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他給咱 Global Times投稿說自己今年二月份去見岳父岳母了!這個過程令人意想不到的好,並表示自己被中國文化深深打動了!

以下是Global Times (Metro Shanghai)近期刊登的一篇評論,配有中文翻譯。

After marrying, I am happy with my new Chinese in-laws

In February I married a girl from Taizhou in East China"s Zhejiang Province. Joining her, I became part of a completely different world to the one I was used to. I officially became a member of her family. I spent a week in the house where she was born to meet her parents and relatives, whom I had only seen before on WeChat. During this small amount of time I was able to see the differences between Chinese and Western cultures.


The first lunch we had with all her relatives was really fun because I met the members of my new family. My new wife told me to get ready to eat a lot. This is the same in Europe and, in fact, my parents-in-law, who before retiring managed a small restaurant, have cooked for me many delicious dishes. To show my gratitude, I ate a lot.


During the meal, my wife explained to me how to make a toast in China: the glass should be held with two hands and you must show humility by touching the other person"s glass as low as possible. This is totally different from how we do it in Europe, where we raise the glass as high as possible by taking itwith one hand and shouting "cheers!"


I noticed how deeply rooted filial piety is in Chinese culture. I already knew about the story of Wang Xiang (184-268) belonging to the 24 filial exemplars or other, more recent, news like the man from East China"s Shandong Province who bowed to his parents at the train station to apologize for having been away from his village for four years. For the first time I was glad to be present to see with my own eyes.


It was very nice and interesting to observe how younger siblings are helpful to the older ones and how they all take care of their parents and relatives. Children help parents get in and out from cars, help them carry heavy loads and offer them the best parts of the food they are eating. In Europe there is nothing that can compare to this. For sure we love our parents, and if they need a favor we do it willingly, but they are not honored more than our partner, our children and, sadly sometimes, our pets.


School education is another factor that I was happy to see. In Europe, children are sent to the best schools that parents can afford. They save money to send them to university and in exchange they are asked for good grades. But we don"t really pay attention to what the children are learning. My wife"s nephews and nieces go to middle school and are very closely followed in their studies, especially regarding the English language. Even the youngest of the family, only 2 years old, was taught to call me "uncle" and not "shushu [uncle]."


During the week I received a lot of gifts from all her relatives: T-shirts, sweaters, pajamas, socks, underwear, and also food and tea, all of excellent quality. I understood how important it is for Chinese people to show love to a person through gifts. In Europe we give gifts only during birthdays or at Christmas; they are very rare on other days.


Further more, what makes me very happy with my new family is the relationship that was created with my wife"s sister. I only have a younger brother but I always wanted to have a sister too. Now I have a sister-in-law; we love each other like brother and sister. This is very different than in Europe, where siblings-in-law are often very detached.


In conclusion, I must deny the rumors that Chinese families are closed off to foreigner. At least in my case I found a wonderful family that welcomed me with so much love and this made me very happy.


原文:Davide D』Ambrosi

翻譯:Zhou Xinyu

圖:Chen Xia、網路




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