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今天給大家帶來的知識分享為 CNN 新聞對本周一發生在加拿大多倫多市的貨車襲擊的相關報道。此外還有有趣的單詞解析以及英語雙關語的學習。本文章意在與讀者分享英語短文的個人翻譯,希望能夠給廣大的英語學習與愛好者能夠提供幫助。



標題:The man accused of mowing down Toronto pedestrians is charged with murder


短文來源: CNN news, by Holly Yan, Carma Hassan and Sara Weisfeldt, April 24th


Toronto police have their suspect -- but they"re still looking for a motive.

Alek Minassian, the man accused of plowing into pedestrians with a rented van on Monday, was charged Tuesday with 10 counts of first-degree murder.


(犯罪嫌疑人)Alek Minassian 在周一駕駛一輛租借的小型貨車撞向人行道。嫌疑人 Minassian (因此)在周二被以10項一級謀殺罪名受到起訴。


The 25-year-old is also charged with 13 counts of attempted murder. Authorities said another count of attempted murder likely will be added.

Investigators are still trying to determine the motive behind the attack, which left 10 people dead and 14 hurt. One aspect they will look at is his social media posts and what a man who killed six people with a vehicle in 2014 meant to Minassian.

25歲的 Minassian 同時也有13項蓄意謀殺罪名的起訴。官方人員稱很有可能另一項蓄意謀殺罪名將會被再次添加。

案件調查員仍舊在需找這次(重大犯罪的)犯罪動機,這次的慘案已造成10人死亡和14人受傷。其中一個調查方向集中在嫌疑人的社交軟體,此外調查人員也關注到在2014年一場類似造成6人死亡的犯罪活動(可能)對 Minassian 造成一定的影響。

Minassian, who was wearing a white jumpsuit with his hands cuffed behind him, appeared attentive during the brief hearing. His next court appearance will be a bail hearing on May 10.

"Obviously all Canadians continue and will continue to have questions about why this happened, what could possibly be the motive behind it," Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday.

犯罪嫌疑人 Minassian 出席簡短聽證會時,身著一套連身衣褲,雙手配戴手銬放在背後,保持著(一定的)警惕性。他將在5月10日出席下一次的保釋聽證會。

加拿大總理 Justin Trudeau 在周二申明道 「很顯然,所有的加拿大人都想知道為什麼這件慘案會發生,背後的犯罪動機到底是什麼」。

So far, officials aren"t calling the attack an act of terrorism. "There would appear to be no national security connection," Canadian Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said.

目前為止,官方人員依舊不認為這次的犯罪行為是一種恐怖襲擊。「這次犯罪活動與國家安全之間沒有聯繫」, 加拿大公共安全部長 Ralph Goodale 這樣說道。

But Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said, "It"s very clear just from a general perspective to say that the actions definitely look deliberate."

The van sped down a busy street Monday with reckless abandon, swerving into the wrong lanes of traffic and careening onto a sidewalk.

然而加拿大警察部長 Mark Saunders 說 「通常角度來說,這樣的犯罪行為很顯然是故意造成的」。


嫌疑犯 Minassian 被數十條罪名起訴

Clue emerges from Facebook


Minassian on Monday posted a cryptic message to Facebook minutes before setting off in his rented vehicle, Sgt. Graham Gibson, a homicide detective with the Toronto police, said Tuesday.

Investigators found a Facebook account they believe belongs to Minassian, CNN law enforcement analyst Josh Campbell said.

多倫多警方的犯罪偵查 Graham Gibson 警察隊長在周二說道,犯罪嫌疑人Minassian 在行動前曾在 Facebook 社交軟體上發布了一條隱蔽信息。

CNN新聞社法律施行分析師 Josh Campbell 說道調查人員認為被發現的 Facebook 賬號是屬於嫌疑人 Minassian 的。

A message posted on the account earlier Monday read: "All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!"

Campbell said investigators believe the post refers to the man who killed six and injured 14 in a drive-by shooting and vehicle ramming attack near the University of California Santa Barbara campus in 2014. Rodger later died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

這條周一發布在 Facebook 上的秘密信息為 「為最高無上的 Elliot Rodger 紳士致敬」。

分析師 Campbell 說調查人員發現這條信息很可能於關係到2014年發生在加利福尼亞大學聖巴巴拉分校校園造成6人死亡,14人受傷的槍械和汽車犯罪行為。根據隨後的彈道傷口分析,嫌疑犯 Elliot Rodger 被(調查人員)認為是死於自殺。

Investigators said Rodger was motivated to carry out his attack by a personal grievance related to his immersion in the extremist ideological subculture of men"s rights activists, who believe women don"t actually want gender equality and have been brainwashed by feminist propaganda.

調查人員稱2014年 Rodger 實施犯罪行動的動機是由於個人怨恨所引起的,這與他個人(長期)沉浸有關男權主義的激進亞文化群體有關,這個群體反對給予女性平等權利,並且認為性別平等(的思想)是由於受到女權主義(的扭曲)宣傳所造成的。

A mile-long scene of carnage


Minassian was arrested in a white rental van about seven minutes after police received a 911 call, Saunders said Wednesday.

