首頁 > 最新 > 攝影師記錄6位男士成為父親的瞬間,表情說明了一切





Hector Adebambo, 32, from Bromley

「For me, becoming a dad just kicked in naturally, it feels right. I』ve been speaking to my son for nine months and he』s finally here.」

「對我而言,自然而然地成為一名父親,這感覺是對的。 我已經和我的兒子說了九個月的話(胎教),他終於來了。「

「I』ve instantly realized that having a child is going to have such a profound effect because I』m always going to be responsible for another person.」


「When my son was born, my outlook on life changed instantly and I knew that I would need to be there every step of the way to see him grow. Becoming responsible for another human being is the most surreal experience; I can』t quite put it into words but I hope the portraits convey the magnitude of this feeling.」

「當我的兒子出生時,我的人生觀立即改變了,我知道我需要一直守在那裡,一步步看他成長。 對另外一個人負責是一種超現實的經歷; 我無法用言語表達,但我希望圖片能傳達出這種強大的感覺。「

「The birth was much more overwhelming than I expected but I felt amazing as soon as I held my healthy son and saw him open his eyes. I just want to be the best man for my partner and baby.」

「生孩子比我想像的要難得多,但當我抱著我健康的兒子並看到他睜開眼睛時,我感到非常神奇。 我只想為了我的伴侶和寶寶做一個最好的男人。「

「After the birth, as the adrenalin was wearing off, I felt like time had slowed down. I was holding my son and it just felt very peaceful. I know that fatherhood will motivate me to get the best for my family.」

「兒子出生後,隨著腎上腺素消退,我覺得時間放慢了。 我抱著我的兒子,它感覺非常平靜。 我知道父親這個角色會激勵我為家人爭取最好的。「

「I think my priorities will change significantly now that I』m a dad. We only had ourselves to think about before but now everything will be considered with my daughter in mind… .」

「我認為,我現在是一位父親,我的優先事項將發生重大變化。 我們以前只想考慮自己,但現在一切都會考慮到我女兒了。」



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