首頁 > 最新 > 展會客戶砍價,四種殺價情況的應對訣竅






第一種,來展會上逛展的老客戶,表示市場環境不好,要求給與支持:Market very low in USA,現在美國市場不太好,這個產品關稅很高,競爭很大,同行的價格都很低,希望給與支持。

Now American market is in a bad situation and the tariff for the product is high. In addition, there is great competition among our peers. Therefore, I hope there is more support for us.


我也聽說現在美國市場不太好。I also heard about the bad situation in American market.

但是想必你也從其他供應商那裡得知了吧,原材料最近上漲很多。However, you must have got information from other suppliers that the price for raw materials has increased a lot recently.

現在中國環保查的很嚴,我們產能下降很多。At present, environmental protection authorities are acting a tighter supervision on us leading to a great decrease in our productivity.

而且最近匯率很低,希望你能了解到我們處境同樣不容易,所以希望你能接受我們這個價格。What』s more, the exchange rate is lower than before, which also put us in an adverse circumstance. So I hope you can accept our price.

第二種:I"ve got a better price from another supplier.我們在其他供應商那裡獲得了一個更好的價格



We also have some cheaper products of the same type, but the quality is not good at all, compared to the ones I recommended you, so please have second thoughts on it. Of course, we can provide you with products with different qualities, but it is sure that the cheaper ones will be more easy to wear and tear and more importantly have more risks.

Ohter supplier give me $2.其他供應商給我2美金。



We can also offer you that price, even a lower one. But the reason why we don』t provide products with that low price is that the quality of the product is the core for our business. We and our customers used to suffer a great loss from that kind of cheap products for the risks of them are so high. Therefore, we don』t produce like that anymore. In a long term, the cheap products are harmful for exploiting the market as well as keeping customers.

第三種: 如果你們不能給我更好的價格,那麼我只能下單給其他供應了.




Actually when we offered higher price to other customers, they didn』t have such complaints like you did.

The price I offered to you is quite reasonable and our quotation are always in line with that in the market. We are offering a reasonable price for the package, delivery time and also after-sales service.




We have better performance on the product quality, delivery time, package,after sale service and also payment than other suppliers, so our profit is quite low. We have to spend more on these aspects to guarantee a better performance, so we cannot guarantee these to you if you really want to cut down the price.



I believe that you got a good price from other suppliers but we can assure you a better product quality and service to benefit your business. What we are aiming to do is to provide cost effective products to our customers. That is why we have so many repeat customers and have received many favourable comments.


做外貿的過程中,我們遇到的問題,稀奇古怪,老外拋出的各種問題都有,這並不是書本能夠寫全的,也並不是別人一句一句能夠教你,就像說話不可能有人教你每句話該怎麼說,所以可以加入外貿jackson vip群學習這些話術方法。只有學會自己積累這些話術的方法,自己去積累,這樣我們再面對各種各樣的外貿談判問題的時候才能遊刃有餘。



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