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伊麗莎白二世和她的柯基犬們,1973年。1933年,溫莎家族有了第一隻柯基犬。PRESS ASSOCIATION, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS

For decades, the image of Queen Elizabeth II surrounded by corgis has been a beloved symbol of the British monarchy.

幾十年來,女王伊麗莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)被柯基犬圍繞的形象,一直是英國王室的一個令人喜愛的標誌。

So a report in The Daily Mail that the queen』s last corgi, Willow, had died, naturally sent the British press (and more than a few outlets in the empire』s former colonies) into a tizzy. Buckingham Palace declined to comment or answer questions, saying the issue was a private matter.

《每日郵報》(The Daily Mail)報道稱,女王的最後一隻柯基犬威洛(Willow)去世了,這自然引起英國媒體(以及前帝國殖民地的多家媒體)一片嘩然。白金漢宮拒絕置評或回答問題,稱這是一個私人問題。

But with much of the internet mourning the apparent end of the royal corgi lineage, now feels like a good time to explain the enduring appeal of the royal pets.


『Dookie』 Joins the Royal Family


1936年,當時身為公主的伊麗莎白擁抱一隻柯基犬。LISA SHERIDAN/GETTY IMAGES

The House of Windsor came by its first corgi in 1933, when King George VI, then the Duke of York, acquired a puppy known as Dookie for his family.


He was joined shortly thereafter by Jane, who was with the royal family until 1944, when she was fatally struck by a car.


Susan was given to Elizabeth later that year, as an 18th birthday present. According to an article in Vanity Fair, Elizabeth, then a princess, became so inseparable with her dog that she sneaked Susan with her and Prince Philip on their honeymoon in 1947.

那年晚些時候,有人將蘇珊(Susan)作為18歲生日禮物送給了伊麗莎白。據《名利場》雜誌(Vanity Fair)的一篇文章稱,當時身為公主的伊麗莎白與她的愛犬形影不離。1947年,她和菲利普親王(Prince Philip)去度蜜月時偷偷帶上了蘇珊。

Over the nearly 80 years since the queen acquired Susan, she and her family have continued to breed dogs from Susan』s lineage. The queen has owned at least 30 Pembroke Welsh corgis, all of whom have descended from Susan. Willow was believed to be part of the 14th generation in the line.


But Willow』s death would signal the end of an era for the queen, who reportedly stopped breeding corgis sometime after the death of her mother in 2002.


In 2015, Monty Roberts, a horse trainer who has advised Queen Elizabeth, told Vanity Fair that the queen said to him in 2012 that 「she didn』t want to leave any young dog behind.」

2015年,曾給伊麗莎白女王擔任顧問的馴馬師蒙蒂·羅伯茨(Monty Roberts)在接受《名利場》採訪時表示,女王在2012年曾對他說,「她不想死後留下任何幼犬在世。」

The Palace Still Has 『Dorgis』


Still, while Buckingham Palace may have lost its corgis, the so-called 「dorgis」 remain.


The queen has two such dogs, Vulcan and Candy, who are part of a crossbreed created when a dachshund belonging to the queen』s sister, Princess Margaret, mated with one of the queen』s corgis.

女王有兩隻這樣的狗——瓦肯(Vulcan)和坎迪(Candy)——它們是雜交品種,由女王的妹妹瑪格麗特公主(Princess Margaret)的一隻臘腸犬與女王的一隻柯基犬交配所生。

Queen Elizabeth has also had other dogs over the years, including hunting dogs like the ones bred at Sandringham, her royal estate in Norfolk, England, just over 100 miles north of Buckingham Palace. At one point, she also adopted a Sealyham terrier from her sister.


Beware of the Dogs



Despite the constant presence of animals, the corgis』 time with the royal family has not been without incident.


In 1954, one of the queen』s corgis — there were three at the time — bit a member of the Queen』s Guard. Some time earlier, The International Herald Tribune reported, one of them, believed to be Susan, had also bitten the royal clockwinder.

1954年,女王的一隻柯基犬——當時共有三隻——咬了女王衛隊的一名成員。據《國際先驅論壇報》(The International Herald Tribune)報道稱,在那之前,還有一隻狗咬了皇家鐘錶保養師,據說是蘇珊咬的。

Fourteen years later, a member of Parliament called upon the royal family to post 「Beware of the Dog」 signs outside the queen』s residences after one of the corgis bit a postal workerdelivering mail to Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

十四年後,在其中一隻柯基犬咬了一名往蘇格蘭巴爾莫勒爾城堡(Balmoral Castle)送信的郵差後,一名議員呼籲王室在女王宅邸外張貼「小心有狗」的警示牌。

The queen herself hasn』t been spared, either. In 1991, she was bitten by one of the dogs after she tried to break up a fight between some of them, Reuters reported.


She wasn』t the only victim; her mother』s chauffeur at the time was also bitten and had to receive a tetanus shot.


