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各位讀者們我小胖又回來了,這次我和YIA的朋友們來到了位於Costa Mesa的Crossing Church做一些幫助無家可歸者的公益活動。我也知道前一階段關於無家可歸者有可能會落戶在爾灣而引起巨大爭議事件,因此也想藉此機會近距離了解一下他們。

All the readers me again, this time me and my friends in YIA went to the Crossing Church which located in the center of Costa Mesa volunteer events.Inorder to be close to them get to know them better. because about a month ago homeless was a thing that every one talks about in Irvine.


At seven o "clock in the morning we drove to our destination before the sun came out. The early morning breeze rustled gently through the trees, and behind the small jungles some busy peaple were flickering. I saw the busy people and I couldn"t help walking along, but I found it was a group of old people almost 60 years old. They chatted happily as they set up a field for the homeless. Looking at the smiles on their faces, they can"t help but want to join them, hoping to do something for the homeless.


Before entering the area an old man walked up to us warmly and said to us with a smile, "I"m glad you came here today to help these homeless people!" Then he led us around the whole field, walking around and talking about the environment and the role of some of the facilities. Through his story, I learned that there was this activity every Saturday in this church from nearly a decade ago, to bring more warmth to the homeless around here. At most, they served up to two hundred people on a Saturday morning in such an unspacious space, serving more than six thousand homeless people from the beginning. In addition to the free breakfast, there were two cars that I had always been curious about, and I couldn"t help but ask the kindly old man when I walked through the two cars. What was the effect? "It"s a simple laundry cart donated by a film crew in Los Angeles and a shower room donated by a nonprofit organization," he said. "The two cars perfectly completed the task of helping the homeless to deal with personal hygiene.


At 8:30, the free breakfast is offered, and my job is to ensure that the sauce is provided with normal and adequate utensils. I work while looking at smile on her face when they receive food, my heart seems to give birth to a little warmth, thought: "time with my smile on her face and a little bit hard for so many people is worth it." It took me two and a half hours to serve, but in my eyes it was like a moment.


When I finished all my work, I suddenly had a chance to chat with the homeless, hoping to learn about their daily lives. One of them sighed and said, "it"s really cold outside! To this point, just because of the divorce, I really have nothing to say. He slept under the roof of the street the night before. Some nights he slept in a shelter. Religious charities in Los Angeles sometimes send food to homeless people, or find beds, and sometimes help them with ideas.


The Christian mission and other church charities have given their hearts to food, shelter, and more comprehensive help for those willing to accept help. I have also been fortunate to meet Saren, a civil society employee whose job is to help homeless people find work. "We teach them how to write resumes, how to handle interviews and where to look for ads," she says. If they need it, they can borrow the clothes they need for the interview and get some emergency food. We give them the tickets for the ride, they can go to the interview. So they can get jobs."


Through this activity I didn"t really understand the: the government can only solve part of the the question of homeless people, the first two weeks every month there are fewer people come here on Saturday, because the government will issue monthly free food stamps; The rest has been done by other charitable organizations to help the homeless, and it is true that the problem of the homeless is not entirely solved by the government.



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