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夜聽 懂我有幾人




Everyone has a body and a soul. Having a healthy body is a kind of happiness. Soul health is also a kind of happiness. The body is controlled by oneself and the soul is controlled by a god. These two kinds of happiness can only be sensed by heaven and earth.

Living in this intricate world, everyone has a method and reason to find their own happiness. I think only if I have a peace of mind, I will give myself some seemingly unreal and non-imaginary comfort everyday, facing the mirror. Smile brightly, give yourself some courage to live, work hard to make yourself happy, cheerful and happy to face the sun rising slowly every day.

「People have joys and sorrows, and there is a gap between the moon and the moon.」 I feel like a moon. When it is covered by dark clouds, it is like being harassed by Tianda. One is secretly 55. When dark clouds are blown by a strong wind When it vanishes, it will automatically wipe away tears and continue its future life. People must be self-respected, self-reliant, and self-reliant, especially women, must find themselves some hidden in life. There are moments of joy, and the key is to lack a happy heart in this beautiful and dark society. People must learn to think simple and simple in everything. Don"t create too much spiritual burden on yourself. Remember that you are the most beautiful landscape in the world. You don』t have to worry about how many eyes around you are watching you, even if In other people"s opinion, you just appreciate yourself and appreciate yourself. Of course, when you appreciate yourself, you must also learn to appreciate others.



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