It wasn』t the only time relationships between the dogs and the royal staff have sometimes been strained. In 1999, a royal footman was demoted after he allegedly spiked the dogs』 food and water with gin and whiskey. He was reportedly caught when an exam on one of the dogs found traces of alcohol in its blood.


『Barking All the Time』



It also appears that not everyone in the royal family has shared the queen』s enthusiasm for her fleet of corgis. In a television interview in 2012, Prince William, the queen』s grandson and the second in line to the British throne, expressed some issues with the dogs.

似乎並不是所有的王室成員都和女王一樣,對她的柯基犬隊充滿熱情。在2012年的一次電視採訪中,女王的孫子、英國王位第二順位繼承人威廉王子(Prince William)表達了對它們的一些意見。

「They』re barking all the time,」 he said. 「I don』t know how she copes with it.」


Prince Harry, his brother, has also registered a noise complaint. 「I』ve spent the last 33 years being barked at,」 he told the BBC in 2017.

他的弟弟哈里王子(Prince Harry)也對噪音表達了不滿。「在過去的33年里,一直有狗在沖我叫,」他在2017年接受BBC採訪時說。

One person who did receive the dogs』 approval? Prince Harry』s fiancée, Meghan Markle.

有誰得到了這些狗的認可嗎?有,哈里王子的未婚妻梅根·馬克爾(Meghan Markle)。

In the BBC interview, the prince commented that the dogs 「took to [Markle] straight away.」


「That』s true,」 Ms. Markle replied.


It wasn』t the dogs』 only moment in the spotlight.


In 2012, Willow co-starred in a sketch that opened the London Olympics. In the taped skit, James Bond (played by Daniel Craig) travels to Buckingham Palace to escort the queen to the Olympic opening ceremony. Joining Willow were Holly, who reportedly died in 2016, and Monty, who died in 2012.

2012年,威洛聯袂主演了倫敦奧運會的開幕短片。在錄製的短劇中,詹姆斯·邦德(丹尼爾·克雷格[Daniel Craig]飾演)來到了白金漢宮護送女王前往奧運會開幕式。與威洛一同參演的有霍莉,據說它在2016年去世了,還有2012年去世的蒙蒂。

The corgis are featured in close-ups as they greet Bond, follow him and the queen down the stairs of the palace and stay still as a helicopter takes off for London Stadium.


Willow and Holly, along with their dorgi cousins, were also featured prominently in a Vanity Fair cover that celebrated the queen』s 90th birthday. In a photograph taken by Annie Leibovitz, Holly sits next to queen in Windsor Castle while Willow, Vulcan and Candy roam at her feet.

威洛、霍莉和它們的多基表親還醒目地出現在了《名利場》慶祝女王90歲生日的封面上。在一張由安妮·萊博維茨(Annie Leibovitz)拍攝的照片中,霍莉在溫莎城堡里坐在女王的身邊,威洛、瓦肯和坎迪在她的腳邊溜達。

The Corgis in Pop Culture


Over the nearly 80 years that the queen has owned the corgis, they have become so closely associated with her that the dogs have even made their way into pop culture depictions of the monarchy.


The dogs are featured in 「The King』s Speech,」 the 2010 movie depicting King George VI』s ascension to the throne. The corgis are prominent enough throughout 「The Queen,」 in which Helen Mirren portrayed Queen Elizabeth during the aftermath of the death of Princess Diana in 1997, that the dogs portraying them received awards for their onscreen performances.

它們參演了講述喬治六世國王走上王位歷程的2010年影片《國王的演講》(The King』s Speech)。在由海倫·米倫(Helen Mirren)主演、講述1997年黛安娜王妃逝世後那段時期的伊麗莎白女王的《女王》(The Queen)中,柯基也十分惹眼,參演的狗還因為自己的熒幕表現獲了獎。

Ms. Mirren later played opposite corgis again on stage as the queen in the play 「The Audience」 in 2013.


More recently, the corgis』 appearance in the Netflix series 「The Crown」 has been credited for renewing interest in the breed in Britain.

最近,柯基在Netflix連續劇《王冠》(The Crown)中的現身,被認為在英國再度燃起了對這個品種的興趣。

「People used to have the impression that while corgis were in the spotlight, because of the queen, they could be seen by young people as an older person』s dog,」 David Robson of the Kennel Club told The Telegraph in February. 「Now that』s changed, partly because we are seeing the character of the younger queen surrounded by them.」

「人們之前的印象是,雖然柯基很受公眾關注,但是因為女王的關係,它們可能被年輕人視為老年人的狗,」犬業俱樂部(Kennel Club)的戴維·羅布森(David Robson)在2月告訴《每日電訊報》(The Telegraph)。「現在這有了變化,部分原因是我們看到了這個有柯基圍繞的、更年輕的女王角色。」






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