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原文作者:John Gapper


In Walt Disney』s Fantasia, the apprentice Mickey Mouse bashfully hands back the sorcerer』s hat after failing to stop a troupe of magic broomsticks from causing a flood.


Mark Zuckerberg made his own bow to the US Congress last Tuesday by apologising for the havoc that he has unleashed at Facebook.


With greater effort and honesty, Facebook can fix the laxity with which it has handled personal data. The Cambridge Analytica scandal showed that it was far too loose in allowing people and organisations to plug into its 「social graph」 and extract data about millions of users. It has already tightened its data controls and must tighten them more, but the task is achievable.


Facebook is to try to make privacy settings clearer by creating a hub where users can examine the data they are sharing, in its latest move to address the scandal that has wiped billions of dollars off its market value.


The world』s largest social network said the settings — including which third-party developers were permitted to access a users』 data — would be centralised, pulling together information that was at present distributed around 20 pages within the platform.


Rob Sherman, deputy chief privacy officer for Facebook, said the changes to make privacy controls 「more prominent」 were being worked on before the revelations that the data of up to 50m users were leaked to Cambridge Analytica, a data analysis firm that worked for Donald Trump』s presidential campaign. He added: 「The thing that has been very clear over the past week is that we』ve lost trust and need to work on regaining it.」


Facebook will also make it easier for users to see all the data that the company holds on them, allowing individuals to explore them by category rather than via a data dump using its old download tool. The new tool could make it easier for users to take their data to a rival, a process that will be required under the EU』s General Data Protection Rules that come into force in May.


「It is one thing to read a data policy that explains general practices,」 Mr Sherman said. 「It is very different seeing your own data and being able to control it.」 Facebook is under pressure from politicians and regulators over data privacy. John Edwards, the New Zealand privacy commissioner, yesterday became the latest to criticise the company, saying it had breached the country』s privacy laws. Facebook has denied the claim.

「閱讀一份解釋一般性做法的數據隱私保護政策是一回事,」 謝爾曼說,「看到你自己的數據並能夠控制它,又是非常不同的另一回事。」在數據隱私問題上,臉書面臨政界人士和監管機構的壓力。紐西蘭隱私專員約翰?愛德華茲昨日成為最新一位批評該公司的人,他表示,臉書違反了該國的隱私權法。然而臉書對此予以否認。

The crisis has pushed some Facebook users, including Mr Edwards, to delete their accounts. Others have downloaded their data to understand exactly what the company knows about them. Yesterday』s announcement follows changes announced by Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive, which largely focused on reducing the amount of data that third-party apps could collect.


Some privacy experts said Facebook would need to go much further. Jonathan Kewley of law firm Clifford Chance』s technology group said: 「There will need to be further steps and more radical steps. New ways will have to be considered beyond a platform which aggregates all the information they control.」


But other things cannot be fixed because they are beyond Mr Zuckerberg』s control, lost in myriad encounters among Facebook』s 2bn users. The technical term is emergence, the powerful and unpredictable outcome of millions of users interacting freely with others. Anything from joke videos to fake news can spread like a virus, changing how people feel and act.


Mr Zuckerberg has been subdued by witnessing his creation cause chaos. Facebook was tapped by anti-Rohingya Buddhists in Myanmar and Russian fake news factories. No higher authority holds the solution. The EU and the US may impose stricter rules on social networks, but politicians and regulators have no deeper insight into Facebook』s workings than its founder.


Facebook increasingly talks of trying to limit the amount of passive consumption by users, from reading news (fake and otherwise) to watching videos. Instead, it wants to nudge them back to the kind of interactions with which it started — 「to stay connected to the people they love, make their voices heard, and build communities and businesses」, Mr Zuckerberg says.


That may be prudent, but it does not get to the heart of the matter: Facebook grew by intentionally mixing up what Mark Granovetter, the US sociologist, called 「strong ties」 with weak ones. The former are close relationships among families, friends and colleagues; the latter are links to distant acquaintances and people in other communities. On Facebook, all 「friends」 are equal.


Facebook』s size makes it more weakly tied than social networks that focus on smaller communities. One analysis of 957,000 Facebook users and 59m connections (gathered before it limited data scraping) found that 「most connections are weak?.?.?.?with few contacts and infrequent interactions」. That made it 「a powerful way to transfer information across large social distances and to wide segments」.


Hundreds of millions of weak ties also make it a powerful way to wield influence. Studies show that people』s mood, behaviour, and even weight are affected by others who are fairly weakly connected in a social network — Profs Christakis and Fowler refer to the 「three degrees of influence」 that friends of friends of friends can invisibly exert.


This is the trouble with Facebook』s elision of families and acquaintances, of strong and weak ties. The latter can make users happy or depressed; can help them to lose weight or gain it; can deliver insight or misinformation. Good and ill both multiply across its emergent, disobedient network.


The sorcerer cleaned up Mickey』s mess but Mr Zuckerberg has not yet handed in his wizard』s hat. 「It』s not enough to connect people, we have to make sure those connections are positive,」 he told members of Congress on Tuesday. That is a fine pledge, but it would take magic to fulfil it.




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