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「熊貓基地之Biology Field Trip」英文調研報告-Taylor Chen

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On 18thApril, Mr. Mishra, Mr. Strugnell and Miss. Lillian took the biology students in PAL and A2 to the Panda Research Base. Panda Research Base is located in the north of Chengdu, and it took us more than 1 hour to get there. It was the first time for PAL students to go outside for a class, therefore, we were all excited. And we really appreciated Mr. Mishra for organizing this trip.

4月18日,Mr. Mishra, Mr. Strugnell和Lillian老師與高一高三學生物的同學們去了熊貓基地。熊貓基地位於成都的北方,我們在路上花費了大約一個小時。這是高一的同學們第一次在戶外上課,所以我們相當激動,感謝Mr. Mishra為我們安排了這一次行程。

It was a hot sunny day. We arrived the Panda Research base around 9:00. There were a lot of visitors even on Wednesday for panda is the famous symbol of Chengdu as well as its hometown in Sichuan .


I was impressed by the beautiful and peaceful environment here at the beginning. The bamboo scattered everywhere and the atmosphere there was placid. When we saw a big notice board, Mr. Mishra introduced the red panda to us. This is a kind of endangered animal whose main food is bamboo as herbivore. Additionally, their average life span is 17.5 years old. We all found red panda is definitely a cute animal.

我最開始進入熊貓基地的時候就被平靜的環境所吸引, 路旁邊種滿了竹子,整個氛圍都被烘托得非常的平靜。在我們看見了一塊公告牌之後,Mr. Mishra 首先為我們介紹了小熊貓。小熊貓是一種瀕危動物,由於它們是食草動物所以它們的主食也是竹子。而且它們的平均年齡是17.5歲。我們都認為小熊貓是一種可愛的生物。

Then, we saw a sleeping giant panda near the pool. We were so excited that took so many photos for the first panda we saw after a long walk. However, this one didn』t care us at all but continued sleeping. Several minutes later, we went to see 2 female pandas and one is called Jing Jing. The notice board says both of them are gentle and soft. Interestingly, Jing Jing was named after the mascot panda of 2008 Olympic Games. Mr. Mishra told us why these pandas were all sleeping: Pandas spend most of their day eating and sleeping. Luckily, we saw one adult panda was eating bamboos and another was walking in the shadows.

緊接著我們看見了一隻在池塘旁邊睡覺的熊貓。這是我們在漫長的步行之後見到的第一隻熊貓,所以我們興奮的拍了許多照片,但是這隻熊貓並沒有理會我們反而繼續睡覺。緊接著,我們去看了2隻雌性熊貓,其中1隻的名字叫晶晶。旁邊的告示板告訴我們這兩隻熊貓的脾氣都很溫和。更有趣的是晶晶的名字和北京奧運會的吉祥物一樣的。Mr. Mishra告訴我們熊貓每一天幾乎都在睡覺和吃竹子之中度過,這就是我們看見的熊貓全部在睡覺的原因。幸運的是,我們看見的最後2隻成年大熊貓分別在吃竹子和散步。

After observing adult pandas sleeping, walking and eating, we went to see the baby pandas. Baby pandas were playing inside a house and can be seen through the windows. The baby pandas in black and white are quite different from those little newborn pink. However, it was really smelly and hot inside, so we went outside quickly.


In the Panda Kitchen, we learned that the pandas will eat not only bamboos, but also apple and milk powder which can provide them nutrients and keep their diet in balance. The milk temperate must be around 37-38 degrees. Furthermore, one adult giant panda produces 10-20Kg recyclable feces per day.


At last, we even saw a beautiful peacock in the Panda Research Base, this was really unexpected. This trip taught us about the food chain and ecosystem, we really learned a lot. Finally, thank Mr. Mishra again for preparing this trip for us, Mr. Strugnell for taking care of and Miss. Lillian for taking beautiful photos.

在行程的最後我們甚至在熊貓基地裡面見到了一隻孔雀,這是我們所沒有預料到的。在這次關於食物鏈和生態系統的行程中,我們學到了許多。最後再次感謝Mr. Mishra 為我們準備這次行程,感謝Mr. Strugnell維持這次行程的秩序以及Miss. Lillian拍攝的照片。

Taylor Chen






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