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32 year old Andre Ingram has been in the G-League for 10 years and has just signed his first NBA deal with the Lakers



[–]Lakerslonzoballsinmymouth 1540 指標 2 天前

Damn no bias but this is a classy move.. I hope more non contending teams do this to give players like this a shot


[–][NYK] Frank Ntilikinajeversmither 623 指標 2 天前

I hope he"s good, it would be a great story.


[–]Hawkscustom-concern 122 指標 1 天前

Even if he"s not, or if he never gets signed again, he"ll get to say that he played in the NBA. That in and of itself is pretty dope


[–][ATL] Paul MillsapJfklikeskfc 200 指標 1 天前

God damn Magic is such a likable dude. Even in this clip he just comes off as so genuine and easy to talk to


[–][SAS] LaMarcus AldridgeUltimateZ906 141 指標 1 天前

I swear he always smiling lol even when he gets fined


[–]Pistonslionsfan2016 130 指標 1 天前

I met him at the gym by his parent"s house once and I was so star struck, he looks at me staring and smiles says hows your workout? I couldn"t believe it. He was smiling the whole time, no ego at all saying whats up to everyone.


[–]LakersIllmaticGOAT 85 指標 1 天前

Man no wonder guys like that turn everything they touch in to a success. They just lift up the mood of everyone around them.


[–][MIN] Jimmy ButlerArcanePudding 1464 指標 2 天前

He looks older than Magic wow


[–]76ers76Answers 1048 指標 2 天前

10 years in a development league and no contract? Shit has to be stressful, especially if you have a family and ball is all you know.


[–]WizardsJuanWall 2722 指標 1 天前

I know it"s not what you meant by "all he knows" but just fyi, Ingram is really smart. He was a straight A student in HS, went to AU for four years and graduated with a degree in physics while breaking like every school basketball record. He"s also the best 3 point shooter in G-league history. And while 32 is old for basketball, it"s young for the world, and I"m sure he"ll be fine whatever he does once his basketball career is over.


[–][SAS] Kawhi Leonardkylesibert 770 指標 1 天前*

Damn that was awesome


[–]WizardsJuanWall 951 指標 1 天前

yeah, he"s actually a full time tutor for calculus and physics when he"s not playing basketball.


[–]richhomieram 1196 指標 1 天前

So your telling me this man made an NBA team... as a hobby? Wtf, props to him


[–]Pacersdukeeaglesfan 1365 指標 1 天前

"hey professor what are your office hours again?"

"idk i have to check the lakers schedule"



[–][MIA] James PoseyCudizonedefense 678 指標 1 天前

Lmfao I know you probably don』t care but your comment just made my shitty night not-shitty. Thank you


[–]Pacersdukeeaglesfan 143 指標 1 天前

good i hope it gets better!



More info on Andre Ingram: He earned a degree in Physics whilst leading American U in scoring all 4 years, tutors students calculus in the off season and took nearly an entire season off from the pro game so he could care for his first daughter while his wife finished her college degree.

[–][BOS] Tom Heinsohnsolarscopez 2695 指標 21小時前

If this guy doesn"t get a contract I"m holding the entire NBA accountable


[–]Jazzbigg_pete 196 指標 21小時前

If this dude doesn"t get a contract can he be a commentator or analyst or something!


[–]sciencebased 164 指標 21小時前

Dude I legit think he』ll get one. Maybe even in LA. We re-signed Stockton for hype, why not Andre? Nah someone will sign him. He』s legit talented and has some years left.


[–]klawhileonard 242 指標 16小時前

If he doesn』t get a contract I don』t understand what the G league is for.


[–][OKC] Hasheem ThabeetTheJoshTipton 286 指標 15小時前

10+ years of spending a decent time away from your family living in hotels making max 18k a year


[–][NBA] LeBron Jameskawangkoankid 139 指標 15小時前

Ball is life. Respek


[–]SunsFrisbee17 132 指標 14小時前

its like 5 months, 50 games, and more money than you think https://2ways10days.com/nba-g-league-top-earners-for-the-2016-17-season-ea5804ea7f7b. Subsidized with tutoring in the summer granted I don"t know the tutor game but I wouldn"t be shocked if he was pulling around 40-50k annually, doing what he LOVES seems pretty good if you ask me.


