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新聞來自BRIGHT SIDE 翻譯來自彩雲小譯





Spider-Man and a solid lamp


When Peter Parker was trying to find out how his web-shooters worked, he accidentally pulled a lamp and smashed it on the wall. However, a couple of minutes later when his aunt knocks on his door, we can see the whole and intact lamp in the same place where it was before shattering.

當彼得 · 帕克試圖找出他的網路攝影師是如何工作的時候,他不小心拉了一盞燈,把它砸在了牆上。 然而,幾分鐘後,當他的姨媽敲他的門,我們可以看到整個完整的燈在同一個地方,它是還沒有粉碎的。

Spider-Man and the time mix-up


The Spider-Man story has a logical flaw. It』s mainly connected with the fact that the movie creators couldn』t decide when exactly the whole plot of the movie took place.

蜘蛛俠的故事有一個邏輯缺陷。 這主要是因為電影的製作者無法決定電影的整個情節發生在什麼時候。

美國隊長:內戰 事情發生在2016年。 在內戰中,國務大臣說,4年前發生在紐約的第一次襲擊事件。所以,復仇者聯盟的事件一定發生在2012年。

在美國隊長:南北戰爭 後的幾個月里,蜘蛛俠:歸來 就會發生。但是,電影從回顧性視角開始。即清除復仇者首次與侵略者作戰後留下的殘骸。 在這個場景之後,我們被告知,在蜘蛛俠的主要情節開始前8年過去了(記住,這應該在美國隊長:內戰後2個月發生)。

事實證明,不是2個月,內戰和蜘蛛俠之間已經4年了。 這意味著一個更大的問題,如果蜘蛛俠:回歸是在復仇者之後8年發生的,那就意味著,蜘蛛俠的主要情節發生在2020年 - 復仇者聯盟:無限戰爭2年後。但是,蜘蛛俠尚未被複仇者團隊接受。

Well, maybe Spider-Man is a time traveler and in 8 years he returns to the events of 4 years ago. Either way, it just doesn』t make any sense.

好吧,也許蜘蛛俠是一個時間旅行者,8年後他回到了4年前的事件中。 不管怎樣,這都說不通。

Thor and the sides of the world


There』s a geographic mistake in Thor where he chooses to go in the wrong direction. It begins with the wrong identification of the sides of the world. When the thunder god decides to find his hammer, he finds out that the artifact is in the west. Thor looks at the sun to identify the direction he should move toward.

雷神在地理上犯了一個錯誤,他選擇了錯誤的方向。 它始於對世界各個方面的錯誤認識。 當雷神決定找到他的鎚子,他發現藝術品在西方。 托爾看著太陽來確定他應該往哪個方向走。

Since it happened in the morning, the sun was in the east. All objects cast shadows to the west. Thor』s shadow was cast to the left of him, thus, he was walking to the north (which is the wrong direction for him).

因為它發生在早晨,太陽是在東方。 所有的物體都在西邊投下陰影。 托爾的影子投射在他的左邊,因此,他走向北方(這對他來說是錯誤的方向)。

Man of Steel and the time zones


The creators of Man of Steel, the movie about Superman, don』t know much about geography either. In this story the aliens from planet Crypton are transmitting a message to humans. It appears simultaneously on all TV screens on the planet. However, despite the difference in time zones, it』s nighttime everywhere on the planet based on what we see in the movie. It』s impossible for this to happen.

關於超人的電影《鋼鐵之軀》的創作者們,對地理也不是很了解。 在這個故事中,來自 Crypton 星球的外星人正在向人類傳遞一個信息。 它同時出現在地球上所有的電視屏幕上。 然而,儘管時區不同,但是基於我們在電影中看到的東西,這個星球上的任何地方都是黑夜。 這是不可能發生的。

The traveling of Loki』s scepter


At the end of The Avengers, we see Black Widow holding Loki』s scepter. This powerful and dangerous artifact finally ended up in the hands of the Avengers, and obviously, they should』ve kept it safe. However, at the beginning of Avengers: Age of Ultron we find out that the scepter has fallen into the hands of Hydra. But we don』t know how this happened.

在《復仇者聯盟》的結尾,我們看到黑寡婦手裡拿著洛基的權杖。 這個強大而危險的藝術品最終落入了復仇者的手中,顯然,他們應該保證它的安全。 然而,在《復仇者聯盟: 奧創時代》的開頭,我們發現權杖已經落入了九頭蛇的手中。 但我們不知道這是怎麼發生的。

The answer can be found in the TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (there, Hydra steals the scepter and other valuable artifacts). On the other hand, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is much less popular than the movies about the Avengers, that』s why many superhero team enthusiasts got confused.

