首頁 > 最新 > 英國電子流行創作人Chad Valley回歸中國,奉上讓你腳下生風的演出

英國電子流行創作人Chad Valley回歸中國,奉上讓你腳下生風的演出

陽光明媚的下午、橘紅色的天空圍繞著我們,因為Split Works辦公室里飄散著這樣的氣息的音樂,那一點點復古韻味的電子流行音樂。


Split Works 開功呈現

低保真夢幻流行詩人Chad Valley

4.29 北京 Beijing @ Dada Beijing

4.30 上海 Shanghai @ 育音堂 Yuyintang

Chad Valley製作電子樂的才藝高超,他的作品華麗而憂鬱……是對年輕人希望與夢想的傑出頌歌。

[Chad Valley] has a brilliant way with lush, melancholic electronica…[writing] soaring paeans toyouthful hopes and dreams.

– The Guardian


2018年4月,我們很高興迎來了Chad Valley的回歸:他將是冰雪消融,天映桃紅之時最完美的背景音樂。

這位英國著名創作鬼才善於創作令人目眩的電子流行樂,他跳動的舞曲讓人聽到後便會忍不住抖腿、舞動起來。4月29日周日,北京@Dada;4月30日周一,上海@育音堂Chad Valley將施展他的魔法,創造溫暖夢境,用和煦的陽光與亮麗的春色迎接每一位到場的觀眾。

After winter, the sounds of spring.

In April 2018, we』re delighted to welcome backChad Valleyto China: the perfect soundtrack to melting frost and tangerine skies.

The acclaimed UK songwriter writes swoony solo electro-pop, with a pulsing, danceable core. He』ll be conjuring warm dreamscapes at two special showsBeijing at Dada, Sunday April 29;Shanghai at Yuyintang, Monday April 30.Cuddle up for two intimate evenings filled with visions of sunny shores and brighter tomorrows.

Reach Lines

 Equatorial Ultravox

Chad Valley 


Chad Valley是前Jonquil樂隊成員、牛津人Hugo Manuel的個人電子流行樂項目。他的聲音讓人歡欣鼓舞,構思精巧而豐富——經常以R&B為靈感的作品充滿夢幻氣息又不乏自省的意識。他的音樂以微光閃爍的電子樂為血肉,80年代流行樂與60年代民謠音樂相碰撞而擦出的火花為靈魂。

牛津以其創新精神而著稱,而作為來自牛津的一員,Chad Valley也同樣銳意進取,在自己的三張個人專輯中不斷地探索著。2010年,他的首張同名EP在卧室製作完成;它的旋律有如陽光一般穿過合成器音色的間隙,光芒四射。2011年的EP《EquatorialUltravox》進一步拓展了他的美學,他簡單而氛圍化的Beat製作這裡又多了一份顯著的流行元素。該專輯中的歌曲《Shell Suite》被電影《Warm Bodies》選中。這使Chad的名聲大噪,獲得與Active Child、Chvrches、Erasure、Friendly Fires及Passion Pit等眾多著名藝人共同巡演的機會。而就是在這一年,他以Split Works五周年慶典為契機,進行了中國雙城巡演。

Chad Valley is the solo electro-pop project of Oxford』s Hugo Manuel, formerly of the band Jonquil. His music is triumphant in sound and rich in construct – often dreamy, introspective and R&B-inspired. His music is 80s pop meets 60s folk, with both given a shimmery modern electronic make over.

A product of Oxford』s prolific creative community, Chad Valley has a catalogue that spans three studio releases – 2010』s self-titled debut EP which was a bedroom exploration in swirling synths and sunburnt melodies. 2011』sEquatorial Ultravoxexpanded that recipe, giving his downtempo productions a decidedly more pop-leaning twist. 『Shell Suite』, off that album, was used in the movieWarm Bodies, leading to a string of key touring slots supporting the likes of Active Child, Chvrches, Erasure, Friendly Fires and Passion Pit. He toured China that year for Split Works』 fifth anniversary celebrations.

Up and Down

 Chad Valley EP

Chad Valley 


Chad Valley於2013年發表了專輯《Young Hunger》。在他的第一張全長專輯中,他充分展露了自己對流行音樂的熱愛與抱負。80年代的即興演奏風格與90年代的電台流行金曲風格在這裡被鍍上了現代電子樂的閃光外表;包括El Perro Del Mar、Glasser、TEED、Twin Shadow等眾優質藝人紛紛參與其中。兩年後,他的個人第二張全長專輯《Entirely New Blue》面世。在這張如緩緩燃燒香煙般的佳作中,Chad對身份認同與記憶進行探索,用懷舊的氛圍安撫著聽者。在隨後專輯巡演的過程中,他用自己星光般悅耳的人聲與極其精彩的現場表現征服了世界範圍內無數歌迷。

萬眾期待中,Chad 的第三張全長專輯《Imaginary Music》即將在2018年發行。我們目前對該專輯只有星星點點的了解。如果視這些信息(以及他最近的現場演出)為線索,我們盡可以相信,等待著樂迷們的仍將是滿滿浸透著懷舊與小憂愁的夢幻旋律。

In 2013, Chad Valley releasedYoung Hunger, his first proper album and one that saw him further embrace his pop ambitions. The material was a modern collage of 80』s freestyle jams and 90』s radio singles, featuring an impressive list of collaborators including El Perro Del Mar, Glasser, TEED and Twin Shadow. Two years later, he released his sophomore effortEntirely New Blue,a slow-burning exploration of identity and the places that comfort us with nostalgia. In support of the record, Chad Valley toured the world, winning over fans with his stellar voice and impassioned performances.

In 2018, Chad is releasing his third album:Imaginary Music.We』ve only been treated to snippets so far, but if those (and his recent live shows) are any indication, we』re in for another luxuriant serving of nostalgia-drenched reverie.

Split Works 開功呈現

低保真夢幻流行詩人Chad Valley

北京 Beijing

2018年4月29日 | Apr 29th

星期日 Sun

場地 Venue:Dada Beijing


Address:B-101, 206 Gulou DongDajie

票價 Tickets: TBA

嘉賓 Support: Joy Ginger, Wujing, Ozone

上海 Shanghai

2018年4月30日 | Apr 30th

星期一 Mon | 21:00

場地Venue:育音堂| Yuyintang

地址:上海,凱旋路851號, 近延安西路口

Address:851 Kaixuan Lu, near Yan』an Xi Lu

票價 Tickets: 80 RMB

嘉賓 Support: TBA


掃碼購票 | Scan to buy tickets!

Shanghai 4月30日 @ 育音堂,YYT



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