給大家補充一篇鏈接:https://2ways10days.com/nba-g-league-top-earners-for-the-2016-17-season-ea5804ea7f7b. 這位老兄每年夏天還有穩定的輔導員工作來賺取外快,我對輔導員的報酬知之甚少,但他一年如果能掙個四萬到五萬美元我並不會感到吃驚,老鶯歌在把愛好和工作相結合這方面做的還是蠻不錯的。

[–]Nets Tankwagonnyon_zyon 134 指標 14小時前

He probably has to live within like an hour of LA tho to make that work, right? 40-50k per year in that area is pretty shitty.


[–]Cavalierseunit8899 169 指標 14小時前

G League teams provide per diem and housing though so the cost of living isn"t as bad as it could be.


[–]LakersApexEngineering 108 指標 12小時前

Housing too? That"s a game changer because its expensive as fuck in this area.


[–]Nets Tankwagonnyon_zyon 57 指標 13小時前

Didn』t know that. So per diem + housing + $50k + whatever he makes as a math tutor? Sounds like a pretty decent gig then.


[–]Bullswylin247 55 指標 12小時前

Plus his wife"s income.


[–]76ersimthestar 95 指標 1 天前

26k is the max g league salary fyi


[–]Hawks Tankwagonterafunker 89 指標 1 天前

That"s pretty shameful.


[–]NBAAlcoholEnthusiast 82 指標 1 天前

I agree. The NBA makes enough to dish out 50-75k+.


[–]LakerscrazyPA 85 指標 1 天前

Assuming he makes $40-50/hr tutoring, he probably makes more annually as a part time tutor than playing full time in G league.


[–]SupersonicsJustaGangsta 91 指標 1 天前

And he might make more in two games with the Lakers than he has in his entire G-League career.


[–]emeraldcity27 69 指標 1 天前

I read his three day minimum salary should be around 14k. Not life changing money, but damn it must feel good for him to finally play a couple NBA games and get a nice little chunk to do it. I hope he takes an awesome vacation or does something that makes him happy with that money.


[–]Shameful_Lobster 1575 指標 20小時前

Lmao can you imagine calling up your math tutor talking about how hard this calc class is and he』s like nah I can』t help you I just got a contract with the lakers.


[–]Magic TankwagonRitersBloque 568 指標 14小時前

Dude, I"m literally about to share the court with Lebron. The Pythagorean Theorem will have to wait.


[–][OKC] Russell Westbrookdepressedkcfan 110 指標 13小時前

If you"re in calc/physics and having trouble with the Pythagorean Theorem... good luck


[–]Bulls Tankwagon12temp 839 指標 21小時前

bro this guy is a fucking super human.... Like this shit just gets better and better.


[–]queenjohnson 454 指標 20小時前

an incredible feel good story. educated family man who mentors high schoolers in hard classes and stays in shape for a fricking decade to get a shot to play for a pro team. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!


[–]Super_Becks 228 指標 21小時前

You"re gonna tell me he saves puppies and puts out fires in his free time too?


[–]keratykid 204 指標 19小時前

Actually yes, he is also a volunteer fire fighter and a member of hope for paws organization, just search it in the internet.


[–]Cavalierschantlernz 19 指標 15小時前 

You honestly couldn"t make this shit up...


[–]CavaliersYash_We_Can 63 指標 14小時前

He did tho


[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanDeRusselDeWestbrook 81 指標 13小時前 


[–]Braveswishiknewnatportman 1654 指標 21小時前

As mentioned from another thread, the anti-tristan thompson


[–]sop1232 668 指標 20小時前

I still don』t understand how TT managed to get caught cheating on two different women near the end of their pregnancies.