多倫多警長 Saunder 稱警方人員在收到911報警的氣氛中之後,將犯罪嫌疑人 Minassian 在租借的白色貨車內逮捕。


He said Toronto authorities hadn"t had previous contact with the 25-year-old suspect. But a US law enforcement official with knowledge of the case said Minassian was known to authorities. Authorities said Minassian left a trail of destruction nearly a mile long, north of midtown Toronto.

Saunder 警長說多倫多當局並沒有與這名25歲的犯罪嫌疑人有過接觸。但是了解該案件的美國執法人員稱 Minassian 嫌疑人已被當局熟知。官方人員稱嫌疑人 Minassian 從一英里之外的多倫多市中心北部地區開始進行一路破壞。

"Based on witness accounts, we have a vehicle that started north on Yonge Street from Finch (Avenue) and drove southbound at some point in times on sidewalks, at some point in times driving southbound in northbound lanes," Saunders said, adding that it appeared to be a deliberate act.

「根據現場目擊者的解釋,警方得知有一輛汽車從 Finch 大道的 Yonge 街道北部開始向南行駛,(汽車)時不時開上在人行道,時不時在向北方向的車道上逆向(向南)行駛」,Saunders 警長接著說道,這很明顯是故意的(違法行為)。

DawaNet, a Canadian Muslim organization, started a GoFundMe page aiming to raise 1 million for the victims and their families. By Tuesday afternoon, the fund had raised more than $55,000.

加拿大當地的穆斯林組織 DawaNet 在網路上開始了一場資助受害者以及家屬的 「GoFundMe」 募捐活動。到星期二下午為止,該活動已經得到超過55000美元的善款。

"Scene from a war zone"


Diego DeMatos was one of the good Samaritans who tried to save victims, who Gibson said ranged in age from their 20s to their 80s.

DeMatos said he was driving north on Yonge when he saw the van driving fast southbound. He said he saw the van hit a man and a woman.

Diego Dematos 是撒瑪利亞救援會的一名成員,當車禍發生時正在嘗試去搶救受傷的人,Gibson 警長說受害人年齡跨度從20多歲到80多歲。

Dematos 說他當時正在 Yonge 街道向北的同時看到這輛犯罪車輛飛速向南行駛。他接著說他親眼看見這輛小貨車撞向一名男性和一名女性(路人)。

"Blood started gushing out of his head, and she was bleeding really badly, too," DeMatos said.

At first, he thought the collision was a hit-and-run. But then he noticed four to five victims on the ground as he drove a few meters farther.

「男子被撞擊後血液從頭部噴湧出來,而且被撞擊的女子出血也非常嚴重,」 Dematos 說。

一開始 Dematos 認為這次慘劇是(普通的)肇事逃逸交通案件。但是他隨即注意到,隨著車輛行駛遠去,又有四五名受害者(受傷)躺在地上。

DeMatos said he stopped to help another victim, who was already being aided by someone.

"I went over to try to perform CPR on him. ... He died in our arms," DeMatos said.

Dematos 說他停下來去幫助救治另一名受害者,這名受害者當時正在收到其他人的救治。

"我走過去打算進行心臟復甦(術),(但是)他在我們懷中死去," Dematos 說道。

"It was like a scene from a war zone. There was garbage cans everywhere, broken bus shelters and mailboxes on the ground."

Hospital officials said 12 of the 14 injured remain hospitalized. Five are in critical condition, three are in serious condition and four are stable.




A dramatic arrest


Cellphone video obtained by CNN partner CTV appears to show a tense standoff with a suspect after the incident. Police have not said whether the person in the video was Minassian.

CNN 合作夥伴 CTV 所與的一段手機視頻展示了(車禍)事件之後警察與嫌疑人的僵持局面。警方並沒有說明視頻中出現的人就是 Minassian。

The footage appears to show a man standing in front of a white van with a damaged front bumper. The man is yelling and extending one arm, pointing an object at an officer standing behind a black car.

The officer has his weapon drawn and pointed at the man. The officer slowly steps toward him and yells "Get down, get down!"


警官手持武器並且指向該男子,慢慢的朝該男子移動,並且大聲叫到 「趴下,趴下!」


Later in the video, the man is seen on the ground and the officer is cuffing his hands behind him; the object can be seen lying on the ground off to the side.

As for whether the suspect had a weapon, "There"s nothing that indicates he has a gun," Saunders said.


至於是否該男子擁有武器,Saunders 警長說道 「沒有跡象表明他擁有槍支類武器。」




韋氏詞典(Dictionary by Merriam-Webster)英語學習者版(English-language learns)中的解釋:

a. to have feeling of doubt about

b. a person who is believed to be possibly guilty of committing a crime

單詞 suspect 具有動名詞解釋。動詞形式 a. 的含義為 「對某些事情充滿疑惑」,即為 「懷疑,猜疑」。名詞形式 b. 解釋為 「被認為具有犯罪行為的人」,也就是上文中所反覆提到的 「犯罪嫌疑人」。

此外 suspect 還有衍生的形容詞,suspicious,表示 「可疑的,猜疑的,具有疑心的」,例如下圖中表現的一樣:

That"s suspicious.


Share of Pun

今天給大家所帶來的雙關辭彙為 bank。

大家一定對這個單詞非常熟悉,bank 是銀行的意思,例如中國銀行 「China Bank」。但是除此之外,bank 還具有表示河岸,河邊的意思。因此造成下面的雙關語幽默:

Why the river is so rich?


Because it has two banks.


A river with two banks






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