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薦·藏 「海螺形狀化石」精品欣賞


The remains, relics, or relics of an ancient creature buried in the ground into something resembling a stone. Studying fossils can understand the evolution of organisms and help determine the age of the strata. The remains of ancient animals or plants preserved in rocks of the earth"s crust or evidence of their existence are called fossils. Fossils have appeared since ancient times.


In short, fossils are the remains or remains of living creatures of the distant past turned into stones. In the long geological age, the earth has lived countless creatures, after the death of these animals or traces left over from life, many are buried by the sediment at that time. In the following years, the organic matter in the biological remains of decomposition, hard parts such as shell, bone, branches and leaves and surrounded by sediment after petrochemical into stone, but their original form, structure ( even some subtle internal structure ) is still retained; Similarly, the traces left by those creatures in life can also be preserved in this way. We call these fossilized biological remains, remains fossil. Conghua stone can see the appearance of ancient animals and plants, so that we can infer the living conditions and living environment of ancient animals and plants, can infer the formation of buried fossils of strata and experience changes, can see the biological change from ancient to present, and so on. Fossils have trilobite fossils, plant fossils, shell fossils, footprints, dinosaur fossils, fish fossils, etc.


The so-called fossils, refers to the preserved in the rock of a certain geological history of biological remains and relics. Fossils are scarce. This is because, " modern creatures on the earth, has been described and identified about 2.5 million species, including about 2 million species of animals, plants accounted for about 340,000 species, microorganisms accounted for about 40,000 species", the probability of biological fossil formation is about one over ten thousand, and really have ornamental only dozens of species, fossils are precious. - conch shape fossil




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