首頁 > 最新 > 畢卡索6-變形時期1927-1936



Study of Cannes30.3 x 23 cm1927

Man and woman19.2 x 28 cm1927etching




Studio149.9 x 231.2 cm1927布面油畫

畢加索和他的模特Painter and his model 214 x 200 cm 1927 布面油畫

Bather24.5 x 35 cm1928布面油畫

Ballplayers on the beach24 x 34.9 cm1928布面油畫

On the beach, Dinard19.7 x 36.2 cm1928布面油畫

The Studio 161.6x129.9cm 1928 布面油畫

Bather opening a cabin 32.8x22cm 1928 布面油畫

Bathers on the beach21.5 x 40.4 cm1928布面油畫

坐在紅椅子上的大裸婦 - Large nude in red armchair 195×129cm 1929 布面油畫



Reclining Woman46.3 x 61 cm1929布面油畫

頭像 1929

無題 1929 布面油畫

The Swimmer130 x 161 cm1929布面油畫

A blue acrobat 162 x 130 cm 1929 布面油畫


Woman in the garden206 x 117 cm 1929

Seated bather on the beach163 x 129.5 cm1929布面油畫

Seated bather 1930 布面油畫

Crucifixion50 x 65.5 cm1930布面油畫

Crucifixion (study)1930



Great Still life on pedestal 195 x 130.5 cm 1931 布面油畫

The sculptor 1931

Seated Woman in a Red Armchair1931

Still life125 x 190 cm1931布面油畫

A lamp162 x 130 cm1931布面油畫

Young girl throwing a rock 1931

Woman with yellow hair100 x 81 cm1931布面油畫

A dream130.2 x 97 cm1932布面油畫

Lying naked on a red cushion


瑪麗被譽為畢加索的Golden Muse,1932年以她為原型的創作佳作迭出,厚塗平鋪的色塊、簡單平順的線條,充滿了柔和夢幻的美感

「裸體,綠葉和半身像」Green Leaves and Bust, 162cmX130CM 1932

畢加索於1932年畫的情婦瑪麗-德雷莎·華特(Marie-Thérèse Walter),他選擇了蔓綠絨葉這種植物放在畫里,來表達新戀情帶給他的非凡的生命力。此幅油畫是由洛杉磯的錫德尼·布羅迪(Sidney Brody)及弗朗西斯·布魯迪(Frances Brody)夫婦自1950年代起一直收藏,自他們收藏這幅畫作後,僅於1961年作其唯一一次的公開展覽。 1932年3月8日完成,2010年5月4日此幅畫於紐約佳士得出售。超過六個人出價競投,而成功投得此畫的買家通過電話出價95,000,000美元。連同買家傭金(buyer』s premium),此畫的售價達到106,500,000美元。

躺著的女子Reclining woman1932

Lying female nude97 x 133 cm 1932

躺著的裸女Lying female nude130 x 161 cm1932布面油畫

Naked woman129 x 160 cm1932

The mirror1932布面油畫

Reclining nude1932


鏡前少女Girl in front of mirror162.3 x 130.2 cm1932

讀書的女子Reading130 x 97 cm1932布面油畫

沙灘上的女子Woman on the beach1932

Bather with Beach Ball, 146.2 x 114.6 cm1932布面油畫


Woman in red armchair1932布面油畫

海灘遊戲和救援Beach game and rescue1932布面油畫

坐在紅色沙發上的裸女Female nude sitting in red armchair130.2 x 97.2 cm1932布面油畫

手裡捧著書的女子Woman with book,1932 布面油畫

入睡的裸女 Sleep130 x 97 cm1932布面油畫

鏡前少女 -Girl in front of mirror 162.3×130.2cm 1932 布面油畫


黃金繆斯golden muse 1932 布面油畫

搶救he rescue130 x 97 cm1932布面油畫

女子和鮮花Woman with flower162 x 130 cm1932布面油畫

坐著的裸女Seated female nude92 x 73 cm1932

Nudes and bust35 x 48 cm1933

梯子上的農婦Farmer"s wife on a stepladder1933布面油畫

Two dressed models1933

邁諾托愛撫一女Minotaur caressing a woman1933

Bacchic scene with minotaur29.9 x 36.6 cm1933蝕刻etching

Minotaur is dying34 x 44.8 cm1933etching

Model for the cover of [Minotaur]1933拼貼畫collage

Woman with red hat 146.4 x 113.7 cm 1934 布面油畫

Two figures81.8 x 65.3 cm1934布面油畫

Female nude in the garden162 x 130 cm1934布面油畫

Dying bull1934

Bullfight, the death of the torero

Blind Minotaur is guided by girl1934


Woman with cap1934

Woman writing162 x 130 cm1934布面油畫

Woman』s Head60 x 56 cm1934布面油畫

A bullfight1934布面油畫

Head of a woman (Olga Picasso)1935

Woman reading161.5 x 129.5 cm1935布面油畫

畫家和沉思的模特 129X162CM 1935 布面油畫

La Muse,1935

Bust of a woman1935

戴帽子的女子(奧爾加)Woman with hat (Olga)1935布面油畫

Woman with bouquet73 x 60 cm1936布面油畫

Still life with lemon and oranges54 x 65 cm1936

Woman in a Straw Hat61 x 50 cm1936布面油畫

Untitled 73 x 60 cm 1936 布面油畫

戴帽子的女子55 x 46 cm 1936

無題46x38cm 1936

少女Portrait of young girl55 x 46 cm1936


沉睡的女人和百葉窗 Sleeper near the shutters 54 x 65 cm 1936 油彩,炭筆



照鏡子的女人 65 x 54 cm 1936 布面油畫

Woman by the dresser1936布面油畫

裸露胸部的女子Portrait of woman41 x 33 cm1936布面油畫

躺著的裸女A reclining female nude1936

Untitled65 x 54 cm1936

Untitled 46 x 38 cm 1936 布面油畫

女子半身像Bust of woman55 x 46 cm1936布面油畫

女子Portrait of woman61 x 50 cm1936布面油畫

Woman by the window55 x 46 cm1936布面油畫

檸檬、鮮花和水壺73 x 60 cm1936布面油畫

Woman by the dresser55 x 46 cm1936布面油畫

Woman in the interior1936

Untitled65 x 54 cm1936布面油畫

Still life, school of Paris1936

Still life with lemon and jug1936



山洞前抱著匹死馬的彌諾陶洛斯(牛頭怪)和披紗巾的少女Minotaur with dead horse in front of a cave facing a girl in veil0.4 x 65.6 cm1936

穿著小丑服裝的彌諾陶洛斯(牛頭怪)遺體The Remains of Minotaur in a harlequin costume1936





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