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An artist must make timefor the long periods of solitude

An artist should stay for long periods of timelooking at fast-running rivers

An artist should stay for long periods of timelooking at the horizon where the ocean and sky meet

An artist should stay for long periods of time looking at the stars in the night sky





Marina Abramovic?

以上宣言來自一位偉大的行為藝術家,她被稱為行為藝術之母,她就是1946年出生於前南斯拉夫的Marina Abramovic?瑪麗娜·阿布拉莫維奇。上世紀七十年代,Marina Abramovic?在開創了全新的藝術模式,她將觀眾的參與一併帶入了行為藝術表演過程中。她的創作主旨大多是探索表演者和觀眾之間的關係、探索身體的極限以及思想的可能性。

Marina 的父母都是共產黨員,父親是二戰英雄,母親是少校軍官。但父母之間的關係是她童年抹不去的陰影,她曾在回憶錄寫道:「我從小活在不被需要,不被愛的世界裡。父親給我取名Marina, 是因為這是他曾在參軍時期愛過的一個女人的名字。母親因此怨恨父親,也怨恨我。父母親的婚姻就是一場戰爭。我從未看到過他們親吻或彼此表達親昵。」

Marina與母親的關係一直是她無法掙脫的心結。母親從小對Marina進行嚴格的軍事化管理,25歲時她還被門禁晚上10點前必須回家,小時候甚至經常被打得鼻子出血。因而,尋求身心極限狀態下的自我解放和某種自由度一度成為Marina行為藝術創作的內在線索之一。2016年,70歲的Marina Abramovic?出版了自己的回憶錄Walk Through Walls,細述自己一生的故事。


Walk Through Walls.



When I was a child, I never played with dolls. I never wanted dolls. And I didn』t like toys.I preferred to play with the shadows of passing cars on the wall or a ray of sun streaming through the window.



Why should I limit myself to two dimensions when I could make art from anything at all: fire, water, the human body? Anything!Being an artist meant having immense freedom. If I wanted to create something from dust or rubbish, I could do it.It was an unbelievably freeing feeling, especially for someone coming from a home where there was almost no freedom.


I had experienced absolute freedom—I had felt that my body was without boundaries, limitless; that pain didn』t matter, that nothing mattered at all—and it intoxicated me. I was drunk from the overwhelming energy that I』d received.That was the moment I knew that I had found my medium. No painting, no object that I could make, could ever give me that kind of feeling, and it was a feeling I knew I would have to seek out, again and again and again.


(二) 一場驚險的表演



1974年,在義大利表演的Rhythm 0《節奏0》是Marina Abramovic?「節奏系列」中最為驚險的行為藝術,也是她最著名的作品之一。


Human beings are afraid of very simple things: we fear suffering, we fear mortality. What I was doing in Rhythm 0 was staging these fears for the audience: using their energy to push my body as far as possible. In the process, I liberated myself from my fears. And as this happened,I became a mirror for the audience—if I could do it, they could do it, too.


(三) 愛情----Ulay

An artist should avoid falling in love with another artist.



1975年,Marina 29歲生日那天,收到阿姆斯特丹一家電視台的邀請。到了機場,來接她的人同樣是一位藝術家,用一根筷子盤著頭髮,樣貌十分獨特。後來得知他與Marina竟同一天生日,大Marina三歲。他的名字叫Ulay。 他們深深地相愛了。

From the start, we breathed the same air; our hearts beat as one.We would finish each other』s sentences, each knowing exactly what the other had in mind, even in our sleep: we had conversations in dreams and half dreams, then woke up and continued them. If I hurt my finger on the left side, he would hurt his finger on the right side.This man was everything I wanted, and I knew he felt the same about me.



他們在義大利撒丁島的一個小村莊里給人做勞工,早晨5點起床擠羊奶,一早上要擠兩百多隻羊,作為交換,當地農民會給他們麵包,乳酪和香腸。 他們還會送羊毛,Marina用它來織毛衣。

We were happy—so happy that it』s hard to describe. I felt we were really the happiest people in the world.We had next to nothing, almost no money, and we were going wherever the wind blew us.




I had no intention of ever starting a family—I simply could not reconcile fully being an artist with being a mother, too.



(四) 母親


鏡頭後的我坐在黑暗處,問出了多年來一直想問的一句話:「Why did you never kiss me?」你為什麼從來都未曾親吻過我?

她臉上露出驚訝的表情,問:「Why, I didn』t want to spoil you, of course.」 怎麼了?我當然是不想寵壞你啊。

我問她是否恐懼死亡。她微笑著說:「I』m not afraid of death. Our presence in this world is only temporary.I think that it』s beautiful to die on your feet, out of bed, without being ill.」 我不怕死。我們活在這世上其實轉瞬即逝。我覺得站著死亡是很優美的一件事,不想病死在床上。



If animals live a long time together, they start loving each other. But people start hating each other.




My dear, honest, proud, heroic mother. I didn』t understand you as a child. I didn』t understand you as an adult until now,in my sixtieth year of life, you started shining in the full light like a sun that suddenly appeared behind gray clouds after rain.You never, ever complained, either of loneliness or of pain. You raised me with a strong hand, without much gentleness, so as to make me strong and independent.


Today we are only putting your body in the grave, and not your soul. Your soul is not carrying any luggage on its journey.Somebody once said that life is a dream, an illusion, and death is the awakening.My dear, only mother, I wish your body eternal rest and your soul a very happy, long journey.


(五) 轟動世界的表演

The Artist Is Present

2010年3月14日,Marina Abramovic?在紐約的MoMA展廳里,舉行了一場轟動世界的表演The Artist Is Present。她每天坐在桌子的一端,另一端則是自願坐到對面的觀眾。他們想坐多久都可以,在此期間會與Marina彼此注視。


During The Artist Is Present, the relationship was one-on-one. I was there, one hundred percent for each person. And I became extremely receptive. I felt I understood the state of mind Van Gogh achieved when he painted his paintings. When he painted the lightness of air. I felt I could see, around each person sitting across from me, the same little particles of energy that he saw. Very early on I realized the most amazing thing:every single person sitting in that chair across from me left a specific kind of energy behind. The person left; the energy stayed.


(六) 我是一面鏡子


From the beginning, people were in tears—and so wasI. Was I a mirror? It felt like more than that. I could see and feel people』s pain.


I think people were surprised by the pain that welled up in them.For one thing, I don』t think people ever really look into themselves. We all try, as much as possible, to avoid confrontation. But this situation was profoundly different. First you wait for hours just to sit in front of me. Now you』re sitting in front of me.You are observed by the public. You are filmed and photographed. You are observed by me. There is nowhere to go except into yourself.And that』s the thing. People have so much pain, and we』re all always trying to push it down. And if you push down emotional pain for long enough, it becomes physical pain.


During the final month, as this piece became one with life itself, I started to think intensely about the purpose of my existence.Eight hundred fifty thousand people in all had stood in the atrium, seventeen thousand on the final day alone. And I was there for everyone there, whether they sat with me or not.


The sheer quantity of love, the unconditional love of total strangers, was the most incredible feeling I』ve ever had.I don』t know if this is art. I don』t know what this is, or what art is. I』d always thought of art as something that was expressed through certain tools: painting, sculpture, photography, writing, film, music, architecture. And yes, performance. But this performance went beyond performance. This was life.Could art, should art, be isolated from life? I began to feel more and more strongly that art must be life—it must belong to everybody. I felt, more powerfully than ever, that what I had created had a purpose.



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Walk Through Walls - Marina Abramovic?





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