill bloom with flowers.



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