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Facebook 營收強勁,點贊還是出掌?



這是 Economist Espresso 欄目的第69篇精選文章:

Thumps up? Facebook"s earnings

我們知道 Facebook 最近麻煩不斷,數據泄露、國會聽證,小扎可謂是焦頭爛額。可是人家後院倒是 hin 穩,剛公布的財報,營收極其強勁。




Thumps up? Facebook"s earnings

The social-media giant will report quarterly earnings today, for the first time since a corporate crisis engulfed it.

Advertising sales are expected to be robust, despite all the bad publicity over privacy issues, which culminated in Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook』s boss, testifying before Congressional committees earlier this month. Of 47 equity analysts who watch Facebook, 43 have a 「buy」 rating on the stock.

One critical detail to watch is whether usage has declined. After news broke in March that Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy, had obtained detailed data about Facebook users, a campaign to delete the social network went viral. Investors will be watching for more information about what impact, if any, that had.

But whatever trouble the core social network suffers is likely to be eclipsed by good news from Instagram, the photo-sharing app it owns: it』s expected to post a whopping $16bn in revenue in 2018.


藍色:TOEFL 核心內容

紫色:SAT 核心內容

Thumps up? Facebook"s earnings

The social-media giant will report quarterly earnings today, for the first time since acorporate crisis engulfedit.

1.corporate[?k??rp?r?t] adj. 公司的

2.crisis["kra?s?s] n. 危機(crises pl.)

3.engulf[?n?ɡ?lf] v. 吞沒(來自於 en-: in 和 gulf n. 海灣)

Advertising sales are expected to berobust, despite all the badpublicityoverprivacy issues, whichculminatedin Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook』s boss,testifyingbeforeCongressional committeesearlier this month. Of 47equityanalysts who watch Facebook, 43 have a 「buy」 rating on the stock.

4.robust[ro"b?st] adj.強健的

5.publicity[p?b"l?s?ti] n.公眾的關注attention that is given to someone or something by newspapers, magazines, television news programs, etc.

6.privacy["pra?v?si] n.隱私

7.issue["??u] n.問題

8.culminate["k?lm?net] v.達到高潮;達到頂點;以……告終to reach the end or the final result of something — usually + in or with

9.testify["t?st?fa?] v.(在法庭上)作證

10.Congressional[k?n"ɡr???nl] adj.國會的

11.committee[k?"m?ti] n.委員會

12. equity ["?kw?ti] n.股票

Onecriticaldetail to watch is whether usage hasdeclined. After news broke in March that Cambridge Analytica, a politicalconsultancy, had obtained detailed data about Facebook users, acampaignto delete the social networkwent viral. Investors will be watching for more information about what impact,if any, that had.

13.critical["kr?t?kl] adj.重要的,關鍵的

14.decline[d?"kla?n] v.下降,衰退

15. consultancy [k?n"s?lt?nsi] n.諮詢公司

16.campaign[k?m"pen] n.(為取得某種結果而進行的政治、商業或社會性的)運動a series of activities designed to produce a particular result

17.go viral瘋傳,病毒性傳播

18. if any後接形容詞、副詞或者限定詞,表示對於已經提及的情況的一種可能的否定。你可以嘗試用 perhaps not 來替換 if 進行輔助理解。

if any, friends.> = .>

if ever, works out.> = .>

關於 if 的這個重要用法,屬於 SAT 級別的文章里經常出現的句型,請點擊下方圖片,閱讀史蒂文老師撰寫的《if 這個簡單詞,你真的掌握了嗎?》一文中 if 高階用法的第一條。

But whatever trouble the core social network suffers is likely to beeclipsedby good news from Instagram, the photo-sharing app it owns: it』s expected to post awhopping$16bn in revenue in 2018.


eclipse 本是名詞,表示「(日、月)蝕」 (solar / lunar eclipse )。所以它當動詞用,有了這個意思,大家應該就一下子理解了吧?



● 給文中的TOEFL/SAT單詞標註中文注釋

● 第四步:中英對照,理解句意

Thumps up? Facebooks earnings

Facebook 營收強勁,點贊還是出掌?

The social-media giant will report quarterly earnings today, for the first time since a corporate crisis engulfed it.


Advertising sales are expected to be robust, despite all the bad publicity over privacy issues, which culminated in Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook』s boss, testifying before Congressional committees earlier this month. Of 47 equity analysts who watch Facebook, 43 have a 「buy」 rating on the stock.

廣告營收預計會非常強勁,儘管公眾對其隱私問題反響極差,這椿醜聞以 Facebook 老大馬克·扎克伯格於本月早些時候去國會委員會聽證而到達頂點。在 47 位關注 Facebook 的證券分析師當中,有 43 位對於這隻股票給出了」買入「的評級。

One critical detail to watch is whether usage has declined. After news broke in March that Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy, had obtained detailed data about Facebook users, a campaign to delete the social network went viral. Investors will be watching for more information about what impact, if any, that had.

我們要關注的一個重大細節是,用戶使用是否衰退。在三月份驚曝政治諮詢公司 Cambridge Analytica 獲得 Facebook 用戶的詳細數據之後,一場刪除社交媒體的運動如火如荼地展開。投資者會密切關注此事會有何影響 -- 當然,也可能什麼影響都沒有。

But whatever trouble the core social network suffers is likely to be eclipsed by good news from Instagram, the photo-sharing app it owns: it』s expected to post a whopping $16bn in revenue in 2018.

但是無論這家核心社交媒體公司身陷何種麻煩,都無法掩蓋來自於它旗下的照片分享應用 Instagram 所帶來的喜訊:預計在 2018 年 Instagram 會公布 160 億美元的驚人營收。


● 翻譯下面的句子

1. Advertising sales are expected to be robust, despite all the bad publicity over privacy issues, which culminated in Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook』s boss, testifying before Congressional committees earlier this month.

2. After news broke in March that Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy, had obtained detailed data about Facebook users, a campaign to delete the social network went viral.

3. Investors will be watching for more information about what impact, if any, that had.

4. But whatever trouble the core social network suffers is likely to be eclipsed by good news from Instagram, the photo-sharing app it owns: it』s expected to post a whopping $16bn in revenue in 2018.

好,到今天為止,你已經閱讀了69《經濟學人》濃縮咖啡文章。今天的文章講的是Facebook 在數據泄露醜聞之後公布財報,營收能力依然強勁的話題。全文155個單詞,包含14重要的TOEFL詞、2個重要的SAT詞。恭喜你,距離 TOEFL 120 和 SAT 1600 又近一步。





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