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一句話瑜伽,第97期Lindell:為什麼很多瑜伽老師堅持劈叉?Why do lots of yoga teachers insist on keeping splits?

很多人覺得劈叉這個動作爛大街了。Many people think splitting is too much of an act.

製造劈腿不是不正確或者容易受傷的。Turned out splits exist and are not "incorrect" or "injurious".

劈叉是瑜伽裡面必不可少的動作。Splitting is an essential part of yoga.

事實上在很多武術和舞蹈中,臀部會經常劈腿打開。Actually among martial artists and dancers the hips are very often "open" in splits.

只有劈叉的人才能知道這種感覺。Only the person doing the posture can tell how it feels

知道伸展的感覺在哪裡。and where the stretch is felt.

別一門心思的關注一個姿勢看起來如何,而是去感覺它。Let"s not be obsessed with how a posture looks but focus on how it feels instead.

看和做是兩件不同的事情。Watching and practicing are two different things.



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