Not the sharpest tool in the shed.


[–]RaptorsFudgicles1 452 指標 18小時前

Garbage on the court and off.


[–]Cavalierssobz 139 指標 15小時前

Maybe he should resort to cheating on the court. Maybe he won"t get caught there, and he may actually produce for the Cavs.


[–][LAC] Chris PaulKamekai44 191 指標 18小時前

That ain"t just being dumb, that is being an asshole. Getting caught isn"t the problem, cheating is.


[–]Cavaliersitsmikeyfun 35 指標 12小時前

It"s all publicity for the Kardashian show. Guarantee they will make it 3 episode saga about how Khloe feels betrayed and how Kim and Kourtney can"t fathom how a guy could do that to her after what she"s been through


Unreal. Andre Ingram, the 32-year old rookie is getting MVP chants in his first career game. Has 11 points in 6 minutes.


[–]Wizardsmaaikool 320 指標 1 天前

lmao they keep calling him "kid"


[–]Bladex10 160 指標 23小時前

Lol. I notice that too. I must be a damn baby then at age 27


[–][LAL] Alex Carusothatscoolm8 2542 指標 1 天前

This put a big fucking grin on my face


[–]DeepSeededHate 1287 指標 1 天前

Just want people to also see the pre-game interview he gave which is the absolute epitome of class. If you could draw up a humble, down to earth athlete and give him a script it would be this interview.

Video . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwk4hwD9z3c

I understand now why he teaches ball to younger guys in his off days.




[–]Celtics_dook 417 指標 23小時前

Is it just me or does he sound just a little like Kobe? This is highly suspect...


[–][BOS] Shaquille O"NealOneSpookySneakySquid 537 指標 23小時前

League fucked, Kobe found a younger body.


[–][BKN] Rondae Hollis-JeffersonExpulsure 914 指標 1 天前

That"s so fucking cool, can"t even imagine how he feels rn


[–][LAL] Alex Carusothatscoolm8 1403 指標 1 天前

Imagine being in the D-League for 10 years and getting fucking MVP chants in Staples Center


[–]Cavaliers BandwagonTThundeRR 603 指標 1 天前

i imagined that ; can confirm he feels happy as FUCK rn


[–][OKC] Eric Maynorjhairfield 2352 指標 1 天前

I posted this earlier, but I just want everyone to know how awesome this guy is. I』ve got chills watching him play so well and him getting MVP chants.

Probably too late to this thread for anyone to notice, but I"m so happy for this guy.


We are from the same city and there is a church there with a nice rec center that has a couple of basketball courts. The courts were open to the public (were, because dudes got to fighting too many times in a church and they changed it to 18 and under for the most part), but every morning in the summer he is there with his trainer working out. Everyone always asked him to get in pick up games but he never would, however he would talk to anyone and every summer he would always do a basketball camp there for the kids.


I know it"s only until the end of the season, and it"s only two games, but I"ve seen this Andre put the work in for so long and he is so deserving of this. I hope the Lakers let him see the court for at least a couple minutes, because he has earned it.


[–]mnucks 281 指標 18小時前*

I couldn"t think of a more deserving person in the world!!!

I went to middle & high school (Go Springers!) with Andre. The first day I saw him play basketball in the gym I started calling him Jordan and he would just laugh at me. Now I"m watching him on the big stage draining 3"s like no other. It really gave me chills everytime he scored.



Andre is nothing but class and such a stand-up guy. I can"t say enough good things about the guy... super smart, talented, humble and as you can see persistent on achieving his goals. This is nothing new for Andre either, he led our high school team to first ever Group AAA State championship. I had to look up the stats and he avg 22.8 points, 9.5 rebounds and shot 49% from three-point range and won Player of the year. I wish he would have been given a chance sooner to show his true skills but I guess better late than never.


He"s always been a huge inspiration whether he knows it or not and I wish him the best in the future. I"m sure he sees all us old classmates cheering him on.

What a damn superstar!




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