答案可以在電視連續劇的神盾局特工中找到(在那裡,九頭蛇偷走權杖和其他寶貴的藝術品)。 另一方面,神盾局特工遠沒有《復仇者聯盟》那麼受歡迎,這就是為什麼許多超級英雄團隊的狂熱者感到困惑的原因。

Loki and his telepathy




在托爾:黑暗世界的最後,托爾接近奧丁再次說話。 奧丁記得托爾關於他英明統治的話,並問他托爾是否仍然忠於他的信仰。

However, in this scene, there』s no Odin, but Loki disguised as his father. It』s unclear how he found out about Thor and Odin』s private conversation.

然而,在這個場景中,沒有奧丁,但是洛基偽裝成他的父親。 目前還不清楚他是如何發現托爾和奧丁的私人談話的。

Mr. Freeze is lucky.


A villain from Batman & Robin, Mr. Freeze, is unbelievably lucky.



Batman and the crowd


This mistake was noticed only by the most attentive fans, who must have watched The Dark Knightat least several times. In the scene up on the roof, the helicopter』s searchlight cast the light on a room with a lot of people in it.

這個錯誤只有最專註的粉絲才會注意到,他們肯定至少看了幾遍《黑暗騎士》。 在屋頂上的場景中,直升機的探照燈照射在一個有很多人的房間里。

Obviously, the movie crew accidentally got in the camera shot while they were watching the filming process.


One actor plays 2 movie roles.


In the Marvel universe, 2 superheroes look exactly alike. They are both played by Chris Evans.

在漫威的世界裡,兩個超級英雄看起來完全一樣。 他們都是由克里斯埃文斯扮演的。


It』s worth mentioning here that Fantastic Four was produced by 20th Century Fox instead of Marvel.


Wolverine』s sudden vulnerability


As we know, Wolverine』s skeleton is made of extremely strong adamantium. However, when a policeman shoots at him, the mutant falls down unconscious and the bullet gets right into his head.

正如我們所知,金剛狼的骨骼是由非常堅固的金剛石製成的。 然而,當一個警察朝他開槍時,這個變種人就會失去知覺,子彈直接射進了他的腦袋。

But if Wolverine』s bones are as solid as we were told, how did the bullet get through his skull and knock him down? At least his regeneration abilities didn』t fail him and in a couple of minutes he was as good as new.

但是如果金剛狼的骨頭像我們被告知的那樣結實,那麼子彈是如何穿過他的頭骨把他擊倒的呢? 至少他的再生能力沒有讓他失望,幾分鐘後他就完好如初了。

Where does the Ant-Man』s strength come from?


Ant-Man can turn into a real giant by expanding the distance between the atoms of his body. At the same time, he acquires superhuman strength that allows him to move buses and even airplanes. Where does this strength come from?

螞蟻人可以通過擴大身體原子間的距離變成一個真正的巨人。 與此同時,他獲得了怪力,使他能夠移動公共汽車甚至飛機。 這種力量從何而來?

According to the comic book, Ant-Man can lift 4 times the mass of his own body while wearing his suit. However, even if the distance between the atoms of his body get expanded, his mass remains the same. The weight of an airplane is much more than the weight of 4 men. His weight should remain the same even when Ant-Man gets smaller. And yet, the hero manages to carry a tank in his pocket.

根據漫畫書,螞蟻俠可以在穿著西裝的同時提起自己身體4倍的重量。 然而,即使他身體的原子間的距離擴大了,他的質量仍然是一樣的。 一架飛機的重量遠遠超過4個人的重量。 即使螞蟻人變小了,他的體重也應該保持不變。 然而,這位英雄還是設法在他的口袋裡裝了一個坦克。

There』s another thing, as the theory goes Ant-Man can』t get smaller than the total sum of the sizes of his own atoms (only the distance between them shrinks). But at the end, he gets smaller than 1 atom and moves to the quantum world. How did he do that? No one knows the answer.

還有一件事,正如這個理論所說,螞蟻人不可能比他自己的原子大小的總和小(只能縮小它們之間的距離)。 但是在最後,他變得比一個原子還小,並且移動到量子世界。 他是怎麼做到的? 沒有人知道答案。

正如我們所看到的,即使是那些隨時準備從任何危險中拯救我們的世界的超級英雄也不是那麼完美。 你注意到超級英雄電影里有什麼錯誤嗎?





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