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夜聽 她還是不懂


Memories have begun to gallop, the pain in the heart is like a flood of torrents, rushing into the unsworn whirlpool. I also want to forget every pain, and I also want to forget every episode, those warm scenes, just like yesterday, the memory will not be blurred, my innocence at first, will now be your joke, become you absurd The most ridiculous history in history? Tears fell in my face, my heart was cold, even if you come back, it is impossible for my heart to return to the original bravery. Maybe I will face you and my tears will no longer be brave. Once I tried to let myself go, I lost my heart, galloped tears, bored thoughts, and pain. As a person walked on a candid road, no one waited for me at the end of the road. It gave me a little comfort, but it was even more sad. The wind blew quietly in my ear, and the hoarse voice was so sad. In the loss of your place, there is still the only text, touch the ones that once wrote down, it is like touching a bloody wound, pain! The cold of the city, without your tenderness, silent shouting, only in the heart. My grief was submerged on the edge of the city. Whoever had saved the previous gentleness, left me alone and desolately. My thoughts, flowing in the wind, scattered in dreams, sober after drunkenness, reluctantly after retching, broken memories, always have your shadow.



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