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夜聽 不若長相憶





Gradually, I lost my way in the navigation of life. I feel that the Bohai Sea is so far away. Although I am sheltered in the harbor, I can stay in the bay, but I am still in love with the kind of bravery. I don"t want to be so weak, I stay forever. This safe haven.


Always thinking of the magic of the head of the Bohai Sea, there is a kind of heartbreaking infatuation. The numbness is the best escape in the world. You shouldn"t think of giving up and you can"t let it go. Do you really want to forget it?


Imagine yourself as a butterfly flying over the sea. The butterfly does not fly over the Bohai Sea. It is not because there is no waiting on the other side of the sea. It is because it has no attachment, or simply says that it is weak, because there was no waiting and we gave up our promise. Perhaps, in those places without her, some memories of her can be found.


Maybe the butterfly can"t fly but the Bohai Sea is right. How can a weak body withstand the wind and rain? In the vast sea of embarrassment, there are too many hardships and risks. They are all fearful. Should one choose to forget it? It is called giving up.



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