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夜聽 離開前的釋放





You are gone, from now on, the red dust let it desolate, the days are no longer clear, the yang is no longer warm, the flowers are no longer open, the birds no longer sing. From then on, I alone in the lonely time linger, any thorny bush battered and wounded, from then on, how many Evening night, lonely and tight to follow, let the breeze blew the wind blowing and hurt, blowing a desolation ...


It"s not old, but it"s hard to be. Heart like dual screen, there Chien knot. It was not a matter of how many emotions it would have taken! The widening of the belt did not regret it. How can I hide a few sorrows? When the ends of the earth are poor, only Acacia is endless, and I have seen how much Acacia is aching! This situation can only be remembered, but it was already sad, sad and lost a lot of past. There is no resentment. Regardless of the geometry of past lives, I would like to worry about life and sadness. In my life, there is a person who can think about it, who can think of it. There is a lover who cried for him and laughed at him for the sake of his intestines. regret.


Buddha said: If you don"t move, everything will not move. Having experienced the twists and turns of feelings and feeling the hurt of emotions, it seems that they understand what the situation is and directly teach people—life and death...


In this life, you are destined to be the robbery of my unfathomable life. Now that you have gone away, I will once again bear the burden of unmoving worldliness. I am tired. Can I allow me to stay at the intersection of life for a moment? From now on, do not look at the turmoil, do not listen to the tedious affairs of the